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- Ehra( Teacher , Mom )

- Evana ( Child )
- James ( child )
- Zek ( Child )
- Hanin ( Doctor )i
Ehra : Good Morning Everyone ! Today we are going to continue our discussion about the
Digestive System . But First let us have a recap . What is the step by step or process of
digestion ?
Evana : First it goes to your mouth , then afterwards you break it down into smaller pieces
by using your teeth . Salivary glands make saliva, which aids in digestion, keeps your mouth
moist and supports healthy teeth.
James : After that it will go to your pharynx , then through your esophagus , liver then
Ehra : Yes you guys are correct , and what is next after that ?
Zeki : After your stomach it will go through your pancreas then your large intestine and
next is your small intestine .
Ehra : And to complete the process of digestion , it will go through your rectum and lastly is
your anus .
Ehra : Now let us tackle some of the digestion problems one might encounter one day .
First is Gastroenteritis . Please read the definition , Evana .
Evana :Gastroenteritis is the irritation of the digestive tract caused by direct viral, bacterial,
or parasitic infection or the ingestion of preformed toxins contained within food.Diarrhea
and vomiting are symptoms of the very common condition known as gastroenteritis..
James : Ma’am what are the other symptoms you might encounter when having
Gastroenteritis ? and what is the main cause behind this ?
Ehra : Well some symptoms you might encounter are bloating , nausea and vomiting ,
abdominal cramps , abdominal pain . diarrhea and some bloody stools. Gastroenteritis is
usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection, and less often by a parasitic infection.
Zeki : Ma’am what are the possible precautions for this ?
Ehra : Avoid becoming dehydrated by drinking plenty of fluids; you'll need to drink more
than usual to make up for the fluids lost from vomiting and diarrhea. Water is ideal, but you
can also try soup and fruit juice.If you have a fever or any aches and pains, take
paracetamol. If you feel like eating, try small amounts of plain foods like soup, rice, pasta,
and bread. Get plenty of rest.
Ehra ; and lastly we have Ulcers . An ulcer is an open, painful sore peptic ulcers affect the
stomach and the upper part of the small intestine, called the duodenum .
Zeki : What causes an ulcer ma’am ?
Ehra : Stomach ulcers are usually caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria or
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These can break down the stomach's
defense against the acid it produces to digest food. The stomach lining then becomes
damaged causing an ulcer to form .
James : How about the symptoms ma’am ?
Ehra : you might feel some Gnawing or burning pain in your middle or upper stomach
between meals or at night , Pain that temporarily disappears if you eat something or take
an antacid , Bloating. , Heartburn , and Nausea or vomiting.
Ehra : And in order for you to avoid having an ulcer you must : Avoid tobacco products. Use
caution with aspirin , Protect yourself from infections by washing hands regularly and
consuming foods that have been cooked thoroughly.
Ehra : How's your school naman mga anak ?
Evana : It was okay mama I have learned a lot
Zeki : Yes mama we discussed about some of the digestion problems that we might
James :: Actually mama I feel like I have Gastroenteritis because lately I have been bloating
, having some nausea and vomiting , abdominal cramps , abdominal pain and diarrhea . But
I'm not sure mama
Evana : I think it's better if we better if we go to consult the doctor mama


Ehra : Good Evening po Doc , my child has a concern about lang po . Recently he is having
nausea and vomiting , abdominal cramps , abdominal pain and diarrhea .
James : Yes and I think I ha

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