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Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry

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New Trend in the Extraction of Pesticides from

the Environmental and Food Samples Applying
Microextraction Based Green Chemistry Scenario:
A Review

Muhammad Saqaf Jagirani, Ozgur Ozalp & Mustafa Soylak

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in the Extraction of Pesticides from the Environmental and Food Samples Applying Microextraction
Based Green Chemistry Scenario: A Review, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, DOI:

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Published online: 09 Feb 2021.

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New Trend in the Extraction of Pesticides from the Environmental and Food
Samples Applying Microextraction Based Green Chemistry Scenario: A Review
Muhammad Saqaf Jagirania,b, Ozgur Ozalpa,c, and Mustafa Soylaka,c
Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey; bNational Center of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry,
University of Sindh, Sindh, Pakistan; cTechnology Research and Application Center (TAUM), Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey

This review focused on the green microextraction methods used for the extraction of pesticides Green chemistry;
from the environmental and food samples. Microextraction techniques have been explored and microextraction; solid phase
applied in various fields of analytical chemistry since its beginning, as evinced by the numerous microextraction; liquid
reviews published. The success of any technique in science and technology is measured by the microextraction; pesticides
simplicity, environmentally friendly, and its applications; and the microextraction technique is
highly successive. Deliberations were attentive to studies where efforts have been made to valid-
ate the methods through the inter-laboratory comparison study to assess the analytical perform-
ance of microextraction techniques against conventional methods. Succinctly, developed
microextraction methods are shown to impart significant benefits over conventional techniques.
Provided that the analytical community continues to put forward attention and resources into the
growth and validation of the microextraction technique, a promising future for microextraction
is forecasted.

Introduction of active ingredients (22%) and dollars (33%) and.[19]The

consuming rate of pesticides in diverse countries depends
The term pesticide is used to composites, that covers a
on the agricultural area and nature of yield. The World top
diverse group of chemical compounds that are employed to
ten pesticide consuming (ton/year) countries are Italy
kill, counteract, or control different insect pests such as mol-
(69,796), Turkey (67,025), Colombia (53,603), India
luscicides (mollusks), insecticides (insects), herbicides (44,519), Japan (40,305), Bolivia (34,803), Ecuador (34,402),
(weeds), fungicides (fungi), nematocides (nematodes), Germany (30,413), Romania (29,224), and Chile (19,880).[20]
rodenticides (rodents), and plant growth promoters.[1–6] At present more than 800 pesticide active materials are
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has defined the existing in a broad range of viable goods these constituents
pesticides as any constituent or combination of different belong to up to 100 ingredients class. Carbamates,
substances proposed for the preventing, repelling, destroy- Benzoylureas, organophosphorus compounds, sulfonylureas,
ing, or mitigating the pests, or plant desiccant, regulators, pyrethroids, or triazines are very important groups. They are
defoliant, or nitrogenous stabilizer. Pesticide contains two used for different purposes such as rat and other rodent poi-
main constituents: active and inert. The active constituent sons, insect repellents for personal use flea and tick sprays,
performs the key role of pests, while the inert part such as pet collars; powders, laundry, kitchen, and sanitizers and
herbs, edible oils, species, cellulose are added with the active bath disinfectants Products that kill mildew and mold; some
part to make pesticide and play a key role in efficiency and garden and lawn products, such as weed killers; some swim-
performance of pesticide.[7–14] Different types of pesticides ming-pool chemicals.[21,22]But due to the large quantity of
such as synthetic pyrethroids, organochlorine pesticides pesticide usage the residue of agricultural commodities, pol-
(OCPs), and organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs).[15,16] Due lute the environment also the foodstuffs the larger part of
to a wide range of applications of pesticides, it increases the the human population’s effects due to the hazardous effects
consumption from time to time, according to the Ministry of pesticides. Besides their many advantages, pesticides are
of Agriculture and Rural Development in 2009 the sale of considered the most hazardous environmental pollutants
pesticides reached up to 49,760.8 tons in Poland.[17,18] It is due to their capability to accrue as well as their flexibility,
assessed by the countries of the European Union (EU) con- and very long term dangerous effect on the human beings
sume up to more than 0.3 million, tons per annum of pesti- and other living creatures it case a lot of despises such as
cides only for agriculture purposes. The world marketplace (Breast cancer,[23,24] Liver cancer,[25,26] Epithelial ovarian
for pesticides is expected up to 33.59 billion dollars, from cancer,[27] Uterine cervix cancer,[28] Bladder Cancer,[29]
which America signifies the major part, in terms of pounds Invasive ductal cancer,[30–32] Cardiovascular disease,[33]

CONTACT Mustafa Soylak Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Erciyes University, Kayseri, 38039 Turkey
ß 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Alzheimer’s disease,[34] Autism spectrum disorders,[35] meta- very low level of limit of detection (LOD) is still a major
bolic syndrome (central obesity, hypertension, dysglycemia, task for the innovative sample preparation approaches,[60]
and dyslipidemia.),[36–39] bone structure disorders,[16] mostly these procedures containing enrichment of analytes,
anemia[12,14] embryologic diseases,[40] Endocrine disrup- may be significantly contributing to a decrease in LOD with
tion,[41] congenital disabilities.[31] The existence of pesticides acceptable technique performance and characteristics.
in the ecosystem is predominantly dangerous and their out- Various sample preparation approaches have been reported
come and utility are still indefinite.[42] They also play a part for the separation and pre-concentration of analytes includ-
in different biological, physical, and chemical processes, as a ing liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and, solid-phase extraction
consequence of which even more noxious substances may SPE.[61–72] One of the eldest and most common removal
form; by accruing in the living things, these can lead to irre- approaches, in tedious sample preparation, is a liquid-liquid
versible, harmful changes. The unsafe use of pesticides has extraction (LLE). Different organic solvents have been used
adverse effects on humans and the environment, increasing in the LLE such as dichloromethane and mixtures of petrol-
exposure to poisoning and diseases. Pesticides are an inclu- eum ether[73] dichloromethane or hexane.[74–77] LLE is
sive risk because they move with the wind, sea, and also in known as a smart approach for the screening test of new
rain tides from one region to another place where they have pesticides[78,79] Because of its easiness, efficacy, nominal
not ever been used before. To protect the people’s health operator training. Due to its easiness, it is widely recognition
different regulations and guidelines have been employed to in various standard methods. Though, this method has some
provide safe and healthy food by reducing the maximum limitations: it needs a large amount of toxic organic solvents
residue limits (MRLs) in different commodities.[10,43–46] and multistage procedure, there is a risk of suspension
Such monitoring limits are mostly accomplished through the forming during the contact, and the problem of dumping of
risk assessment procedure that needs thorough monitoring post-extraction solvent. To obtain the expected pre-concen-
of pesticides in the environment and foodstuffs. The hazard- tration coefficient, the excess solvent generally has to be
ous classification has revealed that several pesticides can evaporated. And also extract and clean-up are often neces-
cause serious health issues at very low concentrations. Such sary. To overcome these limitations several developments
studies have focused on fixing the very low concentration have been reported for this method, most of them have
limit of MRLs. The US Environmental Protection Agency involved and miniaturizing the method to decrease the
has recognized the MRL of acetochlor in the groundwater at amount of solvent consumed. The SPE associating the use
0.1 mg/L.[47]Therefore, different countries have recognized of a number of different adsorbents (e.g., PSA, amine, C18)
plans and legal protocols to monitor and control the con- has been used.[80,81] Other elimination methods such as
centration of pesticides in the environmental and food sam- matrix solid-phase dispersion[82,83] accelerated solvent
ples. Such approaches are aimed to confirm that pesticide extraction,[17] and QuEChERS with dispersive solid-phase
remains in environmental and food samples accomplish extraction (d-SPE) technique using a different type of
with the maximum permissible limit recognized by the adsorbents such as C18, PSA, silica gel, florisil graphitized
national and international government organizations. The carbon black, and amine-functionalized graphene.[84–86] The
chromatographic techniques are such nice techniques for the adverse impact of analytical methods has been reduced from
monitoring of pesticide contaminations such as gas chroma- the environment mostly in three different ways: decrease the
tography (GC),[3,31,48,49] high-performance liquid chroma- number of solvents required for the sample pre-concentra-
tography,[50–52] micellar electrokinetic tion; decrease the number of toxic reagents and solvents
chromatography,[32,53–55] and supercritical liquid chromatog- that used during the analysis step, particularly by miniatur-
raphy.[56–59] However. The level of pesticide pollutants too ization and automatization; growth of alternative direct ana-
low to directly quantify using such chromatographic techni- lytical approaches that not need reagents or solvents.[87] The
ques. Due to the public and scientific concern about envir- analytical procedures contain different key steps such as col-
onmental contamination, greener and environmentally lections of samples, preparation, separation and pre-concen-
friendly procedures have been introduced in numerous areas tration and data assessment make different influence to the
of research and society. From an analytical fact, food and environment effluence and there are some potential techni-
environmental samples are highly complex and diverse: the ques to make them economical beneficial and greener and
factors affecting the site of sample and the nature of the to closer to the green chemistry principles.
sample, types of different matrix and the presence of coex-
isting materials, and very low concentration of targeted ana-
Green chemistry scenario
lytes. The sampling quality and sample pretreatment
essentially determine the accomplishment of the study from Green characteristics in analytical approaches currently, the
the complex matrix. Ideally, the preparation of the sample development is to improve the analytical methodologies
should be as easy as promising, because it not only time- assisting a wide range of analytes to be recognized in an
saving time but also reduces the chance of introducing con- only one analytical run (multi-residue methods (MRM)); but
tamination. Therefore, different analytical methods must be the difficulty is that the compounds to be detected simultan-
able to monitor the residue from different foodstuffs at a eously, often existing at a very low level, have different phys-
very low level with an acceptable level of accuracy and pre- ical and chemical properties depends on their chemical
cision. Despite the improvement in analytical techniques, a characteristics.[88] New methodologies have been established

