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A Recovery Program for the Natterjack Toad

(Bufo calamita) in Britain

*School of Biology, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QG, United Kingdom
†English Nature, Northminster House, Peterborough PE1 1UA, United Kingdom

Abstract: The natterjack toad ( Bufo calamita) is an endangered species in Britain and has been legally pro-
tected since 1975. This amphibian suffered a major decline during the first half of the twentieth century, due
partly to habitat destruction but mostly to successional changes in its specialized biotopes and anthropogenic
acidification of breeding sites. In addition to site and species protection, extensive autecological research over
the past 25 years has provided the foundations for an intensive, 3-year species recovery program funded by the
statutory nature conservation organizations (English Nature and the Countryside Council for Wales). This pro-
gram was based on habitat management and reintroductions to restored sites and followed similar but less in-
tensive efforts. Management of heath and dune habitats focused on restoration and maintenance of early
stages of seral succession, initially through physical clearance of invasive scrub and woodland vegetation and
later by the reestablishment of grazing regimes similar to those prevalent in earlier centuries. In some cases ex-
tra breeding pools were provided to either increase or stabilize natterjack toad populations that had become
reliant on one or very few pools at small sites or to promote range expansion within large habitat areas. By
1995 proactive conservation work had been carried out at 29 (69%) of the 39 sites with extant native popula-
tions, including 8 during the recovery program. Twenty reintroductions also had been attempted, including
nine during the program. At least six reintroductions resulted in the foundation of expanding new popula-
tions, and an additional eight have shown initial signs of success. Conservation methods developed for Bufo ca-
lamita should provide a useful precedent for long-term conservation of early successional habitats and species.

Programa de Recuperación para el Sapo Natterjack (Bufo calamita) en Gran Bretaña

Resumen: El sapo Natterjack (Bufo calamita) es una especie en peligro de extinción en Gran Bretaña y esta
sujeto a protección desde 1975. Este anfibio sufrió una declinación importante durante la primera mitad del
siglo veinte, debido en parte a la destrucción del hábitat pero principalmente a los cambios sucesionales en
sus biotopos y a la acidificación antropogénica de sitios de reproducción. Además de la protección de sitios y
de la especie, extensas investigaciones autoecológicas en los últimos 25 años proporcionaron las bases para
un programa intensivo de recuperación patrocinado por las organizaciones de conservación de naturaleza
estatutarias (English Nature y Countryside Council for Wales). Este programa se basó en el manejo del hábi-
tat y reintroducciones en sitios restaurados, como continuación de esfuerzos similares pero menos intensivos.
El manejo de brezales y dunas se enfocó en la restauración y mantenimiento de las primeras etapas sucesion-
ales, se inició con la remoción de hierbas y vegetación leñosa invasoras y posteriormente se restablecieron
regímenes de pastoreo similares a los prevalecientes en siglos anteriores. En algunos casos se proporcionaron
charcas para reproducción para incrementar o estabilizar las poblaciones o para promover la expansión del
rango en áreas con hábitats extensos. Para 1995 el trabajo de conservación se había desarrollado en 29
(69%) de los 39 sitios con poblaciones nativas, incluyendo 8 durante el programa de recuperación. También
se habían intentado veinte reintroducciones, incluyendo 9 durante el programa. Por lo menos 6 reintroduc-
ciones resultaron en la fundación de nuevas poblaciones y 8 más han mostrado señas iniciales de éxito. Los
métodos de conservación desarrollados para Bufo calamita deben constituir un precedente útil para la conser-
vación a largo plazo de hábitats en sucesión inicial y de especies.

‡ Address correspondence to T. J. C. Beebee, email

Paper submitted September 19, 1997; revised manuscript accepted February 4, 1997.

Conservation Biology, Pages 1329–1338

Volume 11, No. 6, December 1997
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1330 Natterjack Toad in Britain Denton et al.

