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Ground-penetrating Radar: Wave Theory And Numerical Simulation In Lossy

Anisotropic Media

Article  in  Geophysics · November 1996

DOI: 10.1190/1.1444085

110 512

1 author:

José M Carcione
OGS Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale


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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 61, NO. 6 (NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1996); P. 1664–1677, 5 FIGS., 1 TABLE.

Ground-penetrating radar: Wave theory and numerical

simulation in lossy anisotropic media

José M. Carcione∗

processes (Witterholt and Kretzschmar, 1984), and engineer-

ABSTRACT ing applications (Lau et al., 1992). The similarities between
high-frequency electromagnetic and seismic wave propagation
Subsurface georadar is a high-resolution technique
(Ursin, 1983; Carcione and Cavallini, 1995) allow the applica-
based on the propagation of high-frequency radio waves.
tion of seismic acquisition and data processing techniques to
Modeling radio waves in a realistic medium requires the
electromagnetic radar signals (e.g., Fisher et al., 1992).
simulation of the complete wavefield and the correct de-
In particular, forward modeling in heterogeneous media is
scription of the petrophysical properties, such as conduc-
essential to validate the geological interpretations. Electro-
tivity and dielectric relaxation. Here, the theory is de-
magnetic modeling in the hundreds of KHz range (i.e., includ-
veloped for 2-D transverse magnetic (TM) waves, with a
ing the displacement currents) has been applied in Greenfield
different relaxation function associated to each principal
and Wu (1991) for interpreting field results in disrupted coal
permittivity and conductivity component. In this way, the
seams. However, GPR wave modeling is, in general, one dimen-
wave characteristics (e.g., wavefront and attenuation)
sional in the literature. Only very recently, Goodman (1994)
are anisotropic and have a general frequency depen-
proposed a 2-D wave simulation method based on ray-tracing
dence. These characteristics are investigated through a
techniques. The modeling is restricted to the isotropic case and
plane-wave analysis that gives the expressions of measur-
suffers the disadvantages of ray methods, i.e., the impossibil-
able quantities such as the quality factor and the energy
ity to model the full wavefield at all frequency ranges (e.g.,
velocity. The numerical solution for arbitrary heteroge-
the complete set of multiples and diffractions), and the gener-
neous media is obtained by a grid method that uses a
ation of nonuniform dissipative waves at material interfaces.
time-splitting algorithm to circumvent the stiffness of
Anisotropy may be found at different scales (Negi and Saraf,
the differential equations. The modeling correctly repro-
1989): finely stratified layers, compaction, fluid-filled cracks
duces the amplitude and the wavefront shape predicted
and fractures give rise to anisotropy in electrical and magnetic
by the plane-wave analysis for homogeneous media, con-
properties. Since the dielectric constant of water is 80, and that
firming, in this way, both the theoretical analysis and the
for most dry rocks is in the range 4–8, a set of aligned fluid-filled
numerical algorithm. Finally, the modeling is applied to
fractures may present a high degree of dielectric anisotropy.
the evaluation of the electromagnetic response of con-
Similarly, the presence of mineralized water (high ionic con-
taminant pools in a sand aquifer. The results indicate the
ductivity) in the fractures produces anisotropy in the electri-
degree of resolution (radar frequency) necessary to iden-
cal conductivity. In some cases, like interbedded shales and
tify the pools and the differences between the anisotropic
sandstones, the longitudinal conductivity can be as far as nine
and isotropic radargrams versus the source-receiver
times the transverse conductivity. Moreover, in most crystalline
solids like rocks, ice, etc., intrinsic anisotropy occurs because
of the preferred arrangement of the atoms and molecules.
Besides the correct description of the anisotropic behav-
INTRODUCTION ior, it is important to model the frequency dependence of
The applications of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) as the permittivity and conductivity tensors. At radar frequencies
an ecological, high-resolution nondestructive technique are (≈50 MHz–1 GHz), various dielectric dispersion processes oc-
widely documented. They include mineral and groundwater ex- cur. In moist soils, the most important are ionic conductivity
ploration (Davis and Annan, 1989), archaeological investiga- and bound-water relaxation (Hasted, 1973, 238). The relax-
tions (Imai et al., 1987; Bevan, 1991), monitoring of oil recovery ation of the water molecule produces an increase in attenuation

Manuscript received by the Editor December 28, 1994; revised manuscript received September 28, 1995.
∗ Osservatorio Geofisico Sperimentale, P.O. Box 2011, 34016 Opicina, Trieste, Italy.
°c 1996 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.

