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Unit 2 Meeting Notes

Thursday 4th November Attendance Tutors: Alan Dunlop, Penny Lewis, Simon Leeman, Gokai Deveci, Quazi Zaman, Tim Bayman, Neil Lamb, David Villa Domini, Neil Gillespie, Raju Noor, Bill Black. General Note We have to upload all our names and photos on to the website, including Simon. Maybe we should take a group photo in studio and attach our names to it? Presentation Comments and Questions asked PL - In relation to the third Esquisse which was presented 1. Which modes of transport will be used, travelling from hub to hub? 2. How will the central area of the proposal be linked to the outskirts? NL- To what extent have we looked at the planning policy for Glasgow in our research, and what contribution could it make to our work? We can use all the information we have gathered about land use more effectively. NG Who are the people that will be moving to this part of Glasgow? Where will they move from? Is it the case that people will be returning to Glasgow from smaller towns? It would be interesting to see a visionary model, new patterns, to show how people might live in the future. We have to move beyond patterns which have already been seen before, and push beyond this to create a new model. That model should consider land use, the river, transport and sustainability in particular. GD Think about time. How long will it take to develop the proposed settlement? 20, 30, 40 years? PL The reasons for catering for a population of 100 000 can be based on fiction, but it must have rigour and be based on some kind of narrative. NG The narrative of the project is very important. We must push beyond older issues relating to city planning such as dealing with the car and parking issues etc. The Equisses which were presented seem to be mega structure plans of sort, radical intervention. There is a discussion to be had here about whether our proposal is based on radical intervention or more subtle changes. Which do we feel is more appropriate? GD As part of the proposal, we should challenge the story to produce a model for the next generation. PL - We should keep our aspirations very high. QZ Haussmanns plans for Paris were based on social issues. In Glasgow, what influences the need for this type of proposal? PL Glasgow is being used as a laboratory for ways in which to develop a city.

NL From this point, we now have to make some creative leaps to find a suitable concept to form the masterplan and turn this concept into a place and a vision to allow us to design buildings. NG Think about the notion of making a mark, i.e. marks on the ground and the legacy they leave. Marks of ownership. Post Presentation Chat with Penny and Alan Good presentation, BUT we have to STOP using the words sort of and just! They show a lack of confidence. Have confidence! 6th years keep involved in the studio work that the 5th years will now continue with. Keep the momentum going. Organise a time for the 6th to come into the studio to have a break from dissertation writing. Thursdays would probably be best as we have the 5710 lecture in the evening. Lets get together ASAP for a post presentation discussion.

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