In the past few years concern has increased about declin-
ing amphibian populations in several countries around
the world, especially with respect to species living at high
altitudes and in habitats not obviously vulnerable to direct
impacts from human activities (Blaustein & Wake 1990;
Wake 1991; Blaustein et al. 1994a; Pounds & Crump
1994). The extent to which amphibians are declining
more than other groups is the subject of contention,
partly because they seem to have fared no worse than
other taxa (i.e., reptiles in Europe [Beebee 1992] and ver-
tebrates in general [Smith et al. 1993]), but also because
of the inherent difficulty of distinguishing between long-
term declines and natural short-term fluctuations in popu-
lation sizes (Pechmann & Wilbur 1994). Nevertheless,
some species seem to be in trouble; causes include habi-
tat destruction (Cooke & Ferguson 1976; Dodd 1991),
pesticide pollution (Hazelwood 1970), spread of patho-
genic diseases (Laurance et al. 1996), increased road traf-
fic (Fahrig et al. 1995), introduction of alien species such
as Rana catesbiana in Spain (Arano et al. 1995), and en-
hanced UV-B irradiation (due to damage to the atmo-
spheric ozone layer) causing increased egg mortality
Figure 1. Distribution of natterjack toad Bufo calamita
(Blaustein et al. 1994b). It is unlikely, therefore, that am-
in Britain.
phibian declines around the world share a common cause
(Griffiths & Beebee 1992)—multiple factors will often
play a part. Similarly, multiple factors contribute to losses
at a local scale. The UV-B effects, for example, can act syn- anthropogenic acidification of breeding ponds; (4) the
ergistically with both low pH and with infection by patho- enhancement of natterjack populations, accounting for
genic fungi (Kiesecker & Blaustein 1995; Long et al. minimum viable population size (MVP) and metapopula-
1995). tion theory; and (5) reintroductions of natterjacks to re-
The natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) is a native of store the historically documented range.
western and central Europe, but in the northern part of
its range it is confined to a few specific habitat types,
particularly coastal sand dunes, saltmarshes, and inland Background Information
heaths (Beebee 1983; Fig.1). A massive decline during
the early part of the twentieth century resulted in the Extensive autecological studies were initiated during the
species disappearing from more than 75% of its histori- 1980s to determine natterjack habitat requirements and
cal sites in Britain, particularly from those on the heath- the causes of decline. These studies identified aquatic
lands of southern and eastern England (Beebee 1976). In and terrestrial habitat features of critical importance to
the mid-1970s only about 40 natterjack sites (defined as natterjacks. Bufo calamita is adapted to early succes-
discrete areas of terrestrial habitat with varying numbers sional stages that are inherently unstable, such as sand
of breeding ponds) remained. Numerous factors are dunes, upper salt marshes, and river flood plains. The
thought to have contributed to these declines. The spe- adaptations are manifest as two life-history features with
cies was protected by law in 1975, and by 1994 more habitat implications: (1) a specialized feeding behavior
than 80% of localities with natterjack populations also in which invertebrate prey are actively pursued over
had statutory habitat protection as sites of special scien- open ground and (2) small larvae that grow rapidly and
tific interest (Banks et al. 1994). metamorphose after only a few weeks in the pond
We report on the conservation work carried out both (Banks & Beebee 1988; Denton & Beebee 1994). Impor-
before (1970–1992) and during phase one of a species tant terrestrial habitat features for natterjacks include ar-
recovery program (phase one extended over the 3 years eas of bare ground (usually sand) on which to forage and
1992–1995) for natterjack toads in Britain. This included in which to burrow and hibernate; areas of short vegeta-
(1) the restoration of early successional habitats on tion (,30 cm high) sustaining prey invertebrates; and
heaths and dunes; (2) the maintenance of these habitat generally open (unforested) terrain promoting high sum-
stages by sustainable economic methods; (3) countering mer temperatures at ground level. Important aquatic habi-

Conservation Biology
Volume 11, No. 6, December 1997
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Denton et al. Natterjack Toad in Britain 1331

