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Subject : Organizational behavior

Lecturer : PGS.TS Nguyễn Thành Hiếu
Class : DSU6B
Members : Ngô Văn Quân
Mai Đức Hải
Nguyễn Minh Hiếu
Nguyễn Kim Thanh
Nguyễn Trà My
Hồ Phương Anh
Lê Thị Huyền Trang
Lê Nguyễn Uyển Nhi

I, Introduction the Google................................................................................................................

II, What are the factors influencing effective leaders?....................................................................

1. Internal.....................................................................................................................................
1.1. 3 Truths About Leadership Experience............................................................................
1.2. Professional skills of Google’s leader..............................................................................
1.3. Moral.................................................................................................................................
1.4. Trait...................................................................................................................................
2. External....................................................................................................................................
2.1. Predominant culture..........................................................................................................
2.2. Resources........................................................................................................................10
2.3. Demographic...................................................................................................................11

III, Conclusion...............................................................................................................................12

I, Introduction the Google


Google LLC (Google), a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc, is a provider of search and advertising
services on the internet. The company focuses on business areas such as advertising, search,
platforms and operating systems, and enterprise and hardware products. 

Its portfolio of products and services includes Google Search, Google Chrome, Google Docs,
Google Calendar, Google Photos,... The company has a business presence across the
Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East. Google is headquartered in
Mountain View, California, the US.

Google is one of the few technology companies which continue to have one of the fastest
growth rates in the world. It began by creating a search engine that combined PageRank
system, developed by Larry Page (ranking the importance of websites based on external links),
and Web search engine, created by Sergey Brin, two co-founders of the company (Jarvis 2011;
Downes 2007).
Google’s achievements absolutely do not come from any luck. Google has made extra efforts
in creating an index of a number of websites, which have been up to 25 billion websites. This
also includes 17 million images and one billion messages to Usenet groups. Besides searching
for websites, Google users are able to search for PDF files, PostScript, documents, as well as
Microsoft, Lotus, PowerPoint and Shockwave files.

Google processes nearly 50% of search queries all over the world. Moreover, it is the number
one search option for web users and is one of the top five websites on the Internet, which have
more than 380 million users and 28 billion visits every month, and more than 50% of access
from countries outside the US.

Google’s technology is rather special: it can analyze millions of different variables of users
and businesses who place advertisements. It then connects them with millions of potential
advertisements and gives messages of advertisement, which is closest to objects in less than
one second. Thus, Google has the higher rate of users clicking advertisements than its
opponent Yahoo, from 50 to 100%, and it dominates over 70% market share of paid

Google’s self-stated mission: “to organize the world’s information and make it universally
accessible and useful. ” Nowadays, it is believed that people in the world like “Google” with
words “the useful-lively information storage”.

Headquarters Telephone Revenue

United States of America 1 650 2530000 (2021)

Address No of Employees
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, 85,000
California, 94043

Website Industry Technology and

II, What are the factors influencing effective leaders?

1. Internal
1.1. 3 Truths About Leadership Experience
a) Experience matters, because leaders are made, not born.
The most valuable experiences push you out of your comfort zone, stretch your skills, and
challenge your abilities. Though nobody wants to spend their entire career in a constant state
of discomfort, the most worthwhile leadership development usually comes with a dose of

b) Leadership experience is variable, and not all experiences are the same.
Different people, of course, have different leadership experiences. And different experiences
teach different things. The quality, quantity, and diversity of your experiences are important.
Also, remember that the benefits of leadership experience goes beyond what’s on your
résumé. Family experiences, volunteer roles, hardships and your personal life and other non-
work experiences can also strengthen your leadership skills.

c) Experience is the past, present, and future at once.
A leadership experience is not a one-time phenomenon. You can relive past experiences,
reflect on them, and discover new insights. Your past experiences can help you navigate your
present experiences, and your current experiences may prompt you to re-examine past
experiences for new lessons. Future experiences don’t merely happen to you. You can shape
them, consciously seeking out opportunities to grow as a leader.

1.2. Professional skills of Google’s leader

a) Humanity
Google has always treated its employees extremely humanely. The assistance provided to
them by Google in their quest to serve their clients has been extraordinary since they built
assistive educational software at Digital Scribbler with a focus on inclusive technology for
persons with special needs.
This humanity manifests itself in compassion, understanding, and a willingness to put people
before profits. While Google’s critics are quick to highlight when they fail to live up to this
ideal, selecting someone like Sundar Pichai reinforces their commitment to building a people
first company. 

b) Understated
When a leader focuses on results instead of “standing out,” it means their focus is on building
the organization, not being the center of attention. They are understated.  This is the type of
leadership necessary to build enduring companies

c) Relationships
The human connection reveals an emotional intelligence, which recognizes inspiring ideas
attract talent, but only deep connections build teams.  If there is one quality about to separate
Mr. Pichai from his CEO peers, it won’t be his technical depth or breadth, but his ability to
attract talent, because he values people.  
d) Deal Marker

Making deals is about building relationships, and the best deal makers try to meet the needs of
their partners and customers, instead of gaining an advantage.

e) Visionary
Google’s monetization strategy really is secondary to its stated goal: giving people everywhere
the power of Google’s machine learning whenever and wherever they need it. The fact that
Google’s products work the same whether you’re a billionaire or a rural farmer in a far-flung
place. And Google leader's vision is to ensure that dedication becomes a part of everything
Google makes.

f) Communicator
The ability to communicate reflects emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is not
generally seen as the dominant quality in the science or engineering field (or many other fields
if we are honest).
Mr. Pichai (Google's CEO) clearly has this in his leadership skill set, which makes him an
excellent choice to guide the science company we call Google, into a future where they
advance every life from the billionaire to the rural farmer.

