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One Cheese Mac & Cheese- struggle meals

Cheese can be really expensive. Frankie teaches us how to cook with more affordable cheese swaps, and we learn
how to stretch cheese in a dish so it can be the star without breaking the bank.

Prep Time: 10 min Cooking Time: 15 min Servings: 2

● Salt and pepper
● 1/2 tsp onion powder
● 1/2 cup water
● 3/4 cups whole milk
● 1/2 cups medium shells
● 1 cup grated white cheddar cheese
● 1 teaspoons Dijon mustard
● 1 tbsp butter

1. In a large skillet, add pepper, onion powder, water, milk and pasta.
2. Bring to a boil, stirring regularly.
3. Turn down to a simmer and continue to stir regularly, cooking for
10 to 15 minutes, or until almost all of the liquid is absorbed.
4. Let the mac and cheese cool down so it is no longer simmering
(about 5 minutes)
5. Add cheese and mustard, and stir until melted through. Stir in
6. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

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