tat features include shallow, exposed (usually ephemeral) About 36% of the surviving natterjack populations in
pools with warm water (.208C) to sustain rapid tadpole Britain averaged less than 100 adults over 10 years of
growth rates; circumneutral pH (6.0–8.5); and few pred- monitoring (Banks et al. 1994), giving rise to concern
ators or tadpole competitors. Natterjacks also benefited that they may be below minimum viable population sizes
in the past from the anthropomorphic creation of habi- (Laan & Verboom 1990; Nunney & Campbell 1993). Frag-
tats with these properties, such as heathlands sustained mentation and isolation of surviving populations has also
by timber cutting and livestock grazing. increased, and recent investigation has revealed very low
Direct habitat destruction, including agricultural recla- levels of genetic diversity in British B. calamita popula-
mation, afforestation with conifer plantations, and urban tions (Hitchings & Beebee 1996), posing long-term risks
construction, was substantive but not the most impor- from environmental, demographic and genetic stochas-
tant reason for the widespread disappearance of Bufo ticity. Adult population density of B. calamita is directly
calamita (Beebee 1977, 1983). Of greater significance related to breeding pond density (Beebee et al. 1996),
was seral succession on heathlands, and to a lesser ex- and it is often possible to increase population size by dig-
tent on dunes, from the early stages typified by very ging more ponds. Also, amphibians may exist as metapo-
open habitat with dwarf shrub or grassy sward commu- pulations in which source and sink breeding pools some-
nities to later stages characterized by extensive scrub times coexist within interconnected habitat patches (Gill
and tree invasion. This alteration of habitat structure cre- 1978; Sjögren 1991). Creation of a network of ponds of
ated conditions suitable for the common toad (Bufo varying depths should improve prospects for maintaining
bufo), which has clearly displaced natterjacks over large metapopulations because one or more ideal depth (deep
areas that, apart from successional changes, are other- enough to persist until metamorphosis, but not so deep
wise little different from historical descriptions (Beebee as to harbor large numbers of predators) is likely to be
1977; Denton & Beebee 1994). Bufo bufo does not sur- available every year irrespective of weather conditions.
vive well in the early-successional, open conditions of Although work on natterjack toad conservation started
heaths or dunes, but it encroaches after scrub-mediated in the 1970s, the concept of undertaking recovery pro-
alterations of microclimate. The early spring breeding of grams for threatened species in Britain was only recently
B. bufo produces tadpoles that out-compete those of the promoted by the statutory conservation organizations
later-breeding B. calamita (Banks & Beebee 1987; Grif- (Whitten 1990). In 1991 the species recovery program
fiths 1991). was launched by English Nature; by 1996 the program en-
The deterioration of heath and dune habitats due to compassed almost 100 species projects. The projects have
successional processes has been extensively documented three phases: “pre-recovery” in which recovery feasibility
in Britain and is associated with major losses of other rare is assessed; “phase 1” in which intensive work to improve
fauna and flora (Van der Meulen 1982; Marrs et al. 1986; status is carried out, usually over 3–5 years; and “phase 2”
Webb 1986, 1990) dependent upon these distinctive ec- in which follow-up work over at least a decade consoli-
osystems. Although coastal dunes represent one of the dates and secures the gains made during phase 1. Bufo ca-
few examples of primary habitat remaining in Britain, lamita was among the first suite of species included in the
most dune systems and probably all heathlands were recovery program because of the large amount of auteco-
used for low-density livestock grazing until the end of the logical information already at hand by 1991.
nineteenth century. Apart from the most exposed loca-
tions, such as frontal dune ridges, this type of manage-
ment now seems essential for their perpetuation (Fuller
Rationale and Methods
& Boorman 1977; Webb 1986). Indeed, the heathlands of
northwestern Europe are almost entirely anthropogenic Restoration of Early Successional Habitats on Heaths
in origin and were grazed continuously (and occasionally and Dunes
burned) after the major forest clearances that created
them some 5000 years ago (Webb 1986). Furthermore, In the absence of management or as a consequence of
the oligotrophic and dystrophic pools that form on anthropogenic stabilization of habitats (such as preven-
leached heathland substrates are highly vulnerable to an- tion of dune accretion by beach cleaning), many natter-
thropogenic acidification. Natterjacks require circum- jack sites have progressed to late stages of seral succes-
neutral ponds for successful reproduction; in at least one sion. A variety of evidence was used to assess what the
site a fall in pH due to recent atmospheric pollution ren- habitat had formerly been like at these sites and to guide
dered the major breeding pool too acidic for natterjack objectives for restoration. This included photographic
larval development (Beebee & Griffin 1977; Beebee et al. records of successional change, accounts by local natu-
1990). It seems likely on the basis of previous natterjack ralists, and specific information about changes in natter-
records and recent pH measurements that acidification jack populations or in numbers of competitor species.
has occurred elsewhere on heathlands and must have af- On both heaths and dunes, restoration involved re-
fected other elements of the freshwater biota. moval of invasive scrub and woodland, mostly buckthorn

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Volume 11, No. 6, December 1997
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1332 Natterjack Toad in Britain Denton et al.

