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Marylee Ortiz

Life and Accomplishments of Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus, while not being as well known as Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein, was

one of the most influential scientists and mathematicians in history. Furthermore, Nicolaus,

Copernicus is credited with the invention of the heliocentric model of our solar system. Without

his efforts, many genius scientists would have a different understanding about the stars and our

solar system. His many mathematical, scientific, and astronomical achievements paved the way

for scientists today.

Born on February 19, 1473 in Thorn, Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus’ father was a wealthy

merchant and his mother was a stay-at-home wife. During Nicolaus’ childhood, the kingdom that

they lived in, Kingdom of Poland, was at war with the Prussian Federation. When Nicolaus’

father received the news, he became embroiled in the politics of the war, firmly advocating for

his kingdom. After his fathers passing, Nicolaus’ uncle became his guardian and funded his

education. He attended various religious schools and eventually would attend the University of

Kraków. During this time at the university, Copernicus studied mathematics, astronomy, and the


After recieving his education in astronomy, Nicolaus taught astronomy outside of the

university. Due to his mathematical achievements while attending university, Nicolaus had a

very thorough understanding of astronomy and mathematics, which enabled him to teach

effectively to his pupils. In the fall of 1495, Nicolaus left the university he was attending for the

court of his uncle. During this time, Copernicus began to learn about the works of Aristotle and

began learning about philosophy. This enabled him to gain a deeper understanding of how the

stars and solar system function.

Marylee Ortiz

Nicolaus Copernicus is credited with the invention of the heliocentric model of the solar

system. Despite claims that Aristarchus of Samos had the model first, it was Copernicus that

modeled it independently of Samos’ model. This model conflicted with the traditional model that

the earth was in the center of the solar system. This model that Copernicus invented would pave

the way for future astronomers and their interpretation of our solar system. Copernicus is also

credited with formulating the argument that it would make more sense if the planets revolves

around the sun rather than the sun revolving around the planets. This heliocentric theory

contributed heavily to the Scientific Revolution that was going on at the time. It would help

astronomers like Isaac Newton, And Galileo Galilei give a more in depth perception about the

motion of our planets around the sun.

As aforementioned, Nicolaus Copernicus made various academic achievements throughout his

life. His passion for the stars was made evident when he contributed heavily to the Scientific

Revolution. Without Copernicus’ astronomical achievements, many of the principles and

ideologies that we have of our solar system and the stars would not have been possible. While

Copernicus’efforts are often overlooked by those of Albert Einstein, Isaac Newtwon, and Galileo

Galilei, most of our interpretation of the stars and science would not have been possible without

the contribution of Copernicus.

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