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Process Paper

1.) How did you choose your topic and how does it relate to the annual theme?

I chose my topic by first thinking about a “frontier” in history that I had a lot of

information on, but also that I would be interested in learning more about, this topic was

racial frontier and issues in racism. I also thought it would be most convenient to research

a specific person instead of just a lage category, which led me to Martin Luther King Jr.,

who we have learned a lot about in school and even have a holiday for. It relates to the

annual theme because Martin Luther King Jr. made large steps toward changing the racial

inequality and racism frontier that was strong in his times.

2.) How did you conduct your research?

I began my research by simply searching about Martin Luther King. I took basic notes on

a google doc, just trying to find as much information for my project as possible. When I

had a lot of information, I began organizing it into categories including his family,

famous speeches, and his death. I then looked at what information I was still missing and

researched more on reliable websites like After all my text research was

organized I began looking for pictures. I looked for pictures that told his story and added

color or appeal to the project.

3.) How did you create your project?

I created my project by typing all my information on google slides and adding special

fonts and adding borders to my text boxes. This was to make my information pop out and

appeal more to readers to keep them interested. I used the same concept for my images,

adding colored borders and cropping them to the specific part of the image I needed.
Then I printed them out, cut them out, and glued them to a poster board, arranging them

in ways to make the information and images organized neatly.

4.) In what ways is your topic significant in history?

It's significant in history because race has been an ongoing issue, even continuing to

today's society. The hate from slavery, segregation, and racism are still problems we face

in today's society. Important leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and others like

Malcom X have asked and fought for equality for so long.

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