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What is Product
Product Management is a function that guides a product through its lifecycle -
driving development, launch, support, and improvement.

Product Managers use direct research and analytical skills

to understand consumer needs and drive the inception of
ideas that will meet those needs, thus ensuring success of
the product.

Product Managers connect business teams to Tech and

Engineering teams and ensure the product is developed in
a fashion that will benefit growth and revenue.

Product Managers drive the communication of product

benefits internally and develop the future roadmap of the
Why become a
Product Manager?
Product Managers are a highly coveted set of individuals who drive the
growth of a company by effectively designing and executing the roadmap
of a product. In the internet age, robust tech products become the
foundation for any successful new age business, driving speed, customer
experience, and progress.

Strategic Responsibilities: Product managers define the growth of a

product from an idea, to a fully functioning entity. They are visionaries
who are ahead of the curve and understand evolving consumer and
business needs before most of the industry does. Their strategic
responsibilities take the future into account and define the direction of
movement of the company for the future

Scope of Learning: A product manager is the bridge between the

business and tech arms of an organization. The unparalleled
experience of working with tech teams like design, engineering and
business teams like marketing, sales will enrich your expertise and

Growth Potential: The average starting salary of an Associate Product

Manager in India is Rs. 15 Lakhs per annum. Moreover, the top 10% earn
more than Rs. 20 Lakhs per annum. It is among the top paid jobs
What does a Product
Manager do?
A Product Manager’s roles and responsibilities include defining the life cycle of a
product, understanding consumer needs and forming a solution, roadmapping
the development of the solution and continuously tweaking it to reach an optimal
stage where it satisfies the consumer needs to the maximum extent within the
constraints of the business. They also drive the evolution of products based on
technological developments and oversee a smooth transition from existing to new


Understand consumer needs through market research and analytics

Develop product roadmaps and define success metrics to drive business

Oversee product development and communicate SOPs to key stakeholders

Monitor key metrics to ensure the product is functioning as per plan

Identify avenues for enhanced performance and consumer experience

Engage with diverse stakeholders to implement structural and strategic changes


Basic Tech
Analytics Tools Project Consumer Product and Business Wireframing
Know-how like Mixpanel
Management Research
Design Thinking Communication
Career as a
Product Manager

Junior Product Manager / Product Sr. Product

Associate Product Manager

6 - 20 LPA
10 - 30 LPA
20 - 45 LPA

Vice Product Group Product

President Management Head

50 - 200 LPA
40 - 150 LPA
30 - 70 LPA


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