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“Most people misunderstand Job search through LinkedIn.

They think texting any Recruiter will get them the job and It does not!

They think Applying on easy apply will get them the job and It does not!

So, What works?

Taking things a step ahead!

[1] After applying for a job on Linkedin

[A] You can see an option { Meet the Hiring team } Where you can see who is hiring for that
Reach out to that person through a personalized Note and communicate your skill and Interest
in the job.

Send this note

“Hello Sahaj,

I recently saw a job posting you shared on LinkedIn for the [Position] role. As an experienced
[Your Profession/Industry], I believe that my skills [skills that match the JD] and experience
make me a strong fit for the position.

I would love the opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you and learn more about the

Best regards,

[B]If { Meet the Hiring team } option is not there

Go to the company page, Open employees, and Search for the designation mentioned in the
Job post.
Connect with at least 5 people with a personalized note in the same location and experience

Send this note

“Hello Sahaj,
I came across a job posting for a [Position] role at [Company] and noticed you hold the same
position. I was wondering if opening is in your team or if you know the person hiring for this

I am interested in learning more about the opportunity and would appreciate any information
you may be able to share and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

If they know about the opportunity or Hiring person - GREAT

If they say no, I don’t know anything about it.

Send this note

“Thank you for letting me know!

I really like this job as I believe that my skills and experience would make me a strong
candidate for the position.

So The last thing I want to ask is, If you are comfortable providing a referral for me, I would be
grateful as having a referral from someone who is familiar with the company and the role
would greatly enhance my chances of being considered for the position.

Hope I’ll be of help to you in the near future.

Best regards,

Remember to go the extra mile as we are living in a tough time as a job seekers due to all the

Also, Make sure you have a Strong LinkedIn profile with a strong presence to Improve your
response rate.

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