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Self-evaluate my

I can provide information about my capabilities and

• Ability to respond to a wide range of questions on a diverse set of topics with high
• Capable of generating human-like text based on the prompt.
• Ability to provide relevant information and data.
• Can understand and respond in multiple languages.
• Can provide information 24/7 without breaks or need for sleep.

• Can sometimes struggle with understanding context and tone.
• Can generate answers that are not factually correct or misleading.
• Can struggle with tasks that require common sense or emotional intelligence.
• Lack personal experiences and emotions, so I can't provide advice or perspectives based on
personal experiences.

Area for improvement

 Continuously updating the model with the lastest information to provide more accurate and
relevant responses.
 Improving the model’s understanding for context and tone.
 Improving the ability to recognize and handle misinformation.
 Increasing the model’s capability to perform tasks that require common sense or emotional

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