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Zaggre had departed from the comforts of Minerva’s cabin, the dense

forest made it hard to keep track of time, but from the little he did see of the
night sky, it’s been about a week since he left. From all the things that were
unaswered, the one he regrets the most is asking for the way out, the only
thing he remember is she rambling something about the horrible weather the
Neverwinter woods have this time of the year.
One thing Zaggre did not remember after spending all this time alone is
how lively the woods are, during his various travels as a mercenary he had to
camp in forest, meadows, pastures and all kinds of terrains, and always he
would find it such a bore, since nothing ever happens save the ocasional stray
animal. Maybe it’s because something the old Hag made with the mask, but
now he could feel the forest, it was not a strong connection but he could still
sense it. He knew and believed the stories about forest fae, but maybe
because of he’s ways no fae would show itself to him, but now from time to
time he would see something from the corner of his eyes, or hear some
friendly whispering during the deep of night. Normally this would stir up his
sense of danger and his excitement, but weirdly he did not sense malice.
Another week passes, it’s normal to get lost in a forest when you have
no idea where you are, even more with the mist that autumn brings, but
something’s not right for Zaggre, he has been lost before but this time it’s
different, something in the air, so remembering an old tale he heard from a
bard somewhere about two little toddlers lost in the forest, he started marking
the trees as he passed by, and soon enough he came to the realization that
he was in fact, walking in circles. So feed up with the lot that fate had cast for
him he sat on the wet floor and started thinking. It could be some old fae
curse he stumbled in but he would still hunt animals, and these types of spells
usually work by starving someone to death, also from all these years without
fighting his senses could have dulled, and this situation was just some real
unlucky circumstance. After checking his supplies, Zaggre decided that he
would at least wait for some better weather before deciding about taking any
drastic decisions.
That night he Zaggre was awaken by some weird smell, something
putrid, as he opened his eyes he could see a faint light amongst the mist.
Sensing that battle could be mere moments away he picked up his javelin
drew his sword and started sprinting towards the foul stench. As he blindly
jumped towards the light he sees the source of the smell, two ugly gnolls
munching down a dead dryad.
So the Dance begins, while still in the air Zaggre swings his blade
against the head of one of the gnolls, but nasty perceptive creatures they are,
even thought a second ago all his senses whee focused in devouring the
dryad they still sensed Zaggre’s bloodlust, it doges the blade, leaving only one
of it’s ears behind, the other one tries to pull it’s spear from the dryad but it
seams that part of the dryad has grown around it holding it there indefinitely,
one last laugh from beyond the grave. Taking advantage of the confusion
Zaggre kicks the gnoll in the chest and trows his javelin impaling it through the
shoulder of the beast on a nearby tree, as it lets out a agonizing scream. The
one eared scream jumps on Zaggre’s back and bites his shoulder, as a
response he jumps back side to the ground putting all his weight on the
monster chest, as he feels the air leaving the beast lung trough a cry he turns
to face the gnoll and starts punching it’s ugly hyena like face. Fighting multiple
opponents was never Zaggre fort, he gets too one minded during fights,
forgetting about other opponents and focusing on he’s having fun at the
moment. While mashing the face of the now one eared gnoll the one impaled
on the tree struggles until finally getting itself free, and now having a weapon,
the javelin that moments ago was the bane of his existence. With one bloody
arm and the javelin on another the gnoll charges against Zaggre, hitting him
on the right shoulder and biting the other, while the one that was being beaten
to death muster the last of it’s strength to bite in the arm closest to it’s mouth.
While in this state of complete paralise, one of his shoulder was hit by
his javelin, while the other one and one of his arm where being held in place
inside the beats mouth. He could not remember when was the last time he felt
so much bliss, and in this moment of pure happiness it appeared as if time
froze for a moment as Zaggre realized he made the right decision leaving
Minerva's side, and he reminded himself once again how wonderful it is to
engage in battle, so he steeled his determination as her words echoed in his
mind, “focus”. He felt than what he felt all those days while training with her.
As he felt his feelings growing and spreading through his body, as if
they were fuel to his cells, his mask started glowing from a faint green to a
bright one, for the first time in his life Zaggre had used Rage. In this moment
of pure euphoria, he grabbed the gnoll biting his shoulder and threw it over
himself hitting the one that was holding his hand releasing himself, then
grabbed his sword from the ground and tried slashing the one with the javelin,
but it deflected it with the javelin. As they traded blows the one eared one tried
jumping at Zaggre, but in this state his senses seam sharper, dodging it on
the last second, sending the beast tumbling down. Their duel lasted for a little
while, with Zaggre and the gnolls trading blows, until finally reaching a little
clearing. Feeling himself satisfied Zaggre thanked the barely alive beasts for
having such a blast, than with a smile he grabbed his sword with both his
hands and with a final swing he hit both with a crossed running slash, splitting
both the gnolls. Having spend all his strength Zagree collapses.
Zaggre woke up with the light of the sun on his eyes, confused he
could not see trees, quickly tried to get up, humorously falling from a wagon.
The young merchant driving startled stopped it and tried to comfort the young
confused half-orc, saying that an old lady paid really hefty amount to get him
to the nearest town, introducing himself as Jug. After settling in the back of
the open wagon amidst all the merchandise, Zaggre realized he was all
patched up and his belongings where all there, even the javelin, that last he
remembered the gnoll threw in the middle of the forest during their battle, with
a note saying that next time he is half dead she might not find him. Having
answered all question but one Zaggre asks the merchant where he’s headed,
as taken by surprise, the merchant quickly respond in a awkward tone of
voice “Luskan”.

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