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Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Short Essay

The abandonment of animals in the streets is an act of little humanity.

There is no doubt that anyone at some time in their life has seen an animals abandoned on the
street. This is a topic that has been discussed for a long time and is very controversial in society.
Humanity is not aware of the damage it causes to these living beings that are so innocent and
For one thing, according to a foundation, a significant amount of dogs and cats have been
abandoned and collected last year. This data causes concern and therefore, the conclusion is
reached that there is still a high number of abandonment (Primicias, 2020). Therefore, mankind
must pay more attention to these cases and do something about it. There are several ways for
this to decrease. For instance, sterilizing pets, adopting, encouraging them not to abandon
animals or with a campaign that promotes awareness of these acts.
In conclusion, for a long time this type of attitude has been seen in people, however, this does
not mean that it cannot be changed. Many people think they are simply "animals" but they feel,
love and suffer. They have nothing evil in them and are very noble beings who deserve that we
improve as a society and take care of them.

Primicias. (2020). Las calles de Quito se llenan de perros abandonados por la crisis.

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