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Present Continuous
Además de expresar las acciones que se están realizando en el momento en
el que la frase es enunciada, sirve para expresar las acciones que estaremos
haciendo, es más exacto que cualquier otra forma del futuro pues utiliza
marcadores de tiempo
Él estará comiendo pizza el viernes por la noche  He’s eating pizza on Friday evening

Be going to
Es un tiempo verbal que expresa una acción futura que se llevará acabo
momentos después de que la oración o frase fue enunciada.
Tú vas a dormir  You’re going to sleep  you’re gonna sleep

Simple Future
Es un tiempo verbal que expresa una acción futura, pero sin especificar el
momento en el que será realizada.
Yo dormiré / Yo comeré
Tú dormirás / tú comerás
Él/Ella dormirá / comerá
In English we use an auxiliary verb to express the simple future “will” or in
British English we use “shall” and then we put the VSF
I will eat  I shall eat
You will eat  You shall eat
He will eat  He shall eat
We will eat  We shall eat
They will eat  they shall eat
In an informal way to talk with the simple future we use the next contraction (‘ll).
You will come to my new house  You’ll come to my new house.
What plans does the Universe have for you?
You’ll get a new job, You’ll find a new lover
Your relationships will improve
You will accept a love proposal
I will travel around the world, and I will live a new life
Your job will be better
Simple future negative tense
Se agrega la palabra not después del auxiliar will / shall
Gabriel will visit his parents  Gabriel will not visit his parents
She’ll take an exam  She’ll not take an exam
The contraction we use for “will not” is “won’t”
Transform the next sentences to negative using the contraction if it’s possible
Felipe and Mari will live together  F&M won’t live together
My cousin will study in an important French University  He won’t study in an
important FU
I’ll play the guitar in a concert  I won’t play the guitar in a concert
You’ll get home at 6:00 pm  You’ll not / won’t get home at 6:00
We will go to the movies  We won’t go to the movies
Mariano will drive the red car in the race  M won’t drive the red car in the
I live in Chicago (liv) verb
MC is on live on Fb (laiv) noun
Simple future question tense
I will read the new JK Rowling’s book
Will you read the new JK Rowling’s book?
Yes, I will
No, I won’t

Shakira will sing in the superbowl

What songs will Shakira sing?
Where will Shakira sing?
When will you move to Madrid? Idk, the next summer
Who will Shakira sing in the super bowl with? She’ll sing with JLo, BB, J Balvin

Key points
When people speak, listen for the important things they say.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word
People often give an example of the key point
Listen to which words are stressed
People often emphasize the most important ideas

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