Figure 1. Schematic representation of microextraction techniques.[117]

which remove many problems and also surge the precision, to develop a new method with good qualities such as the
reproducibility, throughput, and economically beneficial. In easy, fast selective, and sensitive minimum quantity of solv-
numerous cases, the capacity for a smaller initial size of the ent that has been used or solvent-free method. The microex-
sample, even at the trace level analysis is also crucial.[89] The traction technique is the best candidate, that to fulfill the
new trend in a sample preparation procedure that minimizes criteria of green analytical chemistry.
the quantity of solvents and reagents that contribute to
improving environmental quality. However, the use of
Microextraction technique
reagents and organic solvents is unavoidable and their alter-
native is not a good substitute is a reducing of their ingest- The microextraction methods have been established by dif-
ing. At this stage, automation of analytical methods by ferent researchers, to substantiate the recent improvements
means of flow-injection (FI) approaches plays major charac- in the advancement of highly efficient and modern analytical
ter in the Green Chemistry framework.[90,91] Green techniques such as liquid chromatography,[3,48,49] gas chro-
Analytical chemistry is the use of chemical protocols, meth- matography[53] coupled to different detectors (diode array
odologies, and techniques that eliminate or decrease the use detector, mass spectrometry, ultraviolet detector, etc), capil-
or manufacturing of products, feedstocks, by-products, lary electrophoresis which is hyphenated with the microex-
reagents, organic solvents, etc., that are very dangerous to traction technique,[66]These hyphenated microextraction
the environment as well as for human health.[92] based methods gave been applied for the qualitative and
Miniaturization is the best way to minimize the side effects quantitative study of pesticide residues from foods. Before
of unwanted solvents. In this respect, the combination of the sample preparation, it is essential to extract, isolate, and
up-to-date analytical procedures with breakthroughs in pretreatment the target analyte from the complex matrices
miniaturization and microelectronics allows the advance- such as vegetables, fruits, and other environmental samples.
ment of an efficient analytical tool for control the pollution The hyphenation of modern techniques with microextrac-
and processes. Combination and monetarization in analyt- tion techniques reduces the cost, time, technical errors. The
ical procedures with developments in chemometrics are developed sensitivity and selectivity make it a promising
essential. Of-course, improvement and development of new technique to electron the quantity of sample required in the
modules for the instrumentation are critical in green analyt- analysis. All these methods are hyphenated with modern
ical chemistry. For example, we have elucidated the potential analytical techniques, on-line or off-line either sometimes
and the adaptability of new analytical ordering and their on-line.[95] The off-line process is a good substitute when
potential for decreasing the use of harmful materials and the the quantity of samples is small because there is normally
extents of waste produced during analysis.[93,94] To highlight no need for an automatic procedure and time-consuming.
green chemistry problems the research pays more attention Conventional techniques will need extra protocols setting up

Figure 2. Different types of SPME.[144,145]

an automatic method, on-line, or either at-line becomes thin layer sheets, nanomaterials attached to the solid surface
meaningful when a large number of analyzed samples. The of fiber that fixed inside the injection needle or capil-
automation usually advances in the data quality, increases lary.[118–120] Imprinted polymeric materials also used as
the analyte throughput, cost-effective, and develop the prod- adsorbent material[121–132] The analytes partition between
uctivity of instruments and operators. When the targeted SPME fiber coating and sample matrices. It gains more
analytes are unstable and the limited volume of sample is attention from the analytical scientists in different scientific
present and high sensitivity is needed in this regard the on- disciplines.[118,133–135] It is a very easy time saving, sensitive
line systems are convenient. The selection elimination technique.[120,136–139] The SPME contains two modes of
method is through on the different basic factors. Obviously, extraction such as headspace mode (HS-SPME) and one is
the preparation of sample must be tailored to the final ana- the direct immersion mode (DI-SPME) to extract the analy-
lysis. The media of sample and the nature and quantity of tes from different types of a matrix such as gas and liquid.
analytes in the sample are important. Also essential are Usually, the HS-SPME mode has been used for the study of
extraction speed, complexity, flexibility, and simplicity of the unstable substances. The DI-SPME was used for the analysis
process development, and sharpness of the technique. of lower volatile compounds.[140–143] Presently a new
Different microextraction approaches have been developed approach combination of extraction mode and temperature
for the extraction of toxic pollutants such as pesticides, met- in the single-elimination method. Figure 2 shows the differ-
als, pharmaceuticals, etc. from the food and environmental ent types of SPME.
samples. Microextraction techniques contain different types
such as liquid-phase microextraction (LPME)[96] solid-phase
microextraction (SPME),[97–103] liquid-liquid microextraction Types of SPME
(LLM), single-drop microextraction (SDME),[104–107] disper-
The DI-HS SPME was developed by Karasek et al.[146] for
sive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME),[108–111] hollow
fiber liquid-phase microextraction (DF-LPME),[55,112,113] the real-time analysis of compounds with different volatil-
stir-bar sorptive extraction (SBSE), and on-line solid-phase ities (PAH and BTEX). This developed method was with
extraction (SPE), have numerous benefits over the trad- associated conventional SPME technique based on the single
itional methods of conventional SPE[114–116] and liquid- extraction temperature and mode and showed to be smart
liquid extraction (LLE). The key advantages are negligible characteristic, simultaneously it removes a higher quantity of
use of harmful organic solvents, and characteristically, the both low volatile and volatile compounds as compared to
high enrichment factor Figure 1 shows the schematic repre- conventional methods. In the DI-SPME technique, the fabric
sentation of microextraction used for the extraction of pesti- material is in direct interaction with the sample which
cides from food and environmental samples using adsorbs the analyte directly. The fabric materials have good
different materials. efficiency to separate the targeted analyte from the sample
metrics in the presence of coexistence materials. DI-HS-
SPME mode has been widely used in used for the analysis
Solid-phase microextraction of volatile compounds as well as semi-volatile compounds
SPME was presented by Belardi and Pawliszyn in 1989.[97] such as organochlorine pesticides (e.g., acephate, dimethoate,
According to the Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) strat- omethoate, and pyrethroids from the food
egies, the SPME is considered as a green analytical proced- samples.[142,143,147–149]
ure for the extraction of analytes from the complex metrics
without the use of toxic organic solvents. The analytes could Headspace solid-phase microextraction
be efficiently eliminated by the SPME from any kind of
matrices such as liquid and gas samples by the adsorption HS-SPME is an excellent technique used to eliminate and
and desorption on to the fibrous materials such as polymeric pretreatment semi-volatile or volatile analytes and can