Radargrams in Lossy Anisotropic Media 1665

with frequency, since the molecules begin to lag the applied ordinary matrix multiplication. Moreover, the electric current
field and increase the real effective conductivity. This phe- density is given by the generalized Ohm’s law,
nomenon is well described by a Debye relaxation peak (e.g.,
Turner and Siggins, 1994). Other, less important processes that ∂E
J=σ ∗ + Js , (5)
can be described by Debye mechanisms, are the Maxwell– ˜ ∂t
Wagner effect and surface conductivity at low frequencies,
and the two relaxations of free water at high frequencies where σ(x, t) is the conductivity relaxation tensor and Js is
the contribution of the sources. The first term on the right-
(Hasted, 1973). Moreover, at high frequencies, the response
of free charges may lag the electric field and produce an out- hand side of equation (5) is the conduction current den-
of-phase component, contributing to the real effective permit- sity, and the convolution accounts for out-of-phase compo-
tivity (Turner and Siggins, 1994). nents of the current with respect to the electric field. Substi-
In this paper, I present a theory that includes anisotropy tuting the constitutive relations and the current density into
and dissipation, through the use of permittivity and relaxation equations (1) and (2), and using properties of the convolution,
tensors in the constitutive relations. By using the acoustic- gives
electromagnetic-mechanical analogy, a set of standard linear
solid elements describe several dielectric relaxation mecha- ∇ × E = −µ • + M, (6)
nisms, and a single Kelvin–Voigt element includes the out-of- ˜ ∂t
phase behavior of the electric conductivity. A different relax-
∂E ∂ 2E
ation function is associated with each principal permittivity and ∇ ×H= σ ∗ + ² ∗ 2 + Js , (7)
each principal conductivity. I assume that the material proper- ˜ ∂t ˜ ∂t
ties are invariant along, say, the y-direction. Then, the magnetic
component Hy and the electric components E x and E z are un- which correspond to a system of six scalar equations in six scalar
coupled from the other three components and the propaga- unknowns.
tion becomes two dimensional [the transverse magnetic (TM)
mode]. The physics of the wave propagation is illustrated by THE TM WAVE EQUATION
probing the medium with a uniform plane wave. The result-
In general, an anisotropic medium is described by symmet-
ing time-domain electromagnetic equations are solved with a
ric permittivity and conductivity relaxation tensors that can
direct grid method that computes the spatial derivatives by
be defined by six components. However, there always exists a
using the Fourier pseudospectral method and propagates the
coordinate transformation that diagonalizes these symmetric
solution in time with a fourth-order Runge–Kutta algorithm.
matrices. This transformation is called the principal system of
the medium and gives the three principal components of these
tensors. In cubic and isotropic media, the principal components
are all equal. In tetragonal and hexagonal materials, two of the
In 3-D vector notation, the Maxwell equations are (e.g., three parameters are equal. In orthorhombic, monoclinic, and
Chew, 1990) triclinic media, all the three components are unequal.
For the sake of simplicity in the evaluation of the final equa-
∂B tions, I consider that the problem is solved in a Cartesian sys-
∇ ×E = − + M, (1)
∂t tem that coincides with the principal system of the medium.
For completeness, the general equations are given, without
∇ ×H = + J, (2) proof, in Appendix A. In the principal system, the permittivity
∂t and conductivity relaxation tensors corresponding to a general
anisotropic medium are
where E, B, H, and D are the electric intensity, the magnetic
 
flux density, the magnetic intensity, and the electric flux den- ²11 0 0
sity, respectively, and J and M are the electric and magnetic  
²= 0 ²22 0  (8)
source current densities, respectively. In general, they depend ˜
on (x, y, z), the Cartesian coordinates, and t, the time vari- 0 0 ²33
able. Equations (1) and (2) constitute six scalar equations with
12 scalar unknowns, since M is known and J can be expressed and
in terms of the electric field. The six additional scalar equations  
are the constitutive relations, which for anisotropic media in- σ11 0 0
 
cluding dielectric relaxation, can be written as σ= 0 σ22 0 , (9)
∂E 0 0 σ33
D= ²∗ , (3)
˜ ∂t
respectively. The permeability tensor is, for most earth mate-
B = µ • H, (4) rials, isotropic. In this case, it is µ = µ1; here, µ is the scalar
˜ ˜
permeability and 1 is the 3 × 3 identity matrix.
where ² (x, t) is the permittivity relaxation tensor and µ (x) is Now, I assume that the propagation is in the (x, z)-plane,
the permeability ˜
tensor. The symbol ∗ denotes time convolu- and that the material properties are constant with respect to
tion, and the dot on the right-hand side of equation (4) denotes the y-coordinate. Then, E x , E z , and Hy are decoupled from
1666 Carcione

E y , Hx , and Hz . The first three fields obey the TM (transverse Let us consider, for instance, the terms ²ii ∗ ∂ 2 E m /∂t 2 in
magnetic field) differential equations: equations (11) and (12), where m = 1(x) when i = 1 and
∂ Ez ∂ Ex ∂ Hy m = 3(z) when i = 3. Using equations (13) and (14) and con-
− =µ − My , (10) volution properties1 yields
∂x ∂z ∂t
∂ Hy ∂ Ex ∂ 2 Ex ∂ 2 Em ∂ 2 ²ii X L
∞ ∂ Em
− = σ11 ∗ + ²11 ∗ + Jsx , (11) ²ii ∗ = ∗ E m = ² + ² 0
φii` (0)E m
∂z ∂t ∂t 2 ∂t 2 ∂t 2 ii
∂t ii
∂ Hy ∂ Ez ∂ 2 Ez
= σ33 ∗ + ²33 ∗ + Jsz . (12) XLi
∂x ∂t ∂t 2 − ²ii0 φii` ∗ E m , (16)
`=1 ii`
The relaxation components
where µ ¶
A realistic description of dielectric relaxation can be ob- H (t) λii`
φii` (t) = 1− exp(−t/τii` ),
tained by representing the principal components with a gener- L i τii` τii`
alized Debye model. This model accounts for many relaxation ` = 1, . . . , L i . (17)
mechanisms that produce an out-of-phase component of the
permittivity, such as atomic, molecular and volume polarization Defining the hidden field variables
(King and Smith, 1981). The principal relaxation components 1
can be expressed as eii` = − φii` ∗ E m , ` = 1, . . . , L i , (18)
 
