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List of cases for exams

1. Ashby v. White
a. injuria sine damno ; not allowed to vote maliciously (21)

2. Donoghue v. Stevenson
a. negligence, privity of contract not imp in torts (12,13)

3. Young v. Abalene pest control services

a) Young hired abalene pest control services – no effect – mental trauma,
hospitalized – not liable – damage not reasonable

4. Bradford Corporation v. Pickles

a. malice in fact - not relevant; Pickles – excavation on his land
maliciously – the water was discoloured (31)

5. Mukesh Textile Mills v. H. R Subramanya Sastry n Ors.

a. Defendant owned a sugar factory – plaintiff’s irrigation canals went
through the factory – molasses stored in earthen embankments – moles
digged – molasses flowed into the farm – liable – foreseeable & initial

6. MC, Delhi v. Subhagwanti

b. Clock tower fell – killed the husband – negligence (20)

7. Town area committee v. Prabhudayal

a. TAC constructed 16 shops illegally; prabud dayal demolished the
building; damnum sine injuria (26)

8. Grant v. Australian Knitting mills

a. Damnum sine injuria – wollen underwears caused dermatitis due to
excessive chemicals (388)

9. Burnard v. Haggis
b. Burnard (minor) hired a mare – friend made it jump over high fence –
mare impaled and killed – negligence – no contractual liability (72)

10. Mohiri Bibi v. Dharmodas Ghosh (in relation to B v. H)

c. Minor can not be sued under contracts – money to minor to mortagage
property (71)

11. Dann v. Hamilton

a. knew driver was drunk; no consent; NO vnfi (42)

12. Smith v. Jerkins

a. Drove stolen car – suffered injuries – not liable – plaintiff the wrong doer

13. Hall v. Brooklands auto racing club

a. volenti non fit injuria; spectator hit at a motor car race; not liable (36)
14. Haynes v. Harwood
a. boy threw stone on horse – grave danger to women nd children –
police constable stopped the horse – damages paid – rescue case (44)

15. Baker v. T. E Hopkins

a. employer’s negligence – poisonous fumes in the well of a petrol pump
– 2 workers died, the doctor died – rescue case (45)

16. Nichols v. Marsland

a. Marsland created artificial lakes – extraordinary heavy rainfall – act of god

17. Olga Tellis v. Bombay Municipal Corporation

b. Private necessity not a defense – pavement dwellers

18. R v. Dudley
c. Killed one of the members while on a life boat – necessity no defense for

19. Stanley v. Powell

a. pheasant shooting – powell shot – shot from his guns glanced off an
oak tree – inevitable accident (51)

20. Brown v. Kendall

a. their dogs were fighting – kendall while trying to separate them hit
brown’s eye – inevitable accident (52)

21. Padmavati v. Dugganaika

a. took lift; jeep toppled; volenti non fit injuria; inevitable accident (36)

22. Ryan v. young

a. Driver died on steering wheel – passenger suffered injuries due to accident
– inevitable accident

23. Consolidated co. v. Curtis & son

a. Auctioneer auctioned the goods – goods belonged to someone else –
mistake of fact not relevant (58)

24. Morris v. Nugent

b. Shot the retracting dog – no self defense

25. Bird v. Holbrook

a. trespass on Holbrook’s land – spring gun set in garden – plaintiff
wrong doer – private defense (49)

26. Kirk v. Gregory

a. A died – a’s sister in law removed the jewelry – got stolen – no necessity

27. Bombay hawkers assn. v. Bombay municipal corp (in rel to olga)
b) Push carts on the pavements were removed – nuisance, necessity not

28. Sodan singh v. NDMC (in rel to olga)

c) Can use footpath for trade without infringing other people’s right ie cannot

29. MCD v. Gurnam Kaur (in rel to olga)

d) Stalls in front of delhi hospital – trade not restricted – stalls not allowed

30. Rex v. Newport justices.

b. Quasi-parental authority – cigarette smoking not allowed in school –
teacher could punish even in public places (89,90)

31. Mogul steamship co. V. Mc Gregor, Gow & Co.

a. damnum sine injuria; a number of steamship companies combined
together and drove the plantiff’s company out of tea-carrying trade

32. Stovin v. Wise (omission)

a. Due to negligence local authority (30%), the motorcyclist hit the car (mrs
wise, 70% negligence) at the railway junction – no obligation to take
action – statutory authority

33. Prashant s Dhananka v nizam institute of medical sciences

a. Medical negligence – operation – had to suffer paraplegia

34. Garratt v Taylor

the defendant drove customers away from the plaintiff’s quarry by threatening
them with mayhem and also threatening to “vex [them] with suits.” The King's
Bench court said that “the defendant threatened violence to the extent of
committing an assault upon ... customers of the plaintiff ... whereupon ‘they all
desisted from buying.’’ The court therefore upheld a judgment for the plaintiff
– new tort of interference

35. G N Railway v Walker

b. Walker(child) born crippled and deformed due to accident of mother – not
liable – not aware of his existence – no medical proof (69)

36. Chandler v. Cape plc.

suffered a lung disease due to stone work after 10 years of retirement –
workmen’s compensation act

37. UCC v.UOI

38. Dobson v.Dobson

c. Mother met with accident – child born with congenital diseases – mother
not liable -
39. Rylands Vs Fletcher
Act of god (54)

40. O.J. Simpson

41. Bhopal Gas Tragedy

42. Tutorials
43. Klaus mittle bachert vs east india hotels limited (pilot of luftansa)
44. Bhim singh vs j&k
45. Glossester grammer school case
46. Manju Bhatia vs new delhi MC

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