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Physics Letters B 282 (1992 ) 276-280


Neutron flow and necking in heavy-ion fusion reactions

N. R o w l e y ", I.J. T h o m p s o n b a n d M . A . N a g a r a j a n "
a SERCDaresburyLaboratory, Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK
b Departmentof Physics, UniversityofSurrey, Guildford, SurreyGU2 5XH, UK

Received 21 January 1992; revised manuscript received 25 March 1992

The "barrier distributions" arising from neutron transfer channels are discussed. It is shown that sequential transfers can lead
to the broad distributions characteristic of many experimental fusion cross sections. Finite Q-value effects can lead to neutron
flow and a build up of a neck between the colliding nuclei. "Anti-necking" may also occur.

Recently, it was suggested by Stelson [ 1 ] that the

experimental sub-barrier fusion cross sections in a (d eo(e)- l =7tR2D(B) (3)
large n u m b e r o f systems could be explained i f one as-
sumes a distribution o f barriers D ( B ) , where b is the
barrier height, and where the fusion cross section is The barrier distribution D ( B ) o f e q . ( 3 ) , is the same
defined by as the continuous D ( B ) defined by Stelson in the
sense that when inserted in eq. ( 1 ) along with the
classical expression (2), it yields the experimental
a ( E ) = f a(E, B ) D ( B ) d B . (1) cross section. F r o m a q u a n t u m mechanical point o f
0 view o f course eq. ( 1 ) should use the single-barrier
fusion cross section o f Wong [ 3 ], which correctly ac-
In this equation D ( B ) is normalised to unity and the counts for barrier penetration (tunneling) effects.
quantity a(E, B) is the classical fusion cross section Rowley et al. showed that the quantity defined by eq.
defined by ( 3 ) m a y then be related to some underlying discrete
distribution o f eigenchannel barriers s m o o t h e d out
Etr(E,B)=nR2(E-B), ifE>~B, (2) over an energy o f a r o u n d 0.56 ha) ( ~ 2 M e V ) , where
=0, if E <~B . w is the frequency related to the curvature o f the bar-
rier top. This underlying discrete distribution will,
In many cases, Stelson o b t a i n e d a flat barrier distri- therefore, still be visible in D ( B ) if the i n d i v i d u a l ei-
b u t i o n extending from a threshold BI to some maxi- genchannel barriers are separated by more than about
m u m value and he suggested that the threshold en- 2 MeV. F o r a complex system o f transfer channels, it
ergy was correlated with neutron flow between the two would be impossible to derive eigenchannels analyt-
nuclei. It is this p h e n o m e n o n which we wish to inves- ically but we shall see below that the application o f
tigate here in a microscopic framework o f coupled- eq. ( 3 ) will enable us to see the underlying d y n a m i c s
channels equations. in a transparent way.
It was recently shown by Rowley, Satchler and The nature o f the barrier distributions expected
Stelson [2] that one could take barrier penetration from strong coupling o f the elastic channel to rota-
effects into account and extract the barrier distribu- tional excitations [ 4] and vibrational excitations [5 ]
tions directly from the second derivative o f the prod- has been discussed in the literature. In the case o f fu-
uct of the energy and the e x p e r i m e n t a l fusion cross sion o f rotational nuclei, one expects an a s y m m e t r i c
sections: barrier distribution and recent accurate data on the

276 0370-2693/92/$ 05.00 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.
Volume 282, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS B 28 May 1992