Li µ ¶
1 X λii` equation (16) takes the form
 
²ii (t) = ²ii0 1 − 1− exp(−t/τii` ) H (t),
L i `=1 τii` ∂ 2 Em ∂ E XLi
= ²ii∞ + ²ii0 8ii E m + eii`  , (19)
²ii ∗
∂t 2 ∂t
i = 1 or 3, (13) `=1

where ²ii0 is the static permittivity, λii` and τii` are relaxation where
times (λii` ≤ τii` ), and L i is the number of Debye relaxation X

mechanisms; H (t) is the Heaviside function. Actually, the con- 8ii = φii` (0). (20)
dition λii` ≤ τii` makes the relaxation function (13) analo- `=1
gous to the viscoelastic creep function of a series connection The hidden variables introduced here are the analog of the
of standard linear solid elements (e.g., Casula and Carcione, memory variables used in viscoelastic wave simulation to de-
1992). The optical or high-frequency permittivity is obtained scribe dissipation caused by different relaxation processes (see
for t → 0. It gives Carcione, 1990, 1993). A similar approach, based on a time-
²ii0 X domain permittivity function, was presented in Luebbers et
²ii∞ = . (14) al., (1990). They use an FDTD formulation to study the effects
L i `=1 τii` of water relaxation on the reflection coefficient at an air-water
Note that ²ii∞ ≤ ²ii0 always. On the other hand, the conductiv-
ity components are represented by a Kelvin–Voigt mechanical
The wave equation
model analog (e.g., Casula and Carcione, 1992):
From equation (15), the conductivity terms on the right-hand
σii (t) = σii0 [H (t) + ξii δ(t)], i = 1 or 3, (15) side of equations (11) and (12) become
µ ¶
where σii0 is the static conductivity, ξii is a relaxation time, and ∂ Em ∂ Em
σii ∗ = σii0 E m + ξii . (21)
δ(t) is the Dirac function. The out-of-phase component of the ∂t ∂t
conduction current is quantified by the relaxation time ξii . As
Substituting equations (19) and (21) into equations (11) and
shown later, this choice implies a component of the conduction
(12) gives
current 90◦ out-of-phase with respect to the electric field.
∂ Hy XL1
∞ ∞ ∂ Ex 0
− = σe11 E x + ²e11 + ²11 e11` + Jsx , (22)
Introduction of the hidden variables ∂z ∂t `=1
The TM equations (10), (11), and (12) could be the basis for and
a numerical solution algorithm. However, the numerical eval-
∂ Hy XL3
∞ ∞ ∂ Ez 0
uation of the convolution integrals is prohibitive when solving = σe33 E z + ²e33 + ²33 e33` + Jsz , (23)
the differential equations with grid methods and explicit time ∂x ∂t `=1
evolution techniques. The conductivity terms pose no prob-
lems, since the substitution of the conductivity relaxation com-

ponents into equations (11) and (12) does not involve time ²eii = ²ii∞ + σii0 ξii (24)
convolutions [see equation (21) below]. To circumvent the con-
volutions caused by the permittivity components, a new set of 1 In particular, given f (t) and g(t), the following relations hold: f 0 δ ∗
field variables is introduced. g = f 0 (0)g, and f δ 0 ∗ g = f (0)g 0 − f 0 (0)g.
Radargrams in Lossy Anisotropic Media 1667

