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Individual assessment

Yadwinder Singh


College of New Caledonia

Management 154-103: Human Relations

Ann Thring

April 18, 2023

Individual assessment

Sense of self

I had portrayed moderate sense of self in the video. I had shown little decision taking

power and had also tried to prove my decision. For example, suggesting to select water and

then proving my point by talking about special water bottle (04:57-05:30). I had control over

my speech and behavior. I also showed a moderate self-esteem. However, I had low

convincing power as I did have the ability to turn my teammates in accepting into my

decisions (07:10). Therefore, my sense of self had little to no impact on my teammates. A lot

of improvement is still required.

What is meant by a good listener?

A good listener is a person who attains the following abilities (Herrity, 2023):

1. Ability to give attention to speaker.

2. Ability to provide appropriate nonverbal communication.

3. Ability to pace the conversation.

4. Ability to recall previous information

5. Ability to avoid interruption.

6. Ability to stay curious and open minded.

I had shown some of the qualities of a good listener such as being open minded,

curious, giving attention, pacing conversation and not interrupting the conversation. An

example of good listening skills can be seen in the video from timing 08:10 to 09:30. It had

impacted my teammates in making them realize that I am interested in their point of view and

they had therefore portrayed their thoughts effectively.

Skill of expressing one’s thoughts and ideas clearly

I could not express my thoughts and ideas clearly to my teammates. I had difficulty to

express my ideas and thoughts. Even I was not clear in my own thoughts. For example, Mae

delivered me a statement for poor expression of my ideas and thoughts saying, “Why are you

talking about gravity? Are you so confused? (17:00-17:12)”. The impact of my poor

expression power was that my teammates laughed at me and mocked me. They did not take

any of my ideas and thoughts on a serious note.

Ability to cope with one’s emotions (particularly negative)

I had showed the good ability to deal with angry moments with my teammates in a

constructive way. For example, I had changed my wordings about the selection of food as an

important component for travel. Harman and Mae reacted angrily to my change in wordings

as I had previously said that food is not required and later asked food to be added in luggage

(31:22). I replied and reacted in a constructive manner with a calm answer. It impacted as it

helped my teammates in giving off the anger and keeping themselves calm. It helped to

maintain the peace in the situation.

Willingness of self-disclosure

I have also tried to disclose myself to my teammates at some moments. I have done

that in such a manner to improve the relationship with my teammates and to generate

integrity among them (30:53). An example of my self-disclosure can be witnessed in the

video when I disclose that I am a smoker (30:53-31:05). I had made a disclosure but also

covered it up by saying “I was just kidding”. Therefore, proper disclosure was not made but a

try was attempted. It had little to no impact on my teammates as they took it in a sarcastic


Motivational Value System

It is a system of motives that help in determining the strengths, conduction of tasks

according to the filtered information, method of judging oneself and others. For example, the

perception of an individual regarding the simple and complex tasks can vary according to

decisions-making ability. Here, motivational value system helps a person to purse certain

actions strongly than others. it can also be regarded as a stimulus that helps people to work

effectively than without it.

I have observed that my motivational value system is the suggestion with clarification

from my teammates. When my teammates suggested and clarified me in my wrong decision

and helped me with their right ideas, I felt more motivated in carrying out right ideas and

tasks. For example, when I insisted to add parachute into the luggage for tying things together

but my teammates suggested to add silk with clarification, I felt more motivated in carrying

out the tasks with their idea. (37:30-39:15). Similar thing happened at 47:40 when selection

between milk and FM receiver was confused.

Weinstein five principles

Do no harm

I had effectively demonstrated this principle. At one time, I had changed my wordings

about the selection of food as an important component for travel. Harman and Mae reacted

angrily to my change in wordings as I had previously said that food is not required and later

asked food to be added in luggage (31:22). However, I replied and reacted in a constructive

manner with a calm answer and did not harm to them. It impacted as it helped my teammates

in giving off the anger and keeping themselves calm.

Make things better

I had effectively demonstrated this principle. I had tried to make things better

throughout the meeting. I had made suggestion of my ideas and thoughts regarding the
selection of materials for the space travel. For example, I tried to help them in making their

selection in a better manner so that the entire team can make the journey successful and safe.

An example of my suggestion of water can be seen in the video at 07:10 timing.

Respect others

I had effectively demonstrated this principle. I was working with the all the girl

teammates and I showed them all due respect and dignity which they deserved. However, I

have also mocked them on a positive note. For example, when we started the meeting, I

respectfully greeted them and I also maintained a respectful talking tone throughout the

conversation in the meeting. It impacted them as they felt safe and respectful during the


Be fair

I had also effectively demonstrated this principle. For example, the group declared

pistol and matches as useless. Therefore, I agreed to the fair decision of group and remained

fair as well (42:15). It helped to continue the meeting with a positive note and move forward

to resolve other travel queries.

Be compassionate

I had not demonstrated this principle. It is because I had mocked my teammates at

various points but at a positive note. I could not show them care and compassion which they

deserved. It had no impact on them because they are not too close to me in a relation that they

felt any lack of compassion or care.

Linking interpersonal communication inventory

Interpersonal communication inventory connection can be noticed in the general

communication section and Weinstein principles section discussed earlier in the report. For
example, difficulty in expression (17:00-17:12), ease of handling constructive criticism and

angry moments (31:22), use of soft tone and understanding others and being a good listener

(08:10 to 09:30). Relation of the interpersonal communication inventory to MVS and conflict

series can also be noticed in the above report. For example, there are questions such as “Do

you agree that you are wrong when you know that you are wrong?”.

Smart Goals

The two smart goals that I would set for myself to improve my communication are:

1. Better expression of ideas and thoughts: In the video, I could not express my

thoughts and ideas clearly to my teammates. I had difficulty to express my ideas and

thoughts. Therefore, I would focus to improve my expression skill and to be clear in

my own thoughts. It is a basic component of the sense of self and improving it would

help me lead a better life. I will adopt this quality by the end of May, 2023.

2. Showing empathy: I had not shown empathy in the video. It is because I had mocked

my teammates at various points but at a positive note. I could not show them proper

care and compassion which they deserved. Also, it had no impact on them because

they are not too close to me in a relation that they felt any lack of compassion or care.

However, I had respected them. Furthermore, I would try to improve myself and

include a habit of showing empathy to others. I will adopt this quality by the end of

May, 2023.


My communication and behavior are very well described in the general discussion 5

elements such as moderate sense of self, ability to be a good listener, poor quality of

expression of one’s thoughts and ideas, effective ability to cope with the angry moments and

moderate ability to disclose myself. My other individual characteristics are described in the
Weinstein five principles section such as doing no harm ability, respecting others effectively,

making things better effectively, remaining fair but lack of compassion. My smart goals are

better expression of ideas and thoughts and improvement in showing empathy.


Herrity, J. (2023, February 4). Qualities of a Good Listener and How To Be One in 6 Steps.

Retrieved from Indeed:

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