Figure 3. Graphical illustration of SPME process and its applications.[155]

minimize some limitation of the conventional pre-concen- fiber (100 mm) for the SPME of pesticides such as trifluralin,
tration method.[150] This method is recognized on the distri- S-ethyl-N,N-di-n-propylthiolcarbamate (EPTC), deethylatra-
bution equilibrium of analytes between the sample media, zine, atrazine, alachlor, and terbuthylazine and insecticides,
water, headspace, and the fabric coating with an adsorbent such as diazinon, carbofuran, parathion methyl, disulfoton,
polar or nonpolar polymer.[149,151] As compared with other parathion ethyl, fenthion, and ethionfrom the surface water.
conventional solvent extraction methods the HS-SPME does After the pre-concentration, the samples have been analyzed
not allow to absorb nonvolatile compounds onto the fabric by the GC-MS and GC-FID.[167] Xin-Yue et al.proposed
material to avoid them to introduce into the instrument it SPME basednew method for the selective and sensitive
can help to save the inlet column reduce the instrumental extraction of five carbamate pesticides in the apples by using
maintenance charges. Moreover, this technique is easy to the carbon nanotubes-reinforced hollows (CNTs-HF-SPME)
operate and minimizes the sample handling process; HS- as a fabric material hyphenated with HPLC-DAD. After the
SPME can achieve high sample output and reduce subjective optimized different parameters, the achieved enrichment fac-
errors. Afterward, HS-SPME coupled with GC combining tors were in the range of 49–308 with good reproducibility.
with different types of detectors has been widely used in the The LOD was obtained from the proposed method in the
present decade to eliminate the different types of pesticides range of 0.09–6.00 ng/g. According to the results, the pro-
carbamate pesticides SPME/GC/FID[101] organochlorine pes- posed method was efficient enrichment pre-concentration
ticides SPME/GC/ECD[152] pyrethroid pesticides SPME/GC- procedures for the determination of carbamate pesticides in
TOF/MS,[147] 13 pesticides SPME/GC/MSD[153] and pyreth- apples.[168] Doong & Liao proposed HS-SPME for the elim-
roid pesticides SPME/GC/lECD.[154] Figure 3 represents the ination of OCPs from the soil samples. Different parameters
schematic diagram of SPME process and its applications. have been optimized such as type of fiber
(Polydimethylsiloxane [PDMS] 100 mm size anddivinylben-
zene (PDMS–) 65-mm), adsorption time, temperature effect,
Applications of SMPE for the elimination matrix effects to achieve maximum extraction capacity.
of pesticides Developed method obtained good extraction capability with
linearity range of OCPs 0.2–4 ng/g and also the limit of
Different researchers reported SMPE based approaches for detection and limit was achieved up to 0.06–0.65 ng/g.[169]
the extraction of pesticides such as wine[156–158] Dong et al., prepared a new sol–gel calix[4]arene/hydroxy-
water.[156,159–164] Caiet al., prepared a polyphenylmethylsi- terminated silicone oil coating fibers was used HS-SPME
loxane (PPMS) based new coating material for the SPME coupled with GC-ECD to determination of 12 organochlor-
association with the micro-wave-assisted extraction (MAE) ine pesticides (OCPs) from the radish sample. The LOD was
applied for the determination of OCPs from the Chinese found up to174 ng/kg for the proposed method.[170] Luiz
tea. The developed method was hyphenated with the GC- et al., have been used 50/30 DVB/CAR/PDMS fiber coatings
ECD and obtained good LOD 0.081 ng/l.[165] Yao et al. used for the DI-SMPE combine with GC-ECD (DI-SPME-GC-
commercially available five different kinds (PDMS, 85 m PA, ECD) for the determination of 18 organochlorine pesticides
and 65 m7, 30 and 100 m) of fibers used for the solid-phase from the groundwater. Under the optimal condition the
microextraction based detection of organophosphorus pesti- SPME-GC/ECD technique shows good linearity and repro-
cides (OPPs) from the water samples. The different param- ducibility and found LOD was from 4.5  103 to 1.5 ng/L
eter has been optimized such as time, pH, temperature, and with good percentage recovery[171] Fernandez et al., was
volume of sodium chloride to achieve the maximum adsorp- proposed a SPME based method for the extraction of 18
tion capacity. The LODs have been found 0.049 g/l for the organophosphorus pesticide from the honeybee samples
parathion and 0.301 g/l for carbophenothion. These materi- used poly(dimethylsiloxane) and polyacrylateas a fibers
als contain have good repeatability and this proposed under the optimized conditions the LOD was found up to
method was used for the analysis of real water samples with below than 10 mg/kg. The proposed method was successfully
good percentage recovery was found up to 75.3 to applied for the analysis of environmental samples.[172] Yu
102.6%.[166] Dimitra et al., used Polydimethylsiloxane-coated et al. has been used bisbenzo crown ether/