1.3. Moral
Google leaders always put personal experience first, including values, thoughts, feelings and
The leaders of Google were more concerned about the demands and abilities of each
individual, the study of the nature of human beings, and appreciation of their employees as
their customers. At Google, the founders thought they could create a company that people
would want to work at when creating a home-like environment. It is real that they focus on the
workplace and bring comfort to staff creatively and freely.
At Google, paying attention to how employees work and helping them correct mistakes is
critical. Instead of pointing out the damage and blaming a person who caused the mistake, the
company would be interested in the cause of the problem and how to fix it as quickly and
efficiently as possible.

1.4. Trait
Source: Leadership Traits: 10 Top Qualities of Effective Leaders |
Top 10 Leadership Traits of Google Managers - Real Leaders (
Effective leaders in the workplace must possess certain leadership traits. These characteristics
enable you to lead individuals and projects to success whether you are in charge of a team, a
department, or an entire business. Since soft skills are more crucial for effective leadership
than technical expertise or industry-specific experience, leadership traits are important in
almost every profession.
You should work to become an authority in your field and strive to develop key leadership
traits if you want to be a successful leader. Start with these ten illustrations of leadership

a) Accountability
No matter how well or poorly their team performs, the best leaders take full accountability for
it. When your team performs well, you should aim to recognize them and offer helpful
criticism to help them get better. Additionally, it's critical for you to own up to mistakes or
negative actions that you've made. Everyone makes mistakes because we are only human, but
effective leaders are honest with their team about their areas for growth. Make it a point to set
an example for your team, and they'll probably act responsibly as well.

b) Adaptability
Leaders with experience are aware that schedules, goals, and even plans can change at any
time. A flexible strategy that enables you to change course as needed is what you should strive
for in order to become a strong leader. You might discover that as you gain adaptability, you
also gain related leadership traits like resourcefulness and problem-solving skills. Practice
accepting and overcoming unforeseen challenges rather than resisting them to increase your
capacity for adaptability.

c) Confidence
Every leader should project confidence as a central figure in their organization or division in
order to inspire employees. Even when challenges obstruct your path forward, you should try

to project confidence and poise. The team and other members of their organization tend to
trust leaders with this trait more quickly. Gain confidence by practicing your presentations,
planning your answers to potential questions, and anticipating the questions you might be

d) Creativity
The most effective leaders rarely take well-worn paths or imitate the choices made by others.
Instead, they embrace novel ideas and approaches that nobody else has yet tried. As a leader,
you should prioritize creativity so that you can test out creative solutions and unconventional
strategies to accomplish goals. Before implementing a plan, consider alternative solutions to
problems you encounter in order to increase your creativity.

e) Empathy
The most effective leaders rarely take well-worn paths or imitate the choices made by others.
Instead, they embrace novel ideas and approaches that nobody else has yet tried. As a leader,
you should prioritize creativity so that you can test out creative solutions and unconventional
strategies to accomplish goals. Before implementing a plan, consider alternative solutions to
problems you encounter in order to increase your creativity.

f) Focus
You can handle potential distractions by maintaining focus while working toward important
goals. You can accomplish your biggest goals while managing your time and resources if you
pay close attention to the most crucial details. Consider scheduling uninterrupted work periods
alternated with less demanding work that allows you to pause and attend to other matters. You
can use this technique to focus your attention as needed.

g) Positivity
Positive leadership inspires a team to meet objectives, give their best effort, and go above and
beyond. In order to be a successful leader, you should maintain your positive attitude when
faced with challenges or when giving constructive criticism. Instead of emphasizing the

difficult work your team will have to perform during the process, you could, for instance,
concentrate on the advantages of completing a significant project.

h) Risk-taking
Leaders frequently face risks, but they need to know when to rise to the occasion and when to
play it safe. Start by learning how to evaluate situations and weigh advantages and
disadvantages if you want to become an expert at managing risk. Make an effort to reach
quick decisions so that your team can easily accept and implement them. To confidently
evaluate situations and make decisions, try making a flowchart with steps.

i) Stability
Despite being tasked with bringing about significant change, leaders also require a strong
sense of stability. Your project, team, or business can stay on track if you adopt a steady,
dependable approach. Establishing routines and communicating expectations to your team will
help you and your employees stay motivated and focused as you work to make constant
progress. Establish a weekly meeting, for instance, to inform your team of impending changes.

