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Who is ethically responsible

Ethical responsibility applies to all individuals and organizations. An ethically
responsible person is someone who consistently makes decisions and take actions
that align with their moral principles and values, treats others with respect and
fairness and considers the impact of their actions on society and environment. To
elaborate on this, first lets see what ethical responsibility is. The word itself is made
up of 2 words; ethical and responsibility. Ethical means conforming to the accepted
standards of social or professional behaviour. And responsibility is the duty or
obligation of a person or group to do something, so Ethical responsibility is the
ability to recognize, interpret and act upon multiple principles and values according
to the standards within a given field or context.
Being ethically responsible is required wherever and whenever we go. For
example in a business, business leaders have a unique role and great responsibility in
shaping the ethical culture of their businesses and thereby influence their broader
communities as well. In the workplace we have different ethical responsibilities like
obeying the company’s rules, effective communication, taking responsibility,
accountability,professionalism,trust and mutual respect for your colleagues at work.
Being ethically responsible has various advantages like;
 Building trust ; when you consistently make decisions and take actions that align
with your moral principles and values, people will percieve you as trustworthy
and this can help build strong relationships with others.
 Enhancing reputation; ethical behaviour can enhance your reputation both
personally and professionally. People will view you as a reliable and dependable
individual, which can lead to better opportunities in life.
 Improving decision making; ethical responsibility requires careful consideration
of the impact of one’s actions on society and the environment. By practicing
ethical behavior you can improve your decision making skills and make more
informed choices that benefit everyone.
 Contributing to a better world; since your action affect not only you but also
your environment you should make responsible choices so that you can
contribute to a better world for everyone.
 Personal growth; practicing ethical behavior requires self-reflection. By
consistently making ethical decisions, you can develop a stronger sense of self-
awareness and personal growth.
Without ethical responsibility, individuals and organizations may engage in
actions that are harmful to society and the environment. This can lead to a
breakdown of trust, damage of reputation and negative consequences for individuals
and communities. Without ethical responsibility, decision making may be based
solely on personal gain and profit, without consideration for the impact on others.
This can lead to a less equitable and just society where some groups may be
marginalized or exploited. Overall, without ethical responsibility there is a risk of
harming oneself and others and contributing to a less sustainable and prosperous
Generally, ethical responsibility leaves no human being as an exception. Ethical
responsibility can be attributed to individuals, organizations and even governments.
Anyone who has the ability to make decisions and take actions that affect others has
a responsibility to act ethically. This includes individuals in their personal lives,
employees in their workplaces, leaders in their communities, governments in their
policies and laws. Ultimately, everyone has a role to play in promoting ethical
behavior and ensuring that is upheld in society

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