hydroxylterminated silicone oil (OH-TSO) based fabric (OCPs) from the real environmental samples. The LOD
material for the SPME of organophosphorus pesticides value was obtained up to 2.3–6.9 ng/L with good percentage
(OPs) from the food samples juice, honey, pakchoi, and recoveries 82.7%–96.8%, 90.6%–104.4%,
orange). The OH-TSO-SPME-GC-FPD shows good extrac- 72.2%–82.8%–94.3%, and 107.7% respectively.[179] Heidari
tion efficiency and higher sensitivity toward the organphos- and Razmi, reported carbon coated magnetic Fe3O4 (Fe3O4/
phorous pesticides (OPs). The obtained LOD value was C) nanoparticles as a fabric material for the SPME apply for
0.003–1.0 ng/g. proposed method was successful applied for the detoxification of organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs)
the analysis of real samples for the determination of selected from the environmental samples coupling with the HPLC-
pesticides.[173] Li et al., developed SPME- GC–ECD method UV. Under the optimized condition the developed method
for the extraction of the group of organochlorine pesticides was applied for the determination of OPPs in the aqueous
(OCPs) including aldrin, OCPs, p,p9-DDE, o,p9-DDE, o,p9- system with low LOD value up to 4.3–47.4 pg/mL and
DDT,dieldrin,p,p9-DDT, b-endosulfan, a-endosulfan, endrin, obtained high enrichment factors value in the ranging from
d-HCH, endosulfan sulfate, g-HCH, heptachlor, methoxy- 330–1200.[63] Also, Table 1 shows the different SPME based
chlor, heptachlor epoxide, trifluralin, and methoxychlor used reported methods for the extraction of pesticides using dif-
16 different types of SPME fibers. The developed method ferent materials.
have good LOD value from 0.002 to 0.070 mg/l.[174] Dias
et al., proposed new SPME method for the determination of
Dispersive solid-phase microextraction
seven different organochlorine pesticides using gold nano-
particles as a coating material. The limit of detection was The dispersive solid-phase microextraction method is known
obtained up to 0.13 mg/L.[146] Kin &Huat, were reported Hs- to be suitable for the proper extraction of analytes but is
SPME-GC-ECD based method for the determination of mainly used as a cleaning step to minimize matrix environ-
organophosphorus such as malathion, diazinon, quinalphos, ments.[84,203,204] Dispersive SPME (DSPME) is fast, cheap,
profenofos, andchlorpyrifos and organochlorine including a- and efficient due to the fact that the method time, the
endosulfan, b-endosulfan and chlorothalonil pesticides from amount of adsorbent, and the desorption solution volume
the vegetables and fruits.[86] Wang et al., proposed SPME are less than the DSPE method. For these reasons, it is more
based method for the determination of OCPs from the vege- preferred recently.[205] The DSPME method, based on the
table samples using hyper-crosslinked polymer benzenedi- device used to dispense the sorbent into the sample solution,
methanol (HCP-BDM) as a fiber. The HCP-BDM-SME-GC- can be divided into three classes: (a) Traditional DSPME,
ECD method was successfully applied from the real sample (b) Vortex supported DSPME and (c) Ultrasonically assisted
analysis with acceptable LOD value of 50 ng/g.[175] Ebrahimi DSMPE Each of these methods can be divided into two
et al., developed hallow fiber (HF) SPME for the extraction groups, depending on the type of sorbent. As a sorbent,
of pesticides such as fenitrothion, diazinon, malathion, phos- composite can also be classified into two subgroups (with
alone, tridemorph, and fenvalerate from the human hair and magnetic adsorbent and non-magnetic adsorbent). When
water samples. The HF-SPME–HPLC-PDA proposed the studies in the literature are examined, it is determined
method was successfully used for the analysis of pesticides that the application areas of the DSPME method have been
from the environmental biological. The LOD was found developed over the years. The application area of ultrasonic-
between 0.004 and 0.095 ng/mL with a good percentage ally assisted DSPME is more than the other two methods.
recovery from 82 to 94 for the pesticides.[176] Jabbari et al., At the same time, there are many application areas of vortex
propose new ceramic–magnetic graphene (C–G/Fe3O4) supported DSPME, which is more frequently preferred than
nanoparticles based SPME of organophosphorus pesticides the conventional DSMPE method. When the adsorbent types
(OPPs) from the water samples, due to the 3 D structure of in which these three methods were applied were investi-
the C–G/Fe 3O4 nanoparticles that making it suitable for the gated, it was determined by these investigations that non-
SPME applications. Under the optimal conditions proposed magnetic adsorbents were preferred more than magnetic
method obtained good linearity 0.05–400 mg/L and good adsorbents and they had more application areas.[206]
LOD value between 5 and 60 ng/L. The C–G/Fe3O4-SPME
materials were successfully used for the elimination of OPPs
Liquid-phase microextraction
in the spiked sample before analysis by the HPLC–UV[177]
Liu et al., developed new Mesoporous TiO2 nanoparticles LPME is a simple, fast, cheaper, selective, and sensitive tech-
based SPME method for the extraction of six different nique as associated with other traditional removal techni-
organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). The synthesized fabric ques. It was firstly introduced in the 1990s. Furthermore, it
material possesses a homogeneous surface and good repro- widely uses for the analysis of environmental pollutants
ducibility. The proposed method contains good linearity including pesticides. LPME is hyphenated with the modern
5–5000 ng/L with acceptable LOD value 0.08–0.60 ng/L. The chromatographic techniques to improve the extraction effi-
developed method was successfully applied for the sensitive ciency and pretreatment.[41,207–209] LPME approach seems to
determination of OCPs in the real water samples.[178] Zhang be a promising technique for the improvement of highly
et al., reported copper-based metal-organic framework sensitive standard processes since the related LOD of the
(MOF-199) with graphite oxide based new SPME based new chromatographic technique can be at the ng/L. LPME is a
method for the extraction of organochlorine pesticides fast technique with a very less amount of solvent volume
Table 1. SPME used for the elimination of pesticides.
Analytes Microextraction Method Nanomaterials Real Samples Instrument PF/EF LOD (mg/L) Ref.
Hexachlorobenzene, In vivo SPME MWCNTs/PANI-PPy@PDMS Garlic samples GC-MS 2659, 1234, 438, 1764 0.76 1.90, 2.49, 0.39,
Chlorothalonil, Fipronil,
Prometon, Trietazine, SPME PDMS Surface water samples GC-MS — 0.002, 0.004, 0.007, 0.011,
Propazine, 0.006, 0.010, 0.014,
Terbutylazine, Atrazine, 0.013, 0.010, 0.017
Prometryn, Terbutryn,
Ametryn, Simetryn
Diazinon, SPME PDMS–2OHMe18C6 Strawberry, green apple GC-ECD — 0.0048, 0.0045, 0.0047
Chlorpyrifos, Profenofos, and red grape
Triazolone, Penconazole, MSPE Fe3O4@SiO2 Cucumber and GC-FID 845, 866, 903, 878, 895 0.12, 0.15, 0.14, 0.19, 0.18
Hexaconazole, cabbage samples
Tetramethrin, DLME-D-m-SPE Fe3O4@APTS Field water samples, HPLC-UV 108, 66, 51, 93 0.05, 0.5, 0.5, 2
Fenpropathrin, cucumber and cabbage
Chlorpyrifos, MSPE Fe3O4@TGA@TMU-6 Water and rice HPLC-UV 502, 394, 401 1.0, 0.5, 0.5
Profenofos, Phosalone,
Aldrin, DDD, DDE, DDT, SPME DVB/PDMS Plant sample GC-ECD — 0.102–1.693
Dieldrin, Endosulfan
23 multiclass pesticides SPME DVB/Car/PDMS fiber Drinking water samples GC-MS — 0.006–5.4545
Chlorpyrifos, Malathion, MD-lSPE amino-functionalized Coffee bean samples GC-ECD — 1.42, 1.43, 1.35, 1.33
Hexaconazole, Atrazine hollow silica-titania
Malathion, Fenitrothion MDSPME chitosan–iron oxide Cucumber and GC-FID 17.1, 17.0 1.0, 0.3
magnetic orange samples
Bifenthrin, Fenpropathrin, MSPE- DLLME-SFO Fe3O4/MIL-101(Cr) Water and tea samples GC-ECD — 0.009, 0.015, 0.012, 0.008
Benzophenone, TF-SPME diatomaceous earth Real river water samples HPLC-DAD — 1, 1, 8, 8
triclocarban, 4-
camphor, 2-ethylhexyl-
Carbofuran, Molinate, RDSE-SPME divinylbenzene/carboxen/ Rice samples GC-MS — 2.5, 3.7, 0.57, 0.46, 5.90
Atrazine, Simazine, polydimethylsiloxane
Ametryn, Chlorpyrifos, AF-DSPE-DLLME polycarbonate Different fruit GC-FID 241, 310, 247, 256, 220, 0.61, 0.67, 0.57, 034, 0.46,
Penconazole, Oxadiazon, juice samples 443, 356 1.20, 100
24 pesticides SPME Carbon nanomaterial Water samples GC-MS — 0.0002–1.1309
Methomyl, carbaryl, SPME Conjugated Water sample UPLC-MS/MS 65–100 0.0020, 0.010, 0.0025,
aldicarb-sulfoxide, microporous polymers 0.010, 0.0090, 0.0070,
propoxur, aldicarb, 0.0090, 0.010,
carbofuran, aldicarb- 0.050, 0.025

