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Biography – Simone de Beauvior

Simone Lucie-Ernestine-Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir, popular as Simone de

Beauvoir was a writer, intelectual, existentialist philosopher, political activist and
feminist. Although she didn’t consider herself a philospher, Simone was a huge
influence in existentialist and feminism.
She was born in Paris, France, in 9 of January,1908. In her childhood and
adolescence, she studied in a catholic school and after, Simone studied
mathematics in a Catholic Institute of Paris. Even if she was has grown up in a
catholic family, Simone choose for Atheism. She said:
“It’s easier to imagine a world without a creator that than a guilty creator about every
contraditions of the world.”
She studied philosophy in Sorbonne University, where she knew Jean Paul-Sartre,
her husband, too also an existentialist philosopher, in an open relationship.
Simone was professor in a lot of schools in the 30s and 40s decade. With the nazist
invasion in France, Beauvoir escape of country, returned after the end of war.
In 1945, She with others philosophers as Sartre, Merlea-Ponty and Raymnound Aron
started the magazine “The Modern Times” (Les Temps Modernes). Every month, this
magazine was very important to share their ideas.
Beauvoir contributed to expand female consciousness on the half second of century
XX. No doubt, her huge contribution were studies about feminism and the fight of
gender equality. Plus,Simone was adepet existentialist philosophy, that the liberty is
the master caracteristc. She writed a lot of books, and the bigger classic to feminist
moviment was “The second sex”, published in 1949.
In the others words, the existentialist philosophy said that the human was an
individual that has all responsability about his your actions, therefore, he does, the
long of life, a meaning for your his own existence.
In her book “The second sex” Simone talks about the woman's role in Society and
the female opression in the world dominated for mens men. The book was
considered agressive and inclued on the black list of Vatican.
The main part of the book is:
“Nobody is born a woman: becomes woman. Nothing biological destiny, pisychic or
economic define the way that the female human takes on society, it is the set of
civilization that does this intermediary product between the male and the castrated
that call female.”
Pneumony’s victimin, Simone died in April 14, 1986, with 78 years, in her local city.

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