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Topic: Autobiographical Reflection Paper

February 3, 2023
Autobiographical Reflection Paper 1

Throughout life I have experienced various challenges and difficulties, within this

tumultuous period, I always wished I had someone around to talk to or get advice from or just to

express my challenges and steer me in the right direction of self-determination. Notwithstanding

this challenge, I grew as an individual, my social skills, ethical standards and values did not

deflate because of my experiences and observation of other individual’s challenges. However, i

evolve as a person and professionally, thus catapulting me to become a social worker to

advocate, help others with challenges, promote self-determination with the right guidance and to

be an active listener, whilst providing the right services and treatment to clients.

Since I decided to enter and study in the field of social work, it has become a passion,

especially with my personal endeavors to become a social advocator for children, who being

abuse or maltreated and are refugees. Despite my biases, cognitive anxiety, and value system the

social work field of study is an avenue to help with these characteristic treats so as to limit and

change this state of behavior so i can optimize my professional aim of enhancing the overall

well-being and meeting basic and complex needs of the communities and clients without

inflecting my personal biases and values.

Additionally in the social work field one comes across various type of individuals of

different cultural competences and value system. Therefore, as a social worker one must be intact

with my personal biases and understand the competency. When practicing in the field or

practicum one must realize that there can be a conflict of interest and differences in terms of

decision making and agreements, as well as value systems based on cultural differences. Hence

knowing one’s limitation and to recognize the strengths that exist in other cultures. For example,

I am an intern at Complementary Cancer Care non-profit organization, and I interact with

individuals of varying cultural values and structure. I met one client who was a cancer survivor,
Autobiographical Reflection Paper 2

who was Asian with different cultural beliefs and did not speak much English, whenever I met

with the client, we would have a serious language barrier and misunderstanding of treatment

plans. Despite my personal views and frustration with the client as a social worker I incorporate

the NASW standard 1.05 that suggest that social workers should demonstrate understanding of

different culture, hence as a student social worker I sought guidance and did a self-reflection on

how improve communication and interpersonal relationship between myself and the client. Also,

following the NASW ethical standard that state social worker should use clear and

understandable language to inform clients of services.

In addition, not having a clear comprehension of my values, biases and beliefs can end up

being damaging to the client-worker relationship, therefore poor communication or relationship

can stem from offending the client or pushing my personal beliefs unto the client. Hence self-

reflection and following the six core values of the NASW ethical standards is crucial to the social

worker career to be the most effective professional. The six NASW ethical standards are service,

social justice, dignity and worth of person, importance of human relationship, integrity ad


As a future social worker, I am face with many challenges to values systems and struggle

at time with looking beyond my personal views, thoughts, and presence or action to information

that I heard in privacy with clients. For example, a client confided in me about sexual act that

took place around three years ago and based on the NASW ethical standard of commitment to

clients and informed consent I must put the well-being of the client as primary and services to

clients only in the context of professional relationship based, when appropriate, on valid

informed consent. Despite my view on the issue and would like to report the incident to the

relevant authority, my professional obligation to the client must take precedence, thus requiring
Autobiographical Reflection Paper 3

me to practice emotional resilience and taking the time to practice mindfulness and when to

switch off after work.

Another challenge I faced as a practicing social worker Is the fact that in interning at the

non-profit organization i had expected to be performing a lot of group interactive sessions, one-

on-one individual counseling session with cancer survivors but I am not, which is quite daunting

and disappointing. However, I have come to appreciate the process after performing some self-

evaluation and further clarity to the roles to understand administrative role is also a part of social

work which are crucial to the clinical social work practices.

In reflecting on my personal and professional value system the two are very similar

which is crucial as a social worker and for my own personal well-being and a member of society.

The reason why they are similar is that my personal ethics does demonstrate respect and value of

people in my everyday life, my motto I follow is “treat people like how you would want them to

treat you”. From the professional ethical perspective, it is not personal to me, but they are formal

guide social workers must adhere to in carrying out the core values. Furthermore, practicing

becoming a future social worker when issues arise such as conflict of interest, disclosure or any

situation that go against my personal value system or belief and give me a reason to be bias. I

have to step away from the situation and have a retrospection, seek guidance from colleagues,

ascertain consent from client depending on the situation and always provide service in areas of

practice or use intervention techniques or approaches and once it not in my field of practice

recommended that client to an individual with the professionalism to assist.

In reflecting on St. Leo University core values, the one that points out the most and is

consistent with the NASW core value is integrity. The University views on integrity is that “the

school is committed to excellence demands that its members live its mission and deliver on its
Autobiographical Reflection Paper 4

promise. The faculty, staff, and student pledge to be honest, just, and consistent in word and

deed.” While from the Social work perspective one should behave in a trustworthy manner, and

the should always continue to be aware of the professional mission, value, ethical principles and

ethical standards and practice in a manner consistent with the values. Based on two context it is

clear that both are saying that as a student or social worker or both one must always carry your

self with respect, ethically and reflect characteristics (trusting, unbiased and willing to change)

that will benefit your values and elevate you professionally and personally.

In closing within my period studying to become a future social worker and advocator, I

have learned many ethical principles and core values which are crucial to become an efficient

and professional social worker. From a personality perspective in have learn to be more

reflective in thoughts and approach to other individuals, as well as understand unconscious bias

which can be subtle but pervasive in tackling this bias, I have learned to examine my practices by

questioning myself, become an active listener and listen to negative feedback and continuously

have positive interactions. In addition, I have become more empathic to client issues and

challenges, as well as become an advocator and more committed to assist clients’ systems to

obtain needed resources. Also continue on a professional journey of brining profound

satisfaction and heighten my sense of commitment and dedication to social justice and human

rights, whilst developing my personal character and traits. Furthermore, use supervision to

critically reflect and identify learning needs and demonstrate good subjective knowledge on kept

aspects of the practice and record my learning and reflection on a regular basis to help with

professional development.

Reamer, F. (2018). Ethical Standards in Social Work: Reviewof the NASW Code of Ethics.

National Association of Social Work.

Autobiographical Reflection Paper 5

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