sulfone, methiocarb,
Table 1. Continued. 8
Analytes Microextraction Method Nanomaterials Real Samples Instrument PF/EF LOD (mg/L) Ref.
Ethoprophos, Sulfotep, SPME Hydroxyl- Water samples GC-FPD — 0.50, 0.08, 0.18, 1.01, 0.66,
Cadusafos, Phorate, functionalized graphene 0.04, 0.03, 0.21
Terbufos, Fonofos,
Chlorpyrifos, Parathion
10 OCP, Carbofuran, DI-SPME DVB/Car/PDMS Water samples GC-ECD — 0.006, 0.212, 0.181, 0.606,
Molinate, Trifluralin, fiber coating 0.06, 0.036, 0.272, 0.606,

Atrazine, Terbufos, 0.303, 0.909, 0.606,

Parathion methyl, 0.006, 1.8, 5.45, 0.606
Alachlor, Metolachlor,
Chlordane, Profenofos,
Malathion, Diazinon, SPME GG/GO/PANI Grape, apple juice and HPLC-UV — 0.003, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03
Phosalone, Chlorpyrifos fresh tomato samples
14 OPPs DI-SPME C-(C3N4@MOF) Fruit and GC-MS — 0.23–0.75
vegetable samples
Diazinon, Parathion-methyl, Multifiber SPME SPME fiber Chinese cabbage and GC-NPD — 0.0052, 0.098, 0.014,
Pirimiphos-methyl, cherry tomato samples 0.23, 0.082
Diazinon, Chlorpyrifos DI-SPME (PDMS/DVB) fiber Juice samples GC-NPD — 0.18, 0.20
Diazinon, Chlorpyrifos, SPE– DLLME Magnetic graphene oxide Fruit samples GC-FID 399, 384, 340, 369 1.8, 1.0, 6.0, 1.5
Phosalone, Ametryn
20 UASE-HS-SPME PDMS fiber Marine water samples GC-MS/MS — 0.01–0.27
Carbamate pesticides SPME VPED-MMF Water and Fruit HPLC-UV 0.038–0.39
juice samples

Figure 4. Different types of LPME.[214]

used during the extraction process. Normally the LPME pro- dispersed into the aqueous sample as smaller drops with a
ceed among the less amount of water-immiscible solvents high surface area that favors significant upsurges in the rate
and the water contain the targeted analyte. The acceptor transfer and efficient extraction of analyte in the droplets of
phase could be in the form of suspension for the headspace extraction solvent. DLLME was firstly reported in 2006.
extraction or directly absorbed.[10,210–212] It contains a high DLLME is new sample preparation and pretreatment tech-
enrichment factor. Currently, LPME had been working nique, it proposing a high enrichment factor and a smaller
under the different three extraction modes including volume of water samples. It is widely applied due to its
SDME,[105] DLLME, and hollow-fiber LPME (HF- returns such as time-saving, simplicity, cost-effectiveness,
LPME).[213] Figure 4 represents the different types of LPME. and ease to method development, which make it existing to
virtually analytical laboratories.[17,109,209,217–220]
Single-drop microextraction
Hollow-fiber LPME
The SDME was first reported by Cantwell et al. in 1996 they
used a single organic drop as the acceptor phase that is dir- HF-LPME firstly introduced Pedersen-Bjergaard and
ectly combined with the GC analysis.[215]The objects of Rasmussen in 1999[221,222] to escape the drop instability in
designing this approach comprise to achieve high enrich- SDME and fabricated on the basis of liquid membrane elim-
ment factor the wish to ease interferences from the sample ination Last 5 years this technique widely used in different
matrices. SDME mode is based on the distribution of the analytical fields for the analysis of different matrices such as
analytes among a micro-drop of organic solvent at the tip of soil, food, water and environment to extract different analy-
a micro-syringe injection and aqueous solution of the sam- tes such as polybrominateddiphenyl ethers,[223,224] polycyclic
ple. This technique combines elimination, pretreatment, and aromatic hydrocarbons,[225,226] chlorophenols[227] and poly-
sample inserting into a single step.[106,107,216] Now the chlorinated biphenyls,[226] and also pesticides including 12
SDME has different modes which are categorized into two organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), a group of seven and
or three phases it depends on the number of phases co- eight multiclass pesticides,[228] vinclozin[229] and OCPs, six
existing at the equilibrium. In the two-phase mode direct organosulfur pesticides.[230] Figure 5 shows the extraction
immersion, constant flow, droplet to droplet, and directly process of LPME.
suspended droplets while the three-phase mode comprises
liquid–liquid-liquid microextraction and headspace SDME is
a simple, sensitive cheaper, and greener method for the Application of LPME
extraction of pollutants.[105,106] Maria Asensio-Ramos et al., a novel simple has been devel-
oped for the extraction of benzimidazole pesticides such as
carbendazim/benomyl, fuberidazole, and thiabendazole a
Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction
carbamate and organophosphate (triazophos) from the soil
In present years easy and highly efficient method of sample using two-phase HF-LPME using 1-octanol as extraction
preparation, DLLME method have been widespread, in this solvent. At the optimal condition, HF-LPME-HPLC-FD
method a very small volume (microliters) of elimination sol- obtained good linearity, accuracy, and precision. The LODs
vents and conforms the accomplishment of high coefficients were found in the range of 0.001–6.94 ng/g (S/N ¼ 3). The
of analytes pretreatment. The qualities of this method very proposed method was applied to different matrices.[231]
small volume of a mixture of solvent and dispersive are Bolanos et al. reported HF-LPME based method for the
quickly injected into an aqueous solution of a sample using extraction of different kinds of 50 pesticides from alcoholic
the needle. As a consequence, the extractant is completely beverages after extraction the samples were determined by

Figure 5. Schematic view of extraction of process LPME.