and Dispersion relation for uniform waves

σeii = σii0 + ²ii0 8ii (25) In the absence of magnetic moments, the time Fourier trans-
form of equation (10) is
are the effective optical permittivity and conductivity compo-
2 E = ιωµH y ,
• (29)
nents, respectively.
The first two terms on the right-hand side of equations (22) where E = [E x , E z ]> and ∇2 = [−∂/∂z, ∂/∂ x]> , with the sym-
and (23) correspond to the instantaneous response of the bol > denoting transpose. Equations (11) and (12), in the ab-
medium, as can be inferred from the relaxation functions (13) sence of electric current sources, can be written in compact
and (15). Note that the terms containing the conductivity relax- form as
ation time ξii are in phase with the instantaneous polarization ∂σ ∂ ² ∂E
response. The third terms in each equation involve the relax- ∇2 H y = ˜ ∗E+ ˜ ∗ , (30)
∂t ∂t ∂t
ation processes through the hidden variables.
The wave equation is completed with the differential equa- where, hereafter ² = diag(²11 , ²33 ) and σ = diag(σ11 , σ33 ).
Using the convolution ˜ becomes
theorem, equation (30)
tions corresponding to the hidden variables. Time differenti- ³ µ ¶
ation of equations (18) and the use of convolution properties ι ´ ι
∇2 H y = ιω ²˜ − σ˜ • E = ιω ² e − σ e • E,
yield ˜ ω˜ ˜ ω˜
∂eii` 1
=− [eii` + φii` (0)E i ] . (26) where
∂t τii` 1
² e = Re( ²˜ ) + Im(σ˜ ) (32)
Equations (10), (22), (23), and (26) give the electromagnetic ˜ ˜ ω ˜
response of a conducting anisotropic medium with dielectric re- and
laxation behavior and out-of-phase conduction currents. These
equations are the basis of the numerical algorithm, described
σ e = Re( σ
˜ ) − ω Im(²˜ ) (33)
˜ ˜ ˜
in the last section, to obtain the field vector [Hy , E x , E z , eii` ], are the real effective permittivity and conductivity (diagonal)
i = 1, 3, ` = 1, . . . , L i . A similar set of equations, but without matrices, respectively, where the operators Re(•) and Im(•)
Debye relaxation mechanisms and out-of-phase currents, can take the real and imaginary part, respectively. The components
be found in Carcione and Cavallini (1994). of tr ˜ep and σ
˜ are
As mentioned before, for completeness, Appendix A con- ˜ ˜ · ¸
²ii0 X
tains the wave equation corresponding to an arbitrary coordi- ∂²ii i 1 + ιωλ
²̃ii = F = (34)
nate system. The use of this general equation is required when ∂t L i `=1 1 + ιωτii`
the Cartesian system where the problem is solved does not co-
incide with the principal system of the medium. In this way, the and · ¸
material properties can be modeled arbitrarily at any point of ∂σii
σ̃ii = F = σii0 (1 + ιωξii ), (35)
the model space. ∂t
When the medium is isotropic and there is no dielectric relax-
with the operator F denoting time Fourier transform. Since
ation (λii = τii ) and out-of-phase conduction currents (ξii = 0),
λii` ≤ τii` implies Im(²̃ii ) ≤ 0, and Re(σ̃ii ) ≥ 0, the two terms
it is φii` = 0 and e11` = e33` = 0; therefore equations (22) and
on the right-hand side of equation (33) have the same sign, and
(23) become
the wave process is always dissipative. The importance of the
∂ Hy ∂ Ex effective matrices is that their components are the quantities
− = σ Ex + ² + Jsx , (27)
∂z ∂t that are measured in laboratory experiments; ²e produces a cur-
rent out-of-phase with the electric field, while σ e produces a
and current that varies in phase with the electric field. Note that the
∂ Hy ∂ Ez coefficients multiplying the electric field and the time deriva-
= σ Ez + ² + Jsz , (28)
∂x ∂t tive of the electric field in equations (22) and (23), correspond
to the components of σ ∞ ∞
e and ² e , respectively.
where ² ≡ ² 0 = ² ∞ and σ ≡ σ 0 = σ ∞ are the isotropic proper- Multiplying equation (31) from the left by ∇>
˜ ˜ •
2 β , where
ties. Equations (10), (27), and (28) were used by Greenfield µ ¶ −1
and Wu (1991) to model electromagnetic waves in coal seams. β = ²e − σe (36)
˜ ˜ ω ˜
is the (effective) dielectric impermeability matrix, and substi-
A plane-wave analysis of the kinematic characteristics of tuting equation (29), gives
electromagnetic uniform waves in absorbing anisotropic me- ¡ ¢
∇> • •
2 β ∇2 H y + µω H y = 0. (37)
dia can be found, for instance, in Born and Wolf (1975, 708). ˜
They assume a 3-D medium and frequency-independent dielec- The magnetic field associated with a uniform TM plane wave
tric and conductivity tensors. The use of relaxation functions to has the form
describe the material properties requires a more general anal- £ ¤
H = H y e2 , Hy ≡ H0 exp −ιk κ̂> • x ,
ysis. This is presented in the next sections together with the
calculation of the energy velocity (related to the ray surface) (38)
and the quality factor of the medium. e2 ≡ [0, 1, 0]> ,
1668 Carcione

where x = [x, z]> ; and

£ ¤
k = κ − ια (39) (wm ) AV = 1
4 Re (H∗ )> • µ • H (50)
is the complex wavenumber, where κ and α are the magnitudes are the time-average electric and magnetic energy densities,
of the real propagation and attenuation vectors, respectively; and
H0 is a complex constant, and £ ¤
( pd ) AV = 1
2 Re (E∗ )> • σ e • E (51)
κ̂ = [`x , `z ]> (40) ˜
is the time-average dissipated power density. The identification
defines the propagation (and attenuation) direction through of the energy and power densities in the energy balance equa-
the direction cosines `x and `z . Since for the plane wave equa- tion is controversial when the wave process is dissipative [see,
tion (38) is for instance, Caviglia and Morro (1992) 55]. Equation (47) is
similar to an energy balance equation obtained in Carcione and
∇2 → −ιK2 , K2 = k[−`z , `x ]> , (41) Cavallini (1993) for inhomogeneous viscoelastic plane waves.
˜ ˜
the substitution of equation (41) into equation (37) gives the The physical interpretation leading to equations (49) and (51) is
dispersion relation that the dielectric relaxation contributes to the dissipation and
µ ¶2 the out-of-phase conduction current contributes to the stored
β33 `2x + β11 `2z − µ = 0. (42) electric energy. Mathematically, the first is in phase with the
k power dissipated by the conductivity properties, and the sec-
ond is in phase with the stored electric energy.
Kinematics of the wave propagation For uniform plane waves of the form (38), the Poynting the-
orem (47) becomes
The dispersion relation (42) defines the complex velocity
à !1/2 2α> • P + 2iω[(we ) AV − (wm ) AV ] − ( pd ) AV = 0. (52)
ω β33 `2x + β11 `2z
V ≡ = . (43)
k µ The Umov–Poynting vector and energy densities for TM waves
are calculated in Appendix B.
The real attenuation and slowness vectors can be expressed in The energy velocity is the ratio between the average
terms of the complex velocity as power flow Re(P) and the mean energy density (w) AV =
µ ¶
1 (we + wm ) AV (Chen, 1983). Hence,
α = −ω Im κ̂ (44)
V Re(P)
Ve = . (53)
and (we + wm ) AV
µ ¶
κ 1 Substitution of the Umov–Poynting vector (B-3) and the en-
s≡ κ̂ = Re κ̂, (45)
ω V ergy densities (B-4) and (B-7) into equation (53), and using the
properties of complex numbers, give
while the phase velocity is, in magnitude, the reciprocal of the · µ ¶ µ ¶ ¸
Vp β33 β11
slowness and, in vector form, is given by Ve = `x Re e1 + `z Re e3 ,
· µ ¶¸−1 µ Re(V ) V V
V p = Re κ̂. (46) (54)
Similar equations were obtained by Carcione (1994) for shear where V p is the magnitude of the phase velocity defined in
viscoelastic plane waves in the symmetry plane of a monoclinic equation (46). The location of the energy defines the wavefront.
medium. Therefore, this is the locus of the tip of the energy velocity
vector at unit propagation time.
The quality factor quantifies, somehow, energy dissipation
Umov–Poynting theorem, energy velocity and in matter from the electric current standpoint. As stated in
quality factor Harrington (1961, 28), the quality factor is defined as the mag-
The energy balance equation for time harmonic fields, in the nitude of reactive current density to the magnitude of dissi-
absence of magnetic moments and electric currents, is (Booker, pative current density. In viscoelastodynamics, a common def-
1982; Magid, 1981) inition of quality factor is twice the ratio between the aver-
age potential energy density and the dissipated energy density.
∇ • P − 2iω[(we ) AV − (wm ) AV ] + ( pd ) AV = 0, (47) Accordingly, and using the acoustic-electromagnetic analogy
(Carcione and Cavallini, 1995) the quality factor is defined here
where P is the complex Umov–Poynting vector defined as as twice the ratio between the average electric energy to the
P = 12 (E × H∗ ), (48) density of energy dissipated in one cycle:
(we ) AV
with the asterisk denoting complex conjugation and the sym- Q = 2ω , (55)
bol × indicating vector product. The real part of the Umov– ( pd ) AV
Poynting vector gives the average power flow density over a which from equations (B-7) and (B-8) becomes
cycle. The quantities
£ ¤ Re(V 2 )
Q= . (56)
(we ) AV = 14 Re (E∗ )> • ²e • E (49) Im(V 2 )
Radargrams in Lossy Anisotropic Media 1669

