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What, Where, How and When

$ Where did people lived?

# People lived near the forests
- Some of the people who lived here were skilled gatherers – hunters.
# People lived as settled agriculturist.
- Areas such as Sulaiman and Kirthar hills, Garo hills to
the north-east and Vindhyas in Central India.
> Sulaiman and Kirthar hills
= In Sulaiman and Kirthar hills, people first began
to grow crops [such as wheat and barley 8000 years ago. ]
= Rearing animals [like sheep, goat and cattle] also began.
= Agriculture developed in some areas. Rice was first grown to the
north of the Vindhyas.
# People lived along the banks of river.
@ river Indus
: About 4700 years ago, some of the earliest cities flourished on the
banks of river Indus.
@ river Ganga
: About 2500 years ago, cities developed along the river Ganga.
:- Area to the south of Ganga was known as Magadha.
$ Movements of the people:
> Since past, people travelled from one part of the subcontinent to another.
+ Because,
- To escape from natural disaster like flood or drought.
- In search of livelihood.
- Movement of armies, conquering others land.
- Merchants travelling for trade.
- Religious teachers walked from village to village
propagating religious message.
- Movement for adventure, discoveries and expeditions to
new places.
- All these movement led to the sharing of ideas between people.
^[Ideas like?]
- People started new ways of carving stone
- composing music
- and even cooking food over several hundreds of years.
- These movements enriched our cultural tradition.
$ Names of the land:
> Two words we often used for our country are: India and Bharat
# India:
- The word India comes from the Indus, called Sindhu in Sanskrit.
- Iranians and Greeks were familiar with the Indus, called it the
Hindos or the Indos.
- Land to the east of the river was called India.
# Bharat:
- The name Bharat is mentioned in the Rigveda[composed 3500
years ago].
- It was used for a group of people who lived in the north-west.
$ Sources of History
# Manuscript:
- Books written long ago.
^[How are they written?]
- They are hand written. [Manuscript, this comes from the latin
word ‘Manu’ meaning hand].
^[Written on?]
- They were usually written on palm leaf or on the specially
prepared bark of a tree known as the birch, which grows in the Himalayas.
^[What was written?]
+ Manuscripts were written on variety of subjects like,
- Religious belief and practices.
- Medicine and Science.
- Epics, poems and plays.
- The lives of kings.
^[language used?]
- Many of these manuscripts were written in Sanskrit,
Prakrit(common language) and Tamil.
# Inscriptions:
- Writing engraved on hard surfaces such as stone or metal.
^[What was written?]
+ Inscriptions were written on subjects like:
- Orders of kings.
- Records of victories in battles.
Q Advantages of inscription?
> It survived long as compared to manuscripts.
Q. Ordinary men and and women did not keep records of what they did. WHY?
> + Because,
- They were illiterate and they not had a sound clue about the knowledge of
- They were not aware of such writing skills in the earliest times.
- Such work had no imporatance in their life.
- They never bothered of their past and had not interest in the knowledge
of the past. Generally, the kings and queens kept the records of their victories.
$ Other sources(Archaeological sources):
+ There are many other sources to study history.
- Remains of buildings.
- Paintings and sculptures.
- Tools, weapons, pots, pans, ornaments and coins
# Archaeologists
> Those who study remains of objects through exploration and excavation
are called Archaeologists.
> Archaeologists also look for the remains of bones of animals, birds and
fish, to find out what people ate in past.
> Archaeologists use sources[Manuscripts, Inscriptions and arhaeological
sources] to reconstruct history bit by bit. Archaeologists use all these sources like clues
to find out our past. Hence they work as detectives.
Q. Describe at least two ways in which we think the lives of kings would have been
different from those of farmers.
> + their lives were different in this manners,
- The kings usually lived in urban areas in thier palaces, forts while the
farmers lived in rural areas or countryside in their small houses or huts.
- The kings were depended on others for the supplies of food while the
farmers produced food for themselves and for others also.
$ What do dates mean?
> Years are generally assigned to the birth of Jesus Christ.
- So, 2024 means two thousand and twenty-four years after the birth of
Jesus Christ[AD].
- 200 BC = 2024 years + 200 years = 2224 years.
> Similarly, CE[Common Era] is used at the place of AD.(i.e 2024 CE)
> BCE[Before Common Era] is used at the place of BC.
@ South Asia includes the present countries of India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
Nepal and Pakistan and neighbouring countries of Afghanstan, Iran, China and
Myanmar. South Asia is often called a subcontinent because although it is smaller than a
continent, it is very large, and is separated from the rest of the Asia by seas, hills and

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