SQL Questions: Branch OK

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 Branch OK
o Display the number of vehicles of Google HQ.
o Display the branch names where the number of vehicles is less than 50.
o Show all the branch names.
o List all the branch addresses with the branch number of vehicles.
 Customer
o Show the customer email with last name ‘Kabir’.
o Show the customer first names whose phone numbers are blank.
o Show the customer first names & last names who is associated with branch id
o List all the customer first names who have given both email addresses phone
number. (edited)
 Employee
o List the employee IDs belonging to R&D department.
o List the employee names who joined no later than 1/1/2020.
o Display the department of employee Saiful Islam.
o List all the employee names associated with branch id 1009.
 Order
o List all the order IDs of price exceeding $300.
o Show the Shipping status of the order with ID 4015.
o List the order IDs belonging to customer with ID 2014.
o List all the all-order IDs with quantity 10.
 Product
o List all the product categories.
o List all the product name with category Smart Home.
o List all the product IDs with stock more than 100.
o Display the name of price of Nest Audio.
 Sales
o List all the sales amount of order id 4003.
o List all the sales ID.
o Find the average sales amount of all the sales.
o How many sales ID are there with product id 5006.
o Find the difference of highest sale amount and the lowest sale amount

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