It can be shown that, for isotropic low loss media, equation However, when there is a Debye peak whose central frequency
(56) reduces to the quality factor used by Turner and Siggins is much larger than the dominant frequency of the source,
(1994). the equations become stiff (Jain, 1984). In this case, a parti-
The concept of quality factor can be considered as a gener- tion (or splitting) time integrator algorithm is used. The stiff
alization of the concept of Q in circuit theory. Good dielectrics part is solved analytically and the nonstiff part is solved by the
have high Q values, and conductors have very low Q values. Runge–Kutta algorithm (see Appendix C), whose stability re-
gion can be found in Canuto et al. (1988, 109). The modeling
SIMULATIONS significantly improves with this approach. However, a better
To illustrate the numerical solution algorithm, I consider the technique in terms of numerical stability, such as an implicit
equations expressed in the principal system with one dielectric algorithm, should improve its performance further.
relaxation mechanism. Equations (10), (22), (23), and (26) can A modeling software package, Georadar Electromagnetic
be written in compact matrix form as Modeling and Simulation (GEMS), was developed and
designes the geological model, provides the kinematic and dy-
∂V namic properties of each medium, and generates the radar-
= AV + S, (57)
∂t ˜ grams for a variety of antenna configurations.
Finely stratified sand
V = [Hy , E x , E z , e11 , e33 ]> (58) The first simulation considers a homogeneous, finely lam-
is the unknown vector field, S is the source vector, and inated, sandy medium; i.e., the wave characteristics along

 
0 −µ−1 ∂z µ−1 ∂x 0 0
 ¡ ¢ ¡ ∞ ¢−1 ∞ ¡ ∞ ¢−1 0 
 − ² ∞ −1 ∂z − ²e11 σe11 0 − ²e11 ²11 0 
 e11 
 ¡ ¢ ¡ ∞ ¢−1 ∞ ¡ ∞ ¢−1 0 
A= ∞ −1 ∂
²e33 0 − ²e33 σe33 0 − ²e33 ²33  (59)
˜ 

x 

 0 −1
−811 τ11 0 −1
−τ11 0 
 
−1 −1
0 0 −833 τ33 0 −τ33

where ∂x and ∂z denote spatial derivatives. the vertical and horizontal directions differ. The material
∞ = 15² , ² ∞ = 10² , σ 0 =
properties are the following: ²11
Equation (57) is solved with a direct grid method that com- 0 33 0 11
putes the spatial derivatives by using the Fourier pseudospec- 10−3 S/m and σ33 0 = 3 × 10−3 S/m; there is a Debye mecha-

tral method (e.g., Canuto et al., 1988) and propagates the nism centered at 1 GHz with relaxation times τ11 = 0.163 ns,
solution in time with a fourth-order Runge–Kutta algorithm. λ11 = 0.155 ns, τ33 = 0.257 ns and λ33 = 0.098 ns; there are no

a) b)

FIG. 1. (a) Quality factor, (b) attenuation , (c) energy velocity , and (d) snapshot corresponding to an anisotropic conducting medium
with a Debye relaxation mechanism centered at 1 GHz. The curves are given at a frequency of 200 MHz, that is also the source
dominant frequency. Figure 1e and 1f correspond to the same material, but without the Debye relaxation peak. In this case, the
medium is practically lossless.
1670 Carcione