the UHPLC–MS/MS. Under the optimized condition, this (3-methyl-1-(ethoxy carbonyl methyl) imidazoliumbis(tri-
method HF-LPME- UHPLC–MS/MS achieves good linear- fluoromethylsulfonyl)-imide [MimCH2COOCH3][NTf2])
ity with a low value of LOD 0.01–5.61 g/L. Finally, the pro- based DLLME of Ops from the water with good enrich-
posed method was applied for the real samples,[232] Zhang ment factor 400, good percentage recovery, and reproduci-
et al., proposed a method for the LPME of five different bility. Table 2 shows the application of LPME used for the
carbamate pesticides using Trimethylphenyl- ammonium elimination of different pesticides from food and environ-
hydroxide (TMPAH) and trimethylsulfonium hydroxide mental samples.[295]
(TMSH) before using the GC–MS, the LOD of the devel-
oped method was found up 0.2 and 0.8 g/L, it provided
good enrichment factor up to 224. The proposed method Conclusion
was successfully applied for the extraction of carbamate
Green methods play a significant role during the analysis of
pesticides from the real water samples.[233] Huang et al.,
pesticides because they follow the protocols of green chemis-
developed a new method for the extraction of organochlor-
try. During the analysis of pesticides lot of secondary pollu-
ine pesticides applying a solvent cooling assisted dynamic
hollow-fiber-supported- HS-LPME, before using the tants contaminant, the environment, the green methods
GC–MS analysis. The proposed method was achieved good used to avoid these secondary pollutants. The microextrac-
enrichment was 65–211 with an acceptable value of LOD tion is fulfilled the requirement of green chemistry during
0.209 g/l.[234] Basheeret al. proposed a new efficient method the sample preparation contains less amount of solvent or
for the extraction of OPPs thionazin, triethyl-phosphoro- without the solvent. Microextraction techniques are simple,
thioate, phorate, sulfate, methyl parathion, disulfoton, and cheaper, greener highly selective and sensitive, and environ-
ethyl parathion from the water samples using binary solv- mentally friendly. The SPME is a simple called solvent-free
ent-based two-phase hollow fiber membrane (HFM)- pro- technique. This technique work on the principles of adsorp-
tected with (BN-LPME) before the using the GC/MS. The tion and desorption it is a very simple technique. The
LOD was found up to 0.3–11.4 ng L1. The proposed pro- LPME contains a very low amount of organic solvent during
cedure was applied for the real water to extract the pesti- the extraction of pesticides from the environment. The
cides.[235] Liu & Quan, proposed this work for the microextraction techniques obtained high percentage recov-
extraction of OPPs such as fenitrothion, phoxim, and etho- eries and high enrichment factor In Microextraction techni-
prophos using ionic liquids (1-benzyl-3-methylimidazolium ques different materials have been used such as
bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide ([BeMIM][Tf2N])) based nanomaterials, nanocomposites, imprinted polymers, ionic
DLLME prior HPLC-UV analysis. Under the optimized liquids, switchable solvents, deep eutectic solvents. These
condition, we obtained a good enrichment factor with materials are used to enhance the selectivity and sensitivity
good LOD 0.1 lg/kg.[110] Lu et al. developed ionic liquids toward the pesticides.
Table 2. LPME based green techniques for the extraction of pesticides.
Analytes Microextraction Method Real Samples Instrument PF/EF LOD (mg/L) Ref.
2,4-D, MCPA, Dicroprop, SUPRAS-LPME Water, rice HPLC-DAD 37, 52, 59, 59, 119, 149 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
Mecoprop,2,4-DB, MCPB
Propham, Chlorpropham, BID Water GC-MS 952, 985, 807, 926, 574, 0.02, 0.04, 0.03, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02,
Promecarb, Carbofuran, 751, 1038, 1025 0.022, 0.03
Aminocarb, Pirimicarb,
Carbaryl, Methlocarb
Penconazole, Hexaconazale, TAT-DLLME Packed grape juice GC-FID 9970, 9800, 9940, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.10, 0.13
Diniconazole, Tebuconazole Fresh cucumber 9715, 9889
Difenoconazole Tomato
Dichlobenil, a-HCH, HLLE–DLLME Cacao powder GC–ECD 89, 50, 65, 74 0.024, 0.041, 0.0320, 038
b-HCH, Aldrin
Carbofuran, Carbaryl, MSA-DLLME Tea samples HPLC-DAD 130, 177, 185 0.41, 0.13, 0.61
SAC, KTP, NAX, DIC, IBU mLPME Urine, saliva, river and HPLC-UV 29, 25, 34, 45, 75 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5
lake samples
Heptachlor, Aldrin, a-Endosulfan, DHFP-LPME Tea leaves sample GC-ECD 221, 34, 297, 46, 254, 92 0.031, 0.059, 0.053, 0.054,
p,p’-DDE, Dieldrin, o,p’-DDT 0.043, 0.164
Penconazole, Hexaconazole, AALLME Surface water, packed grape GC-FID 483, 449, 504, 456, 479 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.70, 1.10
Diniconazole, juice, fresh grape juice,
Tebuconazole, Triticona cucumber and tomato
Penconazole, Hexaconazole, DLLME Surface water, packed grape GC-FID 79, 80, 101, 143, 142 1.90, 3.20, 4.00, 3.90, 5.90
Diniconazole, juice, fresh grape juice,
Tebuconazole, Triticona cucumber and tomato
18 organophosphorus FA-DSDME Human blood samples LC-MS/MS 30–132 0.0009–0.122
pesticides (OPPs)
Diazinon, Ametryn, Chlorpyrifos, LLE-DLLME Honey samples GC-FID 353, 289, 400, 350, 428, 0.0011, 0.0011, 0.00069, 0.00057,
Penconazole, Oxadiazon, 374, 279 0.0032, 0.0071, 0.012
Diniconazole, Fenazaquin
Myclobutanil, Triadimefon, UAATPE- VADLLME Longan sample HPLC-DAD 48.80, 45.90, 48.80, 47.80, 11.06, 17.40, 9.57, 13.97, 8.07,
Tebuconazole, Hexaconazole, 45.80, 49.80, 44.30, 5.58, 7.74, 7.18, 7.49
Diniconazole, Fenpropathrin, 45.40, 52.90
Permethrin, Bifenthrin
Penconazole, Hexaconazole, AALME Surface water, grape juice, GC-FID 775, 753, 713, 782, 808 0.55, 0.53, 0.56, 0.59, 1.13
Diniconazole, Tebuconazole, cucumber juice and
Triticonazole, tomato juice
Tetramethrin, Fenpropathrin, DLLME Fruit juices samples HPLC-UV 62–84 2–5
Deltamethrin, Permethrin
Esbiothrin, Prallethrin, Bifenthrin, HF-LPME Water samples GC-MS 139–255 0.002–0.012
Tetramethrin, Phenothrin,
Permethrin, Cyfluthrin,
Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin
Bifenthrin, Phenothrin, SPI-SFO–HLLME grape, sour cherry, mango, GC-MS 370, 460, 365, 415, 440, 0.029, 0.006, 0.038, 0.009, 0.013,
Tetramethrin, Fenpropathrin, apricot, peach, and 405, 410, 375, 425, 395 0.026, 0.012, 0.034,
Cyhalothrin, Permethrin, orange juices 0.015, 0.033
Cypermethrin, Cyfluthrin,
Flucythrinate, Deltamethrin
Dichlorvos, Diazinon. SB-DLLME apple juice, grape juice, orange GC-FID 466, 473, 509, 564, 616 1.4, 0.5, 0.2, 1.0, 0.9
Chlorpyrifos, juice, and mango juice
Profenofos, Phosalone

o,o,o-Triethylphosphorothioate, SFE-DLLME Marine sediment samples GC-FID 138, 82, 144, 125, 140, 3, 6, 2, 1, 9, 5, 9
Thionazin, Sulfotepp, 121, 67
Table 2. Continued. 12
Analytes Microextraction Method Real Samples Instrument PF/EF LOD (mg/L) Ref.
Disulfoton, Methyl Parathion,
Parathion, Famphur
Penconazole, Hexaconazole, SPE-DLLME Grape juice samples GC-FID 4101, 10556, 9594, 0.053, 0.061, 0.128, 0.139, 0.890
Diniconazole, Tebuconazaole, 8499, 5380
Chlorpyrifos DLLME-SFO Groundwater and soil sample GC-FPD 232.42 2.81
Diazinon, Malathion, Phosalone, IL-DLLME HPLC-MS — 0.07, 0.19, 0.06, 0.08, 0.03, 0.06
Imidacloprid, Biphenthrin,