(Hippophae rhamnoides) and birch (Betula spp.) on were employed to restore acidified heathland ponds to
dunes, and birch, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), and gorse circumneutrality. At three sites the minimum quantities
(Ulex europaea) on heathland. In dune systems this was of Ca(OH)2 necessary to raise pH to between 6.5 and 7.0
often achieved by means of heavy machinery, mostly were added to ponds in powder form early in the spring
track vehicles with blades or grab-arms, leaving disturbed before toad breeding started. Amounts were kept as low
grass and herb layers with extensive areas of bare sand as possible to avoid the development of calciphile com-
but without destroying the soil profile. These restorations munities, which would be atypical of heathlands, and it
created habitat structures similar to those of early succes- was generally necessary to make additions every year or
sional stages of the kind still maintained naturally by wind every second year to maintain the circumneutral pH
action on exposed frontal dune ridges. Natural accretion necessary for natterjack development. A second method
was encouraged, where possible, by the cessation of at one large site exploited the shallow and ephemeral
beach-cleaning operations and by restricting access by nature of natterjack breeding ponds. In this case the thin
motor vehicles. On heathland in which the heather silt bed with its accumulated sulphate load was scraped
(mostly Calluna vulgaris) understory survived, scrub away when the large (10-ha) pond desiccated in sum-
was usually removed by manual cutting to minimize dam- mer. After refilling, this pond had a pH of over 5.5, com-
age to the shrub layer. This was necessary because heath- pared with less than 4.5 before scraping, for several
ers take several decades to reach maturity and are easily years afterwards (Beebee et al. 1990).
killed by mechanical trampling, which leaves the habitat
unsatisfactory for many of the rarer species. In this habitat
Enhancement of Population Size
areas of exposed substrate were created by rotovation of
patches or tracks interwoven among stands of undis- Small, isolated populations are especially vulnerable to
turbed heath. Stumps of deciduous scrub or tree species, extinction, which has significant management implica-
if not removed, were treated with herbicides to prevent tions. Population size is related to availability of breed-
regrowth. All cut vegetation was burned to remove as ing habitat (Beebee et al. 1996); consequently, enhance-
many nutrients as possible from the ecosystem. ment of populations as well as development of a functional
metapopulation may be possible through pond creation.
Maintenance of Heaths and Dunes by Sustainable Minimum viable population size is not known for this spe-
Economic Methods cies, although colonies of less than 100 adults have per-
sisted for many generations, and this number was adopted
Long-term maintenance of early successional habitats by as a minimum target size for all populations pending fur-
economically sustainable methods was an essential objec- ther study. Pond creation was therefore considered appro-
tive after completion of restorative management. The re- priate at all sites with small toad populations and where
introduction of management regimes that achieved this there was evidence of lowered water tables, which re-
aim in the past—notably low-density (,1 animal/3 ha) duces the breeding success of toads at existing ponds.
livestock grazing to control or prevent scrub regenera- Natterjacks favor ephemeral pools with very shallow
tion—was the method of choice. Sheep or cattle were margins that desiccate around midsummer in a year of
used on different sites; some were grazed for all and oth- average rainfall. Pond excavation was usually carried out
ers for part of the year. Ease of establishing grazing re- by means of heavy machinery, with care being taken to
gimes varied. Some dune and upper salt marsh sites have generate basins of appropriate shape and depth (less
always been grazed, but others required prior erection than 1 m maximum depth in midwinter) and in particu-
of stock-proof fencing and acquisition of animals, gener- lar to avoid overdeepening. Ponds created on heathland
ally on a lease-lend basis with local farmers. sites were in some cases lined with concrete to counter
acidification and retain water above natural water tables.
Countering Anthropogenic Acidification of Breeding Pools New ponds were subsequently monitored both for use
as spawning sites and also to determine whether meta-
Natterjacks require circumneutral pools for successful morphosis was successful. The former was quantified by
development of their spawn and tadpoles. Anthropo- counting of spawn strings and the latter by estimation,
genic acidification is considered a major threat on heath- to within an order of magnitude, of toadlet production.
lands, where the oligotrophic pools are weakly buffered. B. calamita females usually deposit a single spawn string
Direct evidence of acidification is expensive and time- each year, laid in shallow water (,10 cm) and not inter-
consuming to obtain, but it was available for one site twined with those of other animals (Beebee 1983). Count-
(Beebee et al. 1990). Elsewhere, inferences about likely ing spawn strings is therefore a useful method for estimat-
acidification were made on the basis of historical infor- ing adult numbers (sex ratios are usually about unity). The
mation about water quality, especially records of plants long-term effects on adult population size, judged by total
typical of circumneutral water and of previous successful spawn string production at a site, were also monitored
use by natterjacks within the past century. Two methods over the years subsequent to pond creation.

