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Заклад вищої освіти


Кафедра комп’ютерних наук та інженерії програмного забезпечення

«Іноземна мова»

Домашня робота 4
Тема: « Identity Theft »

Виконав: Хливнюк Данііл Кирилович

(прізвище, ім’я та по батькові)
Група: І-12
Перевірив(ла): Яранцева О. І.

Київ – 2023
Book 3, Unit 8: exs. 1 + ex. 8 or 9 (your choice).*

1 Identity theft can have a significant impact on businesses and their
employees. This type of theft can occur in various forms, such as obtaining
personal information to commit fraud, make unauthorized purchases, or file
fraudulent tax returns in the company's name. Once a business's identity is
compromised, it can result in financial losses, damage to reputation, and even
being blacklisted without their knowledge. Dealing with the aftermath of
identity theft can be time-consuming and costly, with businesses having to
invest resources in restoring their correct identity and mitigating the damages

2 To avoid falling for phishing schemes, it is important for individuals to

be cautious and take preventive measures. This includes being able to recognize
phishing emails, which often appear to be from reputable companies such as
banks or social networks, but may contain misspellings or threats to shut down
accounts if not responded to. It is important not to respond to such emails or
click on any links within them. Additionally, individuals should not share
personal information, such as passwords or credit card details, in response to
unsolicited emails. Reporting suspicious emails and websites to the appropriate
authorities can also help in getting phishing scams removed from the internet

By being vigilant and cautious when it comes to sharing personal

information online, individuals can reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing
schemes and protect themselves and their businesses from the damaging effects
of identity theft.
Dear valued customers,

I am writing to you today to discuss a very serious issue that affects many
people worldwide: identity theft. Identity theft is a form of fraud that can
happen to anyone, and it can have devastating consequences. Criminals steal
personal information in a variety of ways, including phishing scams, hacking
into online accounts, stealing mail, or even going through trash cans. Once they
have this information, they can use it to access bank accounts, open new credit
card accounts, or even file false tax returns.
As a bank employee, I urge all of our customers to take measures to
protect their assets. Firstly, it is important to be cautious when giving out
personal information, especially online. Never respond to unsolicited emails or
phone calls that request personal information, and never share your passwords
or PINs with anyone. It is also a good idea to monitor your bank account and
credit card statements regularly to ensure that there are no unauthorized
transactions. Finally, consider investing in an identity theft protection service
that can help you detect and resolve any issues.
At our bank, we take the security of our customers' personal information
very seriously. We have implemented several measures to ensure that our
systems are secure, and we continuously monitor for any suspicious activity.
However, we cannot do it alone. We ask that you remain vigilant and take the
necessary precautions to protect your assets.

Daniil Khlyvniuk
Bank Employee

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