out-of-phase conduction currents (ξii = 0); the magnetic per- because of dispersion caused by the high dissipation. This effect
meability µ has been taken equal to that of vacuum transforms the medium from negative uniaxial (Figure 1e) into
(µ0 = 4π 10−7 Hm−1 ) and ²0 = 8.85 10−12 Fm−1 . Figure 1 positive uniaxial (Figure 1c) [see Born and Wolf (1975, 680) for
shows the quality factor (a), the attenuation (b) and the energy the definition of positive and negative uniaxial media].
velocity (c) at a frequency of 200 MHz. Note that the behavior The numerical mesh used to solve equation (57) has
along the x-direction is determined by (33) components, while N X = N Z = 135 grid points per side, with a uniform grid spacing
(11) components define the wave characteristics along the z- of D X = D Z = 7.5 cm. The field is initiated by a magnetic cur-
direction (Born and Wolf, 1975, 675). The dissipation is mainly rent, [a line source normal to the (x, z)-plane] with a central
caused by the Debye relaxation, which yields a Q factor of less frequency of 200 MHz, and is propagated with a time step of
than 10 along the horizontal axis (the vertical and horizontal 0.05 ns. Figures 1d and 1f represent the snapshots of the mag-
quality factors caused by the conductivity are approximately netic field at 50 ns, with and without the Debye relaxation,
160 and 40, respectively). Figure 1e represents the energy ve- respectively. As can be seen, the results of the simulations are
locity without the Debye dissipation mechanism. The main dif- in agreement with the wave characteristics predicted by the
ference with Figure 1c is the value of the horizontal velocity, plane-wave analysis.





FIG. 1. (Continued.)
Radargrams in Lossy Anisotropic Media 1671

A transient analytical solution, without dielectric relaxation, hand, the pools are isotropic (the velocity is 8 cm/ns) with an
was obtained by Carcione and Cavallini (1995). Since the extremely low conductivity, and the clay is highly conductive.
Green’s function is given in the frequency-domain, the solu- The following numerical experiment simulates a stacked
tion can be extended easily to include Debye relaxation mech- radargram obtained from the processing of a series of com-
anisms. Figure 2 compares numerical and analytical solutions mon “shots” gathers. The number of grid points, grid spacing,
at the location (x, z) = (3, 2) m relative to the source position. and source central frequency are the same as for the preced-
The agreement between solutions is virtually perfect. ing example. The source is a horizontal electrical current (Jsx )
plane wave at the air-sand interface (vertical gridpoint 20 of the
Dense nonaqueous phase liquids numerical mesh). Figures 4a and 4b represent the radargrams
for the magnetic field, corresponding to the anisotropic and
The second simulation is based on a GPR survey of dense isotropic cases, respectively. The isotropic case is obtained by
nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) carried out by Brewster assuming that (11) components are equal to (33) components.
and Annan (1994). DNAPLs are common nonwetting ground- In the interval between 0 and 15 ns, the signal is a combina-
water contaminants, denser than water, that have a very low tion of the direct air wave and the direct ground wave, and
dielectric permittivity compared to water. This characteristic the event between 100 and 125 ns is the reflection of the top
makes them a potential target for the radar. The geological of the clay aquitard. Below this event, the signals are proba-
model is represented in Figure 3, where the DNAPL pools bly multiple reflections originated between the pools and the
are indicated by black areas and the lower interface is the surface, since the clay is highly conductive and acts as a bar-
top of a clay aquitard. The material properties are given in rier for the electromagnetic waves. Within the sand aquifer, the
Table 1. The coefficient of anisotropy in the electrical conduc- various reflectors correspond to the DNAPL pools and can be
0 /σ 0 )1/2 is 1.7 for the sand and 1.4 for shale. They are
tivity (σ33 11 easily identified in Figure 4a. Only the pools between 1 and
in the range given in Negi and Saraf (1989) for typical geological 2 m depth might be taken as one, since the signal cannot re-
formations. The anisotropy in the dielectric properties results solve the distance between them. The lower pool can hardly
from the assumption that the rocks are saturated with fluids and be seen in Figure 4b, and the others are attenuated and have a
have a fine laminated structure. The sand is partially saturated different arrival time with respect to Figure 4a. This is because
with water, and has horizontal and vertical velocities of 7 and ²11 determines the phase velocity along the vertical direction.
6 cm/ns, respectively. A Debye relaxation at 1 GHz, together Obviously, the spatial extent of the reflectors does not repre-
with the dc conductivity, yields horizontal and vertical quality sent the real dimensions of the pools, since part of the energy
factors of approximately 40 and 120, respectively. On the other is diffracted at their edges. Note that the presence of the pools

FIG. 2. Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions. The source central frequency is 200 MHz and the receiver location
is (x, z) = (3, 2) m relative to the source position.

Table 1. Material properties.

Medium ∞ (² )
²11 ∞ (² )
²33 σ11
0 (S/m) σ33
0 (S/m) τ11 (ns) λ11 (ns) τ33 (ns) λ33 (ns)
0 0

Air 1 1 0 0 —— —— —— ——
Sand 25 20 10−3 3 × 10−3 0.161 0.156 0.165 0.153
DNAPL 13.4 13.4 10−6 10−6 —— —— —— ——
Clay 8 5 0.3 0.6 0.160 0.158 0.161 0.157
²0 = 8.85 10−12 −1 −7 −1
F m ; µ = µ0 = 4π 10 H m .
1672 Carcione