system 160 + 154Smhas been able to confirm this [ 6 ]. We shall simplify our problem by ignoring the spin
In the case of vibrational nuclei, model calculations of the neutron but in all other respects shall treat the
for the system 160-t-92Zr suggest that one should ex- transfer process exactly using the code FRESCO [ 8 ].
pect a barrier distribution in which there is a split be- Thus our calculations will use none of the approxi-
tween barriers below the conventional Coulomb bar- mations of some earlier treatments [9] which as-
rier and one which occurs well above it, the splitting sumed that the transfers could be treated as effective
depending upon the collectivity of the vibration [ 7 ]. inelastic channels (with the further assumption of
Neither of the above distributions resembles the em- constant coupling form factors i.e. independent of r).
pirical fiat ones extracted by Stelson [1] for some The true couplings are not only r-dependent but are
systems. However, he suggested a correlation be- of course non-local for transfers. T h u s any eigen-
tween the threshold of his barrier distribution and the channel structure will also correspond to non-local
nuclear separation at which neutron flow would be- channel potentials. We shall see, however, that struc-
come classically allowed. Hence, these fiat distribu- ture is still manifest.
tions are more likely to be associated with coupling Two separate classes of calculations were per-
to transfer channels. In order to prove that this kind formed. In the first case we assumed a number of sin-
of strong coupling can indeed produce such distribu- gle-neutron transfer channels and allowed all o f these
tions, we consider a model calculation of neutron to couple to the elastic channel but not to each other.
transfer in the ~60+ ~70 system. Since we have sev- The coupling scheme is shown schematically in fig.
eral effects which we wish to describe, we shall per- l a, where we also show the corresponding "sche-
form a series o f model calculations for this system matic" coupling matrix. The Q values for all the
with no particular regard for the physical values of transfer channels were set equal to zero. The barrier
the parameters. We shall for example vary the num- distribution was extracted, using eq. (3), from the
ber of channels, their nature (simultaneous/sequen- calculated cross sections, and is shown in fig. 2a for
tial) and their Q-values and shall take a spectro- various numbers of channels. The single-bump curve
scopic factor for which coupling to the transfer corresponds to elastic scattering with no coupling.
channels is strong. Although any particular set of pa- Once transfer channels are introduced, it can be seen
rameters may be unphysical for this system, they will that, independent of their number, the barrier distri-
be representative of conditions prevailing in other butions show two peaks. This can be easily under-
systems and a comparison o f the various effects is stood from the structure of the schematic coupling
simpler if they are all generated within the same matrix since one can reduce the coupled equations to
system. two, describing the coupling of the elastic to a single
The real part of the optical potential (assumed to linear superposition of transfer channels with an ef-
have a Woods-Saxon shape) was chosen to have ( V, fective strength. The effect o f increasing the number
ro, a ) = ( 6 0 . 5 MeV, 1.18 fm, 0.66 fm). The imagi- of channels is merely to separate the two barriers fur-
nary part of the optical potential (assumed to have a ther. This case (which we refer to as simultaneous
Woods-Saxon squared shape) had parameters ( 10.0 transfer) resembles the case o f vibrational coupling.
MeV, 1.00 fm, 0.40 fm). The latter radius and dif- If one allows finite Q-values, the barrier distribution
fuseness parameters are sufficiently small for this po- will be expected to exhibit still the two barriers but
tential to be negligible in the barrier region and thus the relative strengths will be modified (see below).
our results will be the same as if we had employed an The second set of calculations represent a multi-
ingoing-wave boundary condition. The neutron was nucleon transfer model. We considered a single-neu-
bound in a potential ( 53.5 MeV, 1.2 fm, 0.6 fm) giv- tron transfer channel to be coupled to the elastic
ing a binding energy of 2.0 MeV, and was transferred channel. A two-neutron transfer channel was intro-
with a spectroscopic amplitude o f 2. This binding en- duced and it was assumed that this channel was cou-
ergy and amplitude have half and twice their physical pled to the single-neutron transfer channel but was
values respectively. Both of these choices serve to en- not coupled directly to the elastic channel. We then
hance the effect of transfer and thus simulate other introduced a three-neutron transfer channel which
systems where the effects are strong. was coupled to the two-neutron transfer channel and