k) Team-building
Even the most capable leaders require committed teams to finish tasks. To be a successful
leader, you must understand how to promote teamwork and collaboration, motivate team
members to give their best work, and inspire them to complete challenging tasks. To
encourage camaraderie and enhance communication, you can incorporate team-building
exercises like icebreakers and outings for the whole group.
And Google set out to determine what makes a manager great at Google. A research team tried
to prove the opposite: that managers actually don’t matter, that the quality of a manager didn’t
impact a team’s performance. This hypothesis was based on an early belief held by some of
Google’s leaders and engineers that managers are, at best, a necessary evil, and at worst, a
layer of bureaucracy.
The team defined manager quality based on two quantitative measures: manager performance
ratings and manager feedback from Google’s annual employee survey. This data quickly

revealed that managers did matter: teams with great managers were happier and more
But knowing that managers mattered didn’t explain what made managers great. So the team
asked employees about their managers. By going through the comments from the annual
employee survey and performance evaluations, the team found ten common behaviors across
high-scoring managers. The researchers also conducted double blind interview with a group of
the best and worst managers to find illustrative examples of what these two groups were doing
differently. Here are the ten traits they found that made a Google manager an effective leader:
 They are a good coach
 Empowers the team and does not micromanage
 Creates an inclusive team environment, showing concern for success and well-being
 Is productive and results-oriented
 Is a good communicator — listens and shares information
 Supports career development and discusses performance
 Has a clear vision and strategy for the team
 Has key technical skills to help advise the team
 Collaborates across the company
 Is a strong decision maker.

2. External
2.1. Predominant culture 
The dominant culture in the organization depends on the environment in which the company
operates the organization’s objectives, the belief system of the employees, and the company’s
management style. For example, an employee follows a standard procedure with a strict
adherence to hierarchy and well-defined individual roles and responsibilities.
The predominant culture aimed at Google is an open culture, where everybody and customers
can freely contribute their ideas and opinions to create a more comfortable and friendly
working environment. It seems that Google is quite open in these artifacts by showing a
respect for the uniform and national culture of each staff individually and giving them the
right to wear traditional clothes. 

Working at Google, employees enjoy free food served throughout the day, a volleyball court, a
swimming pool, a car wash, an oil change, a haircut, free health care, and many other benefits.
The biggest benefit for the staff is to be picked up on the day of work. As assessed by many
traffic experts, the system set up by Google is considered to be a great transport network. 

Google developed in the direction of a holding company - a company that does not directly
produce products or provide services but simply invests in capital by buying back capital. In
the company, the criteria for setting the ten exponential function in lieu of focusing only on
the change in the general increase. This approach helps Google improve its technology and
deliver great products to consumers continuously.

When it comes to the elements that create creativity and innovation, we can easily recognize
that the working environment is one of the most important things. Google has succeeded in
building an image of creative working. Google offices are individually designed, not
duplicated in any type of office. In fact, the working environment at Google is so comfortable
that employees will not think of it as a working room, with a full area of work, relaxation,
exercise, reading, and watching movies. Is the orientation of Google’s corporate culture to
stimulate creativity and to show interest in the lives of employees so that volunteers contribute

Google, known as the global company with many more offices, so there are many subcultures
created among groups of people who work together, from subcultures among work groups to
subcultures among ethnic groups and nations, multinational groups, as well as multiple
occupations, functions, geographies, echelons in the hierarchy and product lines.

2.2. Resources 
When it comes to Google, people often ask what the formula for success is. The answer here is
the employees of Google. They create their own unique workplace culture rules to create an
effective work environment for their employees. 

In terms of human resources, Google leaders have the ability to manage and lead employees.
They know how to use and divide the work of each individual into each appropriate position.
Thereby creating efficiency in work.
Regarding resources related to supply and demand, Google leaders always grasp the market to
lead the company in accordance with user needs.

2.3. Demographic
 Based on our data team's research, Sundar Pichai is Google's CEO. Google has 139,995
employees, of which 63 are in a leadership position.
Here are further demographic highlights of the leadership team: 

We have made progress in our leadership ranks, by gender and ethnicity. Women hold 25.5%
of Google’s leadership positions today. Over the last four years, the percentage of women in
leadership globally has increased from 20.8% to 25.5%. 

In the U.S. in 2017, leadership hires were 5.4% Black, and Black representation in leadership
increased from 1.5% in 2017 to 2% in 2018. Latinx representation in Google’s leadership is
1.8% (up from 1.7%).
In addition, the leader's demographic is also divided by age, usually Google does not pay
much attention to this factor in the leader position. Instead, the factor of seniority is also
considered a decisive part. Moreover, education level, working capacity and professional skills
are the main factors that determine the leader position. Thus, Google has improved the
productivity of each department that relies on leaders to manage.

III, Conclusion
Experience, professional expertise, moral character, and so on are the keys to a successful
Google leader. A leader is someone who has a very high ability to manage his own behavior
and a firm stance. He is not a conservative but knows how to adjust his language and behavior
to suit every situation. This is one of the qualities a leader should have.


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