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Volume 11, No. 6, December 1997
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Denton et al. Natterjack Toad in Britain 1333

Reintroductions to Restore Historical Range Table 1. Restoration and maintenance of natterjack toad sites in
Britain since 1970.*
An important objective of the recovery program was to
reestablish the species at a series of representative sites Salt
that would, as far as possible, reconstitute its historical Dune Heath marsh Other
sites sites sites sites Total
range. This procedure falls within the definition of rein-
troduction accepted by the World Conservation Union Total no. native sites 21 3 11 4 39
No. with substantial
(1994). Priority was given to localities on heathlands in scrub encroachment 11 3 1 1 16
southern and eastern England, following as close as pos- No. with scrub clearance 6 (3) 2 (1) 1 1 10 (4)
sible to well-documented historical records. Sites were No. always grazed 8 0 9 2 19
chosen in which habitat was judged either already suit- “Always grazed” sites
able or easily made so. Management was carried out as with B. bufo
incursion (%) 0 — 0 0 0
necessary to restore both terrestrial and aquatic habitat Ungrazed sites with
features, and then natterjacks were introduced as spawn. B. bufo incursion (%) 77 33 50 50 65
The equivalent of two full strings, about 5000–6000 eggs, No. sites recently grazed
but as samples from several strings to maximize genetic again 5 1 0 1 7
diversity, were translocated per year for 2 consecutive * Numbers in parentheses are of sites where natterjack numbers or dis-
years. These were usually taken from the nearest native tribution have increased commensurate with clearance operations.
population on the same habitat type. Survival to meta-
morphosis was monitored by estimating toadlet emer- merous at the third heathland site that manual removal
gence to within an order of magnitude. Re-introduction of adults and spawn was necessary for more than 10
success was measured against three criteria: (1) initial years to allow any survival of natterjack tadpoles during
success, when at least tens of toadlets emerged in at least scrub removal to restore early successional conditions.
one of the two reintroduction years; (2) intermediate Scrub problems were less widespread on dunes, partly
success, when adults returned to breed within 3 years because successional processes are inherently slower in
(the age of sexual maturity) of the beginning of reintro- exposed coastal areas and partly because about 40% of
duction; and (3) complete success, when breeding con- dune sites were still grazed by domestic livestock. Scrub
tinued at the site for at least 5 years, adult numbers re- invasion on some dune systems became acute in recent
mained stable or increased over that time, and toadlets decades, however, and in one particular locality on the
from second-generation spawn were produced. A failure Merseyside coast the alien shrub Hippophae rhamnoides
was ascribed to any attempt that did not result in adults spread so rampantly that B. calamita was replaced by B.
returning and breeding successfully within 10 years of bufo over more than 70% of the dunes between 1970 and
the first spawn translocation. 1985.
Although open habitats are provided by initial distur-
bance of the ground during scrub clearance, further
management is required to sustain the habitat structures
required by B. calamita and other key elements of early
successional fauna and flora. In the absence of grazing, it
Restoration and Maintenance of Terrestrial Habitats
was necessary to carry out clearances every few years.
Problems from successional processes were more acute B. calamita increased in numbers or extended its range
in some habitats than others (Table 1). All the few re- on four sites with extensive clearances. Trends at four of
maining heathland sites were affected, about 50% of the managed sites are not yet clear, although natterjacks
dune sites but less than 10% of salt marshes. The contin- certainly persist, whereas at the other two managed
uation of livestock grazing on most salt marshes and on sites clearance was less complete and natterjacks have
many dune systems largely accounted for the lower lev- continued to decline. By 1995 scrub clearance had been
els of scrub invasion, and conservation effort was tar- carried out at 10 of the 16 sites deemed to require it, in-
geted at the heath and dune sites most at risk. These in- cluding three large-scale exercises during phase 1 of the
cluded two of the three remaining heathland sites, recovery program. In view of the endangered status of
where in each case tens of hectares of pine, birch, and B. calamita, no sites were left deliberately uncleared as
gorse were removed. Common toad invasion at two of controls because early work indicated the importance of
the heathland sites was lower than on many others open habitats to this species (Beebee 1977), but natter-
where succession had progressed, apparently for site- jack populations remained precarious or were maintained
specific reasons (heavy grazing by wild rabbits [Oryctol- by artificial methods (such as removal of common toads)
agus cuniculus] at one, acidification of all the deeper at the six sites where scrub removal was not possible.
pools at the other), probably explaining why natterjacks Sites where grazing was maintained appeared to be
persisted there. By contrast, common toads were so nu- much poorer habitats for common toads than were un-