Volume 282, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS B 28 May 1992

(a) Simultaneous (b) Sequential •


n=2 J A+I

(o:ov) V


(ov o)V -O
0 V

Fig. 1. (a) The levels involved in "simultaneous" transfer of a single neutron to the ground state and various excited states of the target
or projectile are shown. The schematic coupling matrix for this type of process is also given. (b) As (a) but for the case of sequential
transfers of several neutrons.

so on. Fig. l b shows the coupling scheme ( a n d the than it would be if the transfer channels were
" s c h e m a t i c " coupling m a t r i x ) utilised in this model. " s w i t c h e d " off. In other words, the neutron is equally
F o r the sake o f simplicity we assumed the coupling associated with either core and the two related wave-
to be the same at each step. We first set all the Q val- functions a d d in phase in the regioia between the nu-
ues to zero and evaluated the barrier distribution as clei. At the higher energy both channels contribute to
we included more channels. The resulting distribu- the fusion in equal measure and we find that the neu-
tions are shown in fig. 2b for n = 3 and 5. (The curves tron density is now only about twice what it would be
for n = 1 and 2 are the same as for the simultaneous without coupling. Since this is precisely what one
case). As the n u m b e r o f "sequential" transfer chan- would expect from a 50% contribution o f the lower
nels is increased, the separate contributions are seen eigenchannel (which has a four-fold increase in den-
to overlap and the barrier distribution becomes rather sity), it is clear that the neutron density between the
fiat. The resulting function for five channels, for ex- nuclei practically vanishes for the higher eigenchan-
ample, resembles closely the shape which Stelson [ 1 ] nel configuration. (A m o r e complete calculation o f
often found necessary to describe heavy-ion fusion such a system by Imanishi and von Oertzen [ 10 ] us-
cross sections. ing a molecular orbital a p p r o a c h yields similar re-
Stelson had also speculated that the threshold o f suits for the two eigenchannel barriers. They refer to
this distribution corresponded to the p o i n t at which the density distributions corresponding to the low
neutrons started to "flow" freely from one potential energy and high energy barriers as the covalent and
well to the other. In o r d e r to test this idea, we have the anti-covalent molecular types. )
calculated the neutron density between the two col- One is t e m p t e d to interpret the above result in
liding nuclei at an energy corresponding to the lower terms o f some kind o f d y n a m i c a l neutron flow be-
barrier in the case o f simultaneous transfer (fig. 2a) tween the two nuclei in the lower eigenchannel. This
a n d c o m p a r e d with that at the higher barrier. At the would, however, be incorrect since in the adiabatic
lower energy the higher barrier is "filtered" out by limit the neutron wavefunction is " f r o z e n " and the
the reduced penetration probability, and the proper- two different configurations one sees merely corre-
ties we calculate there relate solely to the effective spond to the wavefunctions with respect to the two
"eigenchannel" corresponding to the lower barrier. different cores adding either in phase or out o f phase
We find that the neutron density is four times larger in the simultaneous transfer case. In the sequential