and the high velocity of the DNAPL produce a fading and a accounts for anisotropic properties and the various dissipation
pull-up of the aquitard reflector. mechanisms of the radio frequency band. In particular, the De-
On the other hand, if one assumes that (33) components are bye relaxations require the introduction of hidden variables
equal to (11) components, the corresponding radargram will be that are solved together with the electric and magnetic fields.
similar to that represented in Figure 4a, since the plane-wave A direct grid method solver, based on the Fourier differen-
source simulates a zero-offset survey. However, consider a tial operator, allows the modeling of the complete wavefield.
“common-shot” experiment, with the source and the receivers The stiffness of the differential equations (caused by the re-
located at the air-sand interface. The comparison between the laxation processes) is handled with a time-splitting integration
anisotropic (a) and the isotropic (b) radargrams (magnetic algorithm.
field) can be appreciated in Figure 5. They almost coincide A plane-wave analysis, based on uniform plane waves, gives
for near-offsets, but are different for offsets beyond one me- the expressions of measurable quantities, like the quality
ter approximately: the anisotropic dielectric and conductivity factor and the energy velocity, as a function of the frequency
properties have considerably altered the amplitude and arrival and the propagation direction. The concept of an effective
time of the first reflection event. dielectric impermeability matrix is introduced to properly
define the electric and dissipated energy densities. The theory
and the modeling applied to a finely laminated sandy medium
Modeling radio waves in a realistic medium involves several shows how the material transforms from negative uniaxial to
aspects. In the first place, the wave equation should permit the positive uniaxial when a Debye peak (with a high Q factor)
proper simulation of the complete wave field, i.e., the reflec- is introduced. For instance, this may represent the difference
tions (single and multiples), the refractions, and the diffracted between a dry and a water saturated porous material, since the
waves. Moreover, in the case of soils and rocks, the petrophysi- latter is affected by the bound water relaxation mechanism.
cal and lithological properties play an important role. In partic- Another application of the modeling is the computation of
ular, fine layering (anisotropy), ionic conductivity in partially the electromagnetic response (a multichannel array survey) of
saturated porous media, and dielectric relaxation processes, dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) that contaminate
have a significant influence on the attributes (amplitude and a sand aquifer. The reflectors corresponding to the DNAPL
arrival time) of the radar pulses. pools can be seen clearly because of the permittivity contrast
The proposed modeling technique uses a relaxation tensor between the sand and the contaminant. In this way, the model-
formulation of the dielectric and conductivity properties, that ing predicts the potential georadar visibility of contaminants in

FIG. 3. Geological model representing DNAPL contamination pools (black areas) in a sand aquifer. The sand is anisotropic (finely
laminated) and has a Debye relaxation at 1 GHZ. On the other hand, the DNAPL is isotropic and lossless. The material properties
are given in Table 1.
Radargrams in Lossy Anisotropic Media 1673



FIG. 4. Plane-wave synthetic radargrams for the magnetic field, corresponding to the (a) anisotropic and (b) isotropic cases. The
latter is obtained by assuming that (11) components are equal to (33) components. The source is a horizontal electric current
(plane-wave) at the air-sand interface (see Figure 2), and has a dominant frequency of 200 MHz.
1674 Carcione



FIG. 5. “Common shot” synthetic radargrams for the magnetic field, corresponding to (a) anisotropic and (b) isotropic cases. The
latter is obtained by assuming that (33) components are equal to (11) components. The source is a horizontal electric current applied
at a point of the air-sand interface, and has a dominant frequency of 200 MHz.
Radargrams in Lossy Anisotropic Media 1675

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In general media, each point of the model space has arbi- ∂ Hy ¡ 0 0 ¢

trary anisotropic properties and the propagation of TM waves − = σ̄11 + ²11 811 cos2 θ² + ²33
833 sin2 θ² E x
requires the introduction of (13) components in addition to
(11) and (33) components. ¡ ∞ 0 ¢ ∂ Ex
+ ²̄11 + σ11 ξ11 cos2 θσ + σ33
ξ33 sin2 θσ
Denote ²̄i j the permittivity components in the Cartesian sys- ∂t
tem where the problem is solved. Then, they can be expressed · ¸
0 1 ¡ 0 0 ¢
in terms of the principal components as + σ̄13 + sin(2θ² ) ²11 811 − ²33 833 E z
" # " # " # 2
²̄11 ²̄13 cos θ² − sin θ² ²11 0 · ¸
= • ∞ 1 ¡ 0 0 ¢ ∂ Ez
²̄13 ²̄33 sin θ² cos θ² 0 ²33 + ²̄13 + sin(2θσ ) σ11 ξ11 − σ33 ξ33
2 ∂t
" #
cos θ² sin θ² L1 ·
X ¸
• , (A-1) 0 (x) 1 (z)
− sin θ² cos θ² + ²11 cos2 (θ² )e11` + sin(2θ² )e11`
where θ² is the angle of rotation and the dot denotes the ordi-
L3 ·
X ¸
nary matrix product. A similar equation can be written for the 0 (x) 1 (z)
conductivity components σ̄i j and the rotation angle θσ . + ²33 sin2 (θ² )e33` − sin(2θ² )e33`
Then, it can be shown that the equations corresponding to
equations (22) and (23) are + Jsx , (A-2)
1676 Carcione
· ¸
∂ Hy 0 1 ¡ 0 0 ¢ L1 ·
X ¸
= σ̄13 + sin(2θ² ) ²11 811 − ²33 833 E x 0 (z) 1 (x)
∂x 2 + ²11 sin2 θ² e11` + sin(2θ² )e11` + Jsz ,
· ¸ `=1
∞ 1 ¡ 0 0 ¢ ∂ Ex (A-3)
+ ²̄13 + sin(2θσ ) σ11 ξ11 − σ33 ξ33
2 ∂t
¡ 0 0 ¢ (z) (x)
where new hidden variables e11` and e33` were introduced. The
+ σ̄33 + ²33 833 cos2 θ² + ²11
811 sin2 θ² E z (m)
new set of hidden variables is defined by eii` = −φii` ∗ E m /τii` ,
¡ ∞ 0 ¢ ∂ Ez where m = 1(x) or 3(z), and the corresponding differential
+ ²̄33 + σ11 ξ11 sin2 θσ + σ33
ξ33 cos2 θσ equation is
XL · ¸
1 h (m) i
3 (m)
0 (z) 1 (x) ∂eii`
+ ²33 cos2 (θ² )e33` − sin(2θ² )e33` =− eii` + φii` (0)E m . (A-4)
2 ∂t τii`


