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Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Name: Lya Hernández 00321509

Narrative Essay

Who has not done something that wishes had not happened but has to take responsibility?

Well, that happened to me last week when I accidentally damaged my phone. This is thanks to

getting wet my cellphone when I was having a party with my friends from college. We were

having fun and I didn't notice that a drink was spilled on top of the phone. At that time, I did not

think it would be much, however in the crossroads of day and night it began with troubles. The

screen turned gray and flashes of light came out. I worried a lot but I knew it was my fault

because it was my responsibility to take care of it.

The next day, I was hoping the water would be completely dried up and fixed it.

However, that did not happen and my phone got worse. Therefore, I made the decision to tell my

parents, because the phone is necessary for the university and I had to find a solution. I accepted

the blame and we try to get it fixed. Also, I talked to my dad and told him that from my savings I

would pay what it would cost to repair the screen.

When we took him to repair, they recommended that we first maintenance the phone. On

the other hand, I was concerned that the fix was going to be expensive and it was not going to be

the original screen. Also, that phone I had recently bought about 5 months ago. By doing this, it

apparently dried well and the phone started working without any problem. As a result of it being

fixed, I calmed down. In conclusion, this left me a great lesson. I must not neglect my personal

things. If I could turn back time, I would be more aware of this and I would not leave it


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