Prometon, Simetryn, Propazine, DLLME Water samples 1750–2100 0.05, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10
Atrazine, Simazine
Bixafen, Fipronil, Bixafen, Fipronil BDLLME domestic and industrial GC-MS, B-DLLME 7.8, 119 56, 725, 7.3, 6.1
wastewater, soil and
mint samples
Atrazine, Ametryn, Propazine DLLME sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean GC-NPD 78, 74, 96 0.02, 0.06, 0.09
oil, and grapeseed oil
Penconazole, Hexaconazole, SEV-DLLME Waste water, well water, grape GC-FID 2738, 1580, 482, 974, 0.11, 0.09, 0.14, 0.78, 0.69, 1.04
Tebuconazole, Triticonazole, juice, apple juice 1048, 1142
Difenconazole (1),
Difenconazole (2)
Diazinon, Ametryn, Chlorpyrifos, Salt–induced HLLME Apple, sour cherry, peach, grape, GC-FID 455, 410, 420, 480, 465, 0.22, 0.37, 0.35, 0.27, 0.29,
Penconazole, Oxadiazon, orange juice samples 425, 435 0.48, 0.46
Diniconazole, Fenazaquin
Transfluthrin, Fenpropathrin, DLLME Water samples HPLC-UV 49, 55, 58, 57 0.56, 0.45, 0.41, 0.65
Cyhalothrin, Permethrin
o,o,o-Triethyl phosphorothioate, LPME Water samples GC-FPD 807, 699, 1302, 745, 997, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03,
Thionazin, Sulphotepp, 1110, 891, 976, 621 0.02, 0.02, 0.04
Phorate, Dimethoate,
Disulphoton, Methyl
parathion, Parathion, Famphur
Chlortoluron, prometon, IL-DLLME Honey sample HPLC 34–65 6.92, 5.84, 8.55, 8.59, 5.31,
propazine, linuron, prebane,
Metalaxyl, Chlorpyrifos, DES-DLLME Green tea, rose water and herbal GC-FID 1760, 2042, 2487, 2447, 0.22, 0.23, 0.16, 0.12, 0.12, 0.16,
Penconazole, Haloxyfop-R- distillates 2197, 2073, 2520, 2321, 0.16, 0.15, 0.11
methyl, Oxadiazon, 2444, 2853, 0.20
Diniconazole, Clodinafop-
propargyl, Fenpropathrin,
Fenazaquin, Fenoxaprop-
Diazinon, Isazofos, Chlorthiophos, DLLME Honey sample GC-MS 94, 89, 84, 97, 98, 82, 86, 0.10, 0.05, 0.08, 0.06, 0.07, 0.09,
Chloropyrifos, Fenthion, 93, 91 0.08, 0.09, 0.10
Malathion, Fenthionsulfoxide,
Piperophos, Anilofos
Malathion, Heptachlor, epoxide, MSPE/DLLME Fruit juice samples GC-ECD 332, 349, 285, 210, 320, 0.006, 0.013, 0.01, 0.022, 0.008,
Endrin, 2,4-DDT, Azinphos 540, 340 0.038, 0.023
ethyl, Cypermethrin,
Transfluthrin, Allethrin, UA-DLLME Domestic waste watersamples GC-FID 1725, 1605, 1509, 1214, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6,
Prallethrin, Imiprothrin, 768, 739, 803, 728, 748 0.5, 0.7
Tetramethrin, Phenothrin,
Cyphenothrin, Permethrin
DLLME Milk and water samples GC-FID and GC-MS 156–400 2–58
Penconazole, Hexaconazole,
Tebuconazole, Triticonazole,
Difenconazole (1),
Difenconazole (2)
Prophos, Diazinon, Chlorpyrifos DLLME Water samples GC-MS 319, 259, 257, 382, 5.1, 3.9, 1.5, 9.1, 1.9, 2.5
methyl, Methyl parathion, 249, 235
Fenchlorphos, Chlorpyrifos
2,4-D, MCPA RM-DLLME Water samples HPLC-UV 148, 157 0.8, 0.5
Dichlobenil, a-HCH, DLLME Various cocoa powder and GC-ECD 85, 92, 76, 74 0.017, 0.011, 0.022, 0.031
b-HCH, Aldrin bean samples
Fenpropathrin, cyhalothrin, DLLME-SFO Water samples GC-ECD 475–790 0.0015, 0.0014, 0.0029, 0.0014
permethrin, tau-fluvalinate
Permethrin, deltamethrin, USA-MNF-LPME Soil, water, and milk GC-MS 413.1 0.00281
Diazinon, Malathion, SS-LPME Tomato samples GC-MS 155, 152, 152 6.3, 7.1, 4.8,
Chlorimuron ethyl, bensulfuron DSPE-DLLME Soil samples MEKC 3000–5000 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
methyl, tribenuron methyl,
metsulfuron methyl
Carbofuran, carbaryl, pirimicarb SPE-DLLME Fruits and vegetables HPLC-UV 5400–7650 0.005–0.06
Pirimicarb, Carbaryl, Methiocarb, LLE-IL-DLLME Fruit juice HPLC-DAD 160, 205, 217, 147, 197 2.3, 0.64, 0.45, 3.9, 3.3
Aldicarb, Carbofuran
Dichlorovos, Mevinphose, HLLME Water samples GC-FPD 317, 274, 327, 325, 260, 0.02, 0.02, 0.005, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
Phorate, Diazinon, Disolfotane, 665, 369, 344, 455, 324, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.005,
Methylparathion, Sumithion, 658, 315, 478, 562, 394 0.01, 0.02, 0.04
Chloropyrifose, Malathion,
Fenthion, Profenphose, Ethion,
Phosalone, Azinphose methyl,
Permethrin, Bifenthrin, MA-HLLME Fruit and vegetable samples GC-MS 371, 365, 315, 415, 335 6.3, 9.3, 9.4, 4.3, 5.5
Deltamethrin, Cyhalothrin,
Metalaxyl, Chlorpyrifos, LTI–HLLE–DES–DLLME Various cucumber samples GC-FID 290, 365, 310, 305, 335, 0.88, 0.61, 0.81, 0.83, 0.68, 0.48,
Penconazole, 365, 300, 380, 405, 315 0.79, 0.49, 0.42, 0.76
Oxadiazon, Diniconazole,
Fenpropathrin, Fenazaquin,
Chlorpyrifos, Diazinon, QuEChERS–DLLME Fruit and vegetables GC-FID 265, 240, 340, 375, 340 0.48, 0.38, 0.39, 0.27, 0.30
Diniconazole, Oxadiazon,
Chlorpyrifos, Penconazole, HLLE-DLLME-SFO Fruit juices and fruits GC-FID 3659, 3265, 3490, 3416, 0.56, 0.47, 0.20, 0.45, 0.34, 0.51,
Haloxyfop-R-methyl, 3271, 3473, 3517, 0.25, 0.37, 0.60
Oxadiazon, Diniconazole, 3443, 3728
Fenpropathrin, Fenazaquin,
Bifenthrin, Fenpropathrin, DLLME-SFO Real liquid milk GC-ECD — 0.09, 0.08, 0.16, 0.22, 0.44,
Cyhalothrin, Permethrin, 0.38, 0.29
Flucythrinate, Fenvalerate,

