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After hearing about the incident happening in Almeria the first thing he did was run out of the

room ,
the maid that was outside his room was startled and followed him , He gave an order to the maid “get
the carriage ready , we’re going to meet his majesty” the maid quickly went to prepare the carriage. It
was the middle of the day and in fact that I came out the blue to visit his , his majesty came out to meet
with me. He went out to the garden and immediately got down on one knee and told his majesty about
the incident in Almeria. “How do you know” shocked he asked “do you know anything about this” his
majesty replied “no I just got indicated”. He looked up to him and said “then…there should be an
anomaly that happened” his majesty tilted his up and looked at him with shock. A few moments later his
majesty’s confident came and whispered into his ear “I see” after his confidant talked to him he rotated
and told everyone that “a rebellion is happening in Almeria”, “I knew it” is what Noah said to himself, his
majesty asked him “how big do you estimate the rebellion to be” he replied “at this point , I think it’s a
small scale” his majesty nodded and asked him “are you willing to handle this yourself?” Noah thought
for a bit and replied” I don’t think I can handle this myself” his majesty was shocked to see that he
rejected him but not angered and gave him a choice to take one of his brothers, he said that his brother
“Henry” was the best choice , his majesty smiled and agreed to his choice. When he was going to his
territory with his brother his brother asked him why did he not agree to his father when he has the
power to stop the rebellion himself he replied “I’m not going to die, but there’s a good chance that the
soldiers will die because of me.” His brother was shocked to hear his answer and told him “Im good
against cavalry” this lead Noah finding out that there were people from the cavalry amongst the rebels.
All of a sudden Noah’s sword started glowing without a second thought Noah ordered for the carriage to
be stopped his brother was shocked and asked why did he stop the carriage. As Noah got out of the
carriage a magic spell was activated through a magic circle which tried to capture Noah but his sword
saved him, after that a group of people surrounded Noah and tried to kill him but because of his skills
from his last life he countered them all which shocked the guys who ambushed him and also his brother.
His brother shocked from his strength asked him what is that shield that saved him from the trap, Noah
replied “it’s a magic tool “ his brother was even more shocked after hearing his answer and went to
check on rebels , he thought that Noah might’ve killed them and was a bit sad because he wanted to
interrogate them , but Noah said that he didn’t kill any of them but instead stunned them . his brother
impressed took them to his father to interrogate them. When Noah came back to his territory he called
a merchant “Byron Alan” to his room, Noah ordered him to buy fodder for the horses and gave him a
budget of ten thousand reens. Byron shocked asked him “why is that sir!?” Noah told him that there is a
rebellion in the Almeria, Byron shocked couldn’t say one word. Noah told him to cut the supplies of the
rebels to neutralize the cavalry. After he found the plan f his highness he went to do his work right away.
In the castle’s garden ,His majesty was talking to Noah and told him that the assassin that was targeting
Noah has spoken , he was trying to capture him by turn him into a card for play. His majesty was happy
and congratulated Noah on not being captured by the assassin and also for the work he did with fodder
supplies, Noah who was surprised to see that his majesty knew about his plan couldn’t say a word his
majesty put his hand on Noah shoulder and gave him a job well done and wanted to give him a present
but thought that money would not be enough. His majesty called him confidant and gave a decree to
“put a sword on Noah’s coat of arms” Noah surprised and lost in his thoughts saw his majesty smiling
and thanked him. His majesty asked him “how are you going to choose at the knight selection?” Noah
told him that he has a plan, his majesty asked him what was his plan, Noah asked if he could show it to
him. After he showed his shield to him his majesty was, his majesty was impressed but also troubled as
he told him the risks, but Noah replied that he was prepared for the risks, his father even further
impressed shouted “that’s my son, the prince of the empire!”. After he came back to his mansion his
maid welcomed him and told him that Byron was in the reception room. As he entered the reception
room Byron welcomed him, as they started talking about they’re plans a maid came running in and
reported that a man with wounds is at the main gate as he heard this Noah ran towards the main gate
and saw a man in armour saying “it’s a pleasure to meet you, your imperil highness. I’m the captain of
ten-man squadron in adora province, Almeria.” He told him that there’s a rebellion in Almeria and his
superiors are revolting. Noah ordered his servants to heal him and reward him with 1000reens. Byron
shocked asked his majesty why is he giving him such a large amount of money , Noah replied ”I think he
deserves it “. After a while when Noah was in study room a maid came and knocked on his door, Noah
allowed her to get in, after looking at the maids face which looked pale he asked her “what’s wrong,
zoe?” she handed him a bag of money and also a small pouch and told him that someone gave it to me
and said “if you give these sleeping pills to your master…that is your reward” Noah wasn’t shocked and
asked her why did you bring this to me, she told him that he threatened to kill her if she didn’t give you
the pills but she couldn’t betray him. After hearing this he gave him a sum of 5000reens and told her to
keep it but he also told her to hand him over to the after he eats the pills.

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