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What would a good friend be like? Why?

What wouldn’t a good friend be like? Why?

Uzupełnij luki w wypowiedziach, tłumacząc fragmenty zdań na j.angielski.

trust funny reliable tell the truth joke honest laugh count
I think that a good friend would be ………………………. because it’s good to have
somebody you could …………….. on. They should also be …………………….. . It’s hard to
………………….. people who don’t …………………………., you know. Oh, and a good friend
should be …………………, too! I always …………………. a good ………….. . I like having
someone I can …………….. with.

unkind stuck support treat impatient finally disloyal
moreover turn complain
In my opinion, a good friend wouldn’t be ………………………. - I’d expect my friend to
……………………… me rather than ……………………. their back on me.
………………………., they shouldn't be ………………………. . I don’t think I could be friends
with someone who wouldn't …………………. other people well. ………………………., a good
friend wouldn’t be …………………….. - I’d hate it if my friend would …………………… about
having to wait for me whenever I get ……………….. In traffic!


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