In the 2-D TM notation, the Umov–Poynting vector (48) On the other hand, from equations (49) and (B-2), the elec-
takes the following form tric energy density is
· ¸ 1 |H0 |2
1 −E z exp(−2α> • x)
P= Hy ∗ . (B-1) (we ) AV =
4 ω2
2 Ex £¡ ¢>
× Re K2 ∗ • β ∗ • ²e • β • K2 ], (B-5)
From equations (31) and (41), and substituting the imperme- ˜ ˜ ˜
ability matrix (36), the electric field can be written as where the fact that β is a symmetric matrix has been used.
˜ ² = Re(β −1 ), it is easy to show that
Taking into account that
Hy e
E=− (β • K2 ). (B-2) ∗•
β ²e • β = Re(β). Then,˜ ˜
ω ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ 2
1 |H0 | £¡ ¢> ¤
By substituting (B-2) into (B-1), the mean power flow density (we ) AV = exp(−2α> • x) Re K2 ∗ • β • K2 ,
becomes 4 ω 2 ˜
<(P) = |H0 |2 exp(−2α> • x) or, using equations (41) and (42),
2 · ¸ 1 Re(V 2 )
1 (we ) AV = µ|H0 |2 exp(−2α> • x) . (B-7)
× Re (β33 `x e1 + β11 `z e3 ) , (B-3) 4 ˜ |V |2
Following the same steps used to obtain the electric energy
where equations (38), (41), and (42) have been used. density, and noting that σ e = −ωIm(β −1 ) and β ∗ • σ e • β =
From equations (50) and (38), the TM magnetic energy den- ˜
ω Im(β), the dissipated power density ˜
is ˜ ˜ ˜
sity is ˜ 2
¡ ¢ 1 Im(V )
( pd ) AV = µω|H0 |2 exp(−2α> • x) . (B-8)
(wm ) AV = 14 µ|H0 |2 exp −2α> • x . (B-4) 2 ˜ |V |2


Assume an electromagnetic wave traveling in the x-direction mode corresponding to a real and negative eigenvalue γs , and
with the magnetic and electric fields polarized in the y- and z- two propagating modes lying close to the imaginary axis, corre-
directions, respectively. When using the Fourier pseudospectral sponding to the other eigenvalues. When the central frequency
method, the wavenumbers κ supported by the numerical mesh of a Debye peak is much larger than the dominant frequency
span from zero to the Nyquist wavenumber π/D X , where D X of the source, γs ≈ −1/λ, and its magnitude is much larger
is the grid spacing. In the wavenumber domain, the eigenval- than the eigenvalues corresponding to the propagating modes.
ues γ = iω (ω complex) of matrix A satisfy the characteristic To have numerical stability, the domain of convergence of the
equation det(A − γ I) = 0, or time integration scheme should include the static eigenvalue.
"µ ˜¶ µ ¶ # µ ¶ For instance, an explicit fourth-order Runge-Kutta method re-
σe∞ 1 8² 0 1 κ2 quires dtλs > −2.78, implying a very small time step dt. Then,
γ γ+ γ+ − + γ+ = 0,
²e∞ τ τ ²e∞ τ µ²e∞ the method is restricted by numerical stability rather than
(C-1) by accuracy. The presence of this large eigenvalue, together
where σe∞ = σ 0 + ² 0 8 and ²e∞ = ² ∞p + σ ξ . When λ = τ and
0 with small eigenvalues, indicates that the problem is stiff (Jain,
∞ ∞
σe = 0, γ = ±ı V p κ, where V p = 1/ ²e µ is the phase velocity. 1984, 72).
In this case, the eigenvalues lie in the imaginary axis. On the The system of electromagnetic equations can be partitioned
other hand, the general solution of equation (C-1) gives a static into two sets of differential equations, one stiff and the other
Radargrams in Lossy Anisotropic Media 1677

nonstiff. Consider for simplicity of equation (57), correspond- with

ing to (11) components. The stiff part is " Ã !#1/2
0 − ²∞
1 11
∂ Ex ²11
0 1= 1+4 ∞ , (C-7)
=− ∞ e11 , (C-2) τ11 ²e11
∂t ²e11
∂e11 1 and
=− [e11 + 811 E x ] . (C-3) µ ¶ µ ¶
∂t τ11 1 ∂e11
1 ∂e11
n n
Now, assume that the solution at time ndt is E xn , e11 n and A=− − e11 λ2 , B= − e11 λ1 .
1 ∂t 1 ∂t
n /∂t = −(en + 8 E n )/τ . The solution at an interme-
∂e11 11 11 x 11
diate time, labeled by an asterisk, can be obtained in analytical (C-8)
form. It yields
Similar equations are obtained for the (33) component. The

e11 = A exp(λ1 t) + B exp(λ2 t), (C-4) intermediate vector

½ ¾ £ ∗ ¤>
A B V∗ = Hyn , E x∗ , E z∗ , e11

, e33 (C-9)
E x∗ = E xn − ∞ [exp(λ1 ) − 1] + [exp(λ2 ) − 1] ,
²e11 λ1 λ2
is the input for an explicit fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm
(C-5) that solves the nonstiff part of equation (57), to give the solu-
where tion at time (n + 1) dt. A similar partition algorithm for solving
Biot’s poroelastic equations was developed by Carcione and
¡ −1 ¢ ¡ −1 ¢
λ1 = − τ11 + 1 /2, λ2 = − τ11 − 1 /2, (C-6) Quiroga-Goode (1994).

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