Diazinon, Malathion, Chlorpyrifos MFEM Water samples GC-FID 306, 329, 342 4, 8, 6
Chlorpyrifos, Penconazole, PCL–g–GQDs–based Fruit juices GC-FID 714, 691, 732, 754, 792, 4.8, 5.5, 5.1, 5.4, 4.76, 5.3, 6.2,
Haloxyfop–R–methyl, DSPE–DLLME 815, 840, 803, 680 6.7, 4.9
Table 2. Continued. 14
Analytes Microextraction Method Real Samples Instrument PF/EF LOD (mg/L) Ref.
Oxadiazon, Diniconazole,
Fenpropathrin, Fenazaquin,
Carbaryl UAMSPE water UV-Vis — 33
Carbaryl, Hexythiazox, In matrix-DES-SFO-DLLME Cow milk GC-FID 390, 425, 430, 390, 365, 1.6, 2.1, 1.8, 2.4, 1.3, 3.9, 0.9
Pretilachlor, Iprodione, 320, 445,

Sethoxydim, Fenazaquin
Diazinon, Malathion, Chlorpyrifos MWA–DLLME Aqueous sample GC-FID 1340, 1900, 1880 0.65, 1.30, 0.74
Multi-residue pesticides (19 units) SPE-DLLME Water, fruit, honey, and milk GC-MS/SIM 2362–10,593 0.5–1.0
Deltamethrin, Fenvalerate, DES-UA-DLLME Water samples HPLC-UVD 129, 131, 136, 129, 127 0.60, 0.30, 0.60, 0.30, 0.60
Etofenprox, Bifenthrin
Etrimfos, Fenthion, Diazinon, DSPE–DES–SFOD–DLLME Sunflower, olive, corn, canola, GC-NPD 170, 183, 192, 175 0.24, 0.11, 0.06, 0.19
Chloropyrifos and sesame oils
Flucythrinate, Beta-cypermethrin, VA-EME Mushroom HPLC-DAD — 0.10–0.19
Diazinon, Ametryn, Chlorpyrifos, LLE-DLLME Honey samples GC-FID 353, 289, 400, 350, 428, 11, 1.1, 0.69, 0.57, 0.32,
Penconazole, Oxadiazon, 374, 279 0.71, 1.20
Diniconazole, Fenazaquin
a-HCH, HCB, 4,4-DDT, BDE-28, VALLME Oil samples GC-MS/MS — 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7
BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-153,
Triadimenol, Fipronil, UA-ELPME Different herbal HPLC-DAD — 0.2, 0.02, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2
Tebuconazole, Hexaconazole, medicine samples
Myclobutanil, Tebuconazole, DCF-EME Water sample GC-MS 409, 342, 473, 372 0.14, 0.24, 0.17, 1.04
Epoxiconazole, Difenoconazole
Nimesulide, Indomethacin, LD-DLLME Water samples HPLC-DAD 35, 42, 64, 66 0.81, 0.11, 1.14, 0.26
flufenamic acid
a –Endosulfan, b –Endosulfan BAlE Tea samples GC-MS — 8.0, 4.0

Acknowledgments GC-NFD gas chromatography–nitrogen phos-

phorous detector
Dr. Muhammad Saqaf Jagirani would like to thank the TUBITAK 2221 GC-NPD gas chromatography–nitrogen phos-
Postdoctoral fellowship/visiting researchers. The authors are also grate- phorus detection
ful for the financial support of the Unit of the Scientific Research GG/GO/PANI graphenized graphite/graphene oxide/
Projects of Erciyes University (FBG-2020-10013) (Kayseri, Turkey). polyanilinenanocomposite
HF-LPME hollow fiber-based liquid-phase
Abbreviations HLLE homogenous liquid–liquid extraction
HLLE-DLLME-SFO homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction-
a-HCH a-Hexachlorocyclohexane dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction
b-HCH b-Hexachlorocyclohexane solidification of floating organic drop
mLPME microfluidic based liquid-phase HLLME homogeneous liquid–liquid
microextraction microextraction
2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid IBU ibuprofen
2,4-D2 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid IL ionic liquid
2,4-DB 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) butanoic acid KTP ketoprofen
AALLME air-agitated liquid–liquid LC–MS/MS liquid chromatography tandem mass
microextraction spectrometry
AALLME air-assisted liquid–liquid LD-DLLME low denstity-dispersive liquid liquid
microextraction microextraction
APTS 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane LLE-DLLME liquid–liquid extraction–dispersive
BAlE bar adsorptive microextraction liquid–liquid microextraction
BDLLEME binary dispersive liquid-liquid microex- LLLME on-line hollow fiber liquid–liquid–liquid
traction method
BID bubble-in-drop microextraction
LPME liquid phase microextraction
D-m-SPE dispersive m-solid phase extraction
LTI-HLLE-DES-DLLME low temperature–induced homogenous
DCF-EME carbon dioxide flotation after emulsifi-
liquid–liquid extraction–deep eutectic
cation microextraction
solvent–based dispersive liquid–liquid
DDD 1,1-dichloro-2,4-
bis[chlorophenyl]ethane microextraction
DDE 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis[p- MA-HLLME microwave assisted homogeneous
chlorophenyl]ethylene liquid–liquid microextraction
DDE dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene MCPA 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid
DDT 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis[p- MCPA2 methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid
chlorophenyl]ethane MCPB 4-(4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxy) buta-
DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane noic acid
DES deep eutectic solvents MDSPME magnetic dispersive solid-phase
DES-FF-DSDME deep eutectic solvent based ferrofluid- microextraction
directly suspended droplet Mecoprop 2-(4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxy) propa-
microextraction. noic acid
DHFP-LPME dynamic hollow fiber protected liquid MEKC micellarelectrokinetic chromatography
phase microextraction MFEM microfunnel-filter-based emulsification
DIC diclofenac microextraction magnetic solid phase
Dichloprop 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) propanoic acid extraction (MSPE) coupled
DI-SPME direct immersion mode solid phase with dispersive
microextraction MGO-SPE-DLLME magnetic graphene oxide based–solid
DLLME dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction phase extraction–dispersive liquid–li-
DLLME dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction quid microextraction
DLLME-SFO dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction MSA-DLLME stirring-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid
based on solidification of the floating microextraction
organic droplets MSPE magnetic solid phase extraction
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with solidification of a floating line-polypyrrole@polydimethylsiloxane
organic drop NAX naproxen
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organic drop quantum dots–based dispersive solid
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