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I am a potential leader in career development profession.

I have established a proper decision to

individuals on career choices regarding to their career exploration, self-assessment, their action plan
and their career identification. The determination of career is an important decision as it predicts my
earning amount, retirement period, place to live, working period in each week and the ability to know
whether am able seek a family. It is important for individuals to take time to ensure that their career
choices matches their personality as it would be important for retaining and succeeding in the chosen
careers. My personality characteristics have contributed to success in my task as I have always learnt
on how to administer my emotions, ethics and to handle the stress in my career opportunity hence
resulting to my increased salary and frequent promotions. My personality has helped me to identify my
behaviors and thinking ways on my daily basis. The personality traits that have contributed to my
success and happiness at work include the courage, discernment, integrity, care, empathy and patience.
Skills are also essential in the consideration of the important process in career development. Hence
forth, My skills have enabled my employer to identify what kind of a leader I am . I have properly
identified my skills that pertains on my relations to other personnel’s, my thinking capabilities and
behaviors that are easily transferrable to my job without any training. My skills that have contributed to
the satisfaction in my career includes the leadership skills, teamwork, communication skills and problem
solving. Teamwork has helped me to work together with several colleagues in attainment of a common
goal as I also learn on negotiations, self-control and time management. The problem solving skill has
enabled me to think, to analyze or to observe situations and establish solutions based on the problems.
The leadership skills have contributed in setting of priorities, the responsibilities and the roles needed
for projects management. I have offered an advise to individuals on making good career choices to help
them distinguish between a satisfied life or the life full of disappointments and dissatisfaction.. I have
developed certain values for my career like independence, offering services, being creative and
achievement. I have always completed my duties successfully without any supervision from any leader.
I have tried out on some new activities and came up with new ideas of performing the various activities.
I have volunteered in offering encouragement to individuals on identification of their skills, professional
abilities, values and the attitudes they require in their chosen careers as they importantly contribute to
successes in their jobs. I have also gained some important soft skills from my career like self-motivation,
commitment to my career, being punctual and considering myself not a liability, being a lifelong
learner, practicing the better skills for customer services and having strong communications among my

According to the TED talk by Bryan Dik vocation refers to an individual’s response to a call past ones self
to utilize gifts and strength they have in their career paths to make there career pays accomplished in
terms of leadership, creativity and service. The talk further sates that individuals require coming a
realistic internalization of their natural abilities and strengths through conversations and personal
reflections. Similarly, they need to mirror what they develop in conversations with their mentors and
teachers. In the process of a call, they need to sacrifice to achieve excellent and exemplary results. The
talk further identifies the need for people to serve others to enable the well-being of the entire society.
Nevertheless, people are required to realize that vocation is not static to their job. They need to follow it
despite the career path it leads them to just like the example of the old man who decided to follow his
calling to be a man of God despite it being different from his career. People who respond to their calling
are required to engage in career paths they have strong feelings for.
The potential possible career path based on my experiences, interests, values and skills is a nurse
practioner. The reasons for choosing the career path on nurse practioner include the increased job
possibilities, the existence of the programs in every state, satisfaction of their choices, the ability to give
preventive care and improved flexibility and the responsibilities as a profession. Nurse Practioners help
patients to improve their quality lives and always leaves them in the state of their better health. The
nurses make their patients feel loved, cared and answer the problems faced by the patients. The nurse
practioners acts as voice to their professions and voice to all patients. The nurses enjoy their
interactions with their patients and constitutes a rapport with the patients. The ability of the nurses to
give personalized care makes it a key reason for many individuals to be nurse practioners.

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