Volume 282, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS B 28 May 1992

a) Simultaneous Q~0
a) Simultaneous ./" ". 600 / '~ n=2
600 /
/ ': n=l ,

400 / '1,
"0 Q<0 Q>0
LU %
n=3 -200

-200 '~ b) Sequential Q~0

b) Sequential n=3 / ~ n=5
400 ILl

200 b / :~/ \O> 0

LU 200
\ /1"/'\'\.
-200 , , , , , i ,
10 15 20 25 -200
E,ab(O) {MeV) 10 15 20 25
E,~b(O) (MeV)
Fig. 2. Adiabatic calculations ( i.e. Q = 0 ). (a) The single-peaked
function (single barrier) is obtained in the absence of coupling. Fig. 3. Finite Q values. For both simultaneous (a) and sequential
For any number of simultaneous transfer channels a double- (b) processes, the lower-energy barriers (corresponding to neck-
peaked distribution is found, indicating the presence of two ef- ing) are enhanced at the expense of the higher ones for negative
fective eigenchannel barriers. (b) For sequential transfers the Q = - 1 MeV (dashed curve). For positive Q (+1 MeV) the
number of peaks is equal to the number of channels. If this is "anti-necking" configuration is enhanced (solid curve).
sufficiently large, the peaks overlap to give a broad flat
what one might expect for a classical system which
problem the same "freezing" occurs but now one has would seek the lowest energy configuration i.e. neu-
many core complex channels adding to give the broad tron matter would flow into the region between the
(many-channel) distribution. In order to see a more nuclei and create a neck. This is reflected in the sta-
dynamical situation one must look at channels with tistical weight of the lower barrier increasing at the
non-zero Q-values. expanse of the upper one. This phenomenon, there-
Further calculations were done allowing finite Q fore, reconciles the quantal description of discrete
values for the transfer channels. Assuming all the transfer reactions and the more classical or macro-
transfer channels to have negative Q (i.e. relative ki- scopic picture of neutron flow and neck formation.
netic energy in the transfer channels less than in the However, in the opposite case where all the trans-
elastic channel), one obtains the barrier distribu- fer channels have positive Q values, we find barrier
tions shown in figs. 3a, 3b by the dashed lines. In the distributions shown by the solid lines in figs. 3a, 3b.
simultaneous problem we see that the weight of the In this case, the strength is shifted from the low-en-
lower barrier increases and that of the higher one de- ergy (enhanced density) part of the barrier distribu-
creases. In the sequential case it can be observed that tion to the high-energy region. Since this higher bar-
the flat distribution one obtained for large channel rier still corresponds to a reduced neutron density,
number (n = 5 ) in the adiabatic limit of zero Q is de- the matter in this case principally flows away from
formed and the strength from the higher-energy bar- the region between the two cores. This "anti-neck-
riers is again shifted to lower energy. This resembles ing" effect is rather counter-intuitive since one might

Volume 282, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS B 28 May 1992

have expected the greater available energy to further Two of the authors (I.J.T. a n d M.A.N. ) would like
facilitate the search for the configuration with the to acknowledge the NATO collaborative grant NATO
lowest barrier. It is, however, possible to find an an- 5 - 2 - 0 5 / R G No. 900803.
alogue of these dynamics in a hypothetical case of
"inelastic" scattering with positive Q-values! Con-
sider inelastic scattering of a deformed rotor with
physical (positive) excitation energies. It is well [ 1] P.H. Stelson, Phys. Lett. B 205 ( 1988 ) 190.
known that the non-adiabaticity of the system allows [2 ] N. Rowley, G.R. Satchlerand P.H.Stelson, Phys. Lett. B 254
the nucleus to rotate a little towards the lower energy (1991) 25.
[3] C.Y. Wong, Phys. Rev. Len. 31 (1973) 766.
configuration during the collision. If, however, we
[4] N. Rowley, Workshop on Heavy ion collisions at energies
take negative excitation energies, this corresponds to near the Coulomb barrier, IOP Conference Series No. 110
the target having a negative m o m e n t of inertia and it (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1990).
will thus rotate in the opposite sense to the applied [5] H. Esbensen,J.Q. Wu and G.F. Bertsch, Nucl. Phys. A 411
torque! We are currently studying this effect in more (1983) 275.
[6] J.X. Wei et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 ( 1991 ) 3368.
detail in a full coupled-channels framework. [7] A.T. Kruppa, P. Romain, M.A. Nagarajan and N. Rowley,
In conclusion we have reconciled the microscopic submitted to Nucl. Phys. A.
and macroscopic descriptions of n e u t r o n flow and [8] l.J. Thompson, Compul. Phys. Rep. 7 (1988) 167.
neck formation for negative Q-value transfer chan- [9] C.H. Dasso and S. Landowne, Comput. Phys. Commun. 46
(1987) 187.
nels. For positive Q-values, however, our results are [10] B. Imanishi and W. yon Oertzen, Phys. Rep. 155 (1987)
consistent with an apparent "anti-necking" 29.


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