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Hygiene and food safety in restaurants

Observed from the perspective of food safety inspectors

Team member
Nguyen Tra My
Nguyen Kim Thanh (Leader)
Ho Phuong Anh
Nguyen Khac Phuc
Nguyen Thi Hang
Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy

1. What do you want to know?

 Hygiene and food safety in high-quality restaurants.

2. How can you find out by observing?

 Observe the process, from importing raw materials to processing raw materials, etc., to ensure
food safety and hygiene procedures.
 Perform finished product sample testing activities
 Check the tools and cooking equipment in the kitchen
 Make a quality declaration document

3. Where can you observe?

 Some fine dining restaurants

4. What will you pay attention to?

 Raw food of clear origin?
 Does the processing area ensure food hygiene?
 Is the water source, equipment, tools, and facilities clean or not?
 How many years is the certificate of food safety qualified establishment?
 Is the production area separate from sources of contamination such as sewers, garbage, cleaning
companies, industrial production areas, rearing areas, and poultry?
 In the process of food processing, does the person directly processing food ensure food hygiene
and safety, such as not wearing watches, rings, and other jewelry, not leaving nails, nail polish…

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