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1/28/2020 Hip - ATG Online Coaching

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This is addressed specifically for people with hip pain.

It can be added to in terms of upper body, ankles, etc., but I am starting it out with just this routine that should done 2x per week to actually fix
the hip pain…

Start with 90:90 External AND Internal stretching, 90 seconds per stretch, per side. Study this video from Jeff on how and why you are doing

Then progress into the Kadour Ziani Table Stretch, 2 sets of 90 seconds per side. This video is just a snippet of who Kadour is. He is one of
my personal mentors, and he has taught me a lot about jumping, strength, flexibility, and life itself. He’s arguably the highest-jumping human to
walk this earth, and he’s FREAKISHLY flexible. He told me he’s spent up to 6 hours a day stretching. I’m not saying to go that far, but I’m giving
you an idea of how hard he works for his results. To this day, he’s the shortest person ever to KICK a 10-foot basketball rim with his foot!

Now move to the Couch Stretch, first performing 90 seconds per side in the Quad version, then 90 seconds per side in the Hip-Flexor version.

NOW you are ready to begin ATG Split Squats. Perform 5 sets of 5 with 5-SECOND-PAUSES at the bottom of each rep. Elevate your front
foot as much as needed. Start with no additional weight, and be SURE to send a side angle of your last set through the app. Once form is is
perfect, you may gradually load through dumbbells, always starting with just bodyweight on the first set, and aiming to gradually increase
weight each set. Also, be sure to take a 30 second break between each side, since the back leg is working hard as well, and will need a break.

Lastly, you’ll go into 3 rounds of a strategic circuit whereby you warm up your hips with 20 Single-Leg Low-Cable Pull-ins (use a band if you
don’t have a cable), then open up your groin with 20 Weighted Butterflies, followed by 20 Seated Goodmornings, which is the key clinching
exercise that prevents pain when your hip bunches up! Always start light on the first round, only go up in weight gradually each set if your body
is asking for it. and be VERY sure to send in a diagonal-from-front angle of your last set of Goodmornings through the app!

This routine done twice per week for 6 weeks can transform hip pain, while leading to shocking changes in your athleticism, including LATERAL

But be very sure to study each video, and send in your last set of ATG Split Squats and Seated Goodmornings through the app after every

Yours in Gains,

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