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1334 Natterjack Toad in Britain Denton et al.

grazed sites (Table 1). Grazing has persisted in more Table 2. Pond creation at natterjack toad sites in Britain since 1970.a
than 80% of salt marshes, and in this habitat natterjack
Effects on population
populations generally thrived best, needing little or no
scrub control. Over the past 10 years grazing regimes Total no. No. sites with No
Habitat sites ponds added effect Increase Rescue
have been reestablished at seven sites with a view to
maintaining early successional stages in the long term, Dune 21 17 5 1 10
Heath 3 3 1 1b 2
including two initiated during the recovery program.
Salt marsh 11 5 1 2 0
One major area of natterjack habitat (a large section of Other 4 1 0 1 0
the Merseyside dunes) was targeted before and during Total 39 26 7 5 12
the recovery program. Clearfelling of a pine plantation a
Sites at which the effects of ponds have not been well recorded were
and reintroduction of sheep grazing was achieved on omitted from the analysis.
part of the site, whereas scrub removal from another 40 At this site initial rescue with one pond was followed by population
increases after addition of extra ponds over a period of 20 years.
ha was completed in preparation for grazing in future.
Much more time will be needed before it will be possi-
ble to make a proper assessment of the effects of the
new grazing regimes on natterjack toads, but studies metapopulation structures and thus reduce the probabil-
comparing grazed and ungrazed habitats have proved ity of local extinction due to stochastic factors. Pond
encouraging with respect to both utilization by this spe- creation was therefore usually targeted to localities
cies and to decreased occupancy by B. bufo (Denton & where population size was small (,100 adults) or en-
Beebee 1996) and the reappearance of other species dangered by pond loss. Because most natterjack popula-
typical of early successional stages. tions fell into one of these categories, over the past 25
years over 200 ponds have been created, spread be-
Restoration and Management of Aquatic Habitats tween about 67% of the extant sites, including 15 con-
structed during the recovery program. At all sites at least
Anthropogenic acidification of breeding ponds was spe- one and usually most of the ponds were used by natter-
cifically identified at one of the surviving heathland sites jacks within 1 or 2 years of their creation. In about half
of B. calamita and has probably affected others from of the sites the new ponds rescued the populations from
which the species has disappeared (Beebee et al. 1990). probable extinction, as judged by the absence of suc-
Although control of pollutant emission and consequent cessful reproduction in any other water body. Overall
relief of ecosystem acid loads must remain the long-term more than 65% of populations provided with new ponds
goal, this is unlikely to be realized within the time neces- were rescued or increased (as measured by spawn string
sary for amphibian conservation at sensitive sites (Jug- counts) in the years following pond creation. This type
gins et al. 1996). During the 1980s, therefore, addition of management has proved successful on all habitat
of quicklime (annually) or removal of bottom sediment types, but not every population responded with substan-
(as a single exercise) were carried out on the acidified tive size increases. Failures could be attributed to poor
site at two separate pools with pH of less than 4.5. Both siting (two instances), inadequate terrestrial habitat man-
treatments restored pH to circumneutrality, and both agement accompanying pond creation (two instances),
ponds were subsequently used for spawning by natter- or overdeepening after misjudgement of water-table low-
jacks. Tadpole mortality in the two ponds remained ering (three instances). Efforts are currently being made
higher than in naturally circumneutral pools, however, to rescue populations using ponds suffering from the wa-
apparently because numbers of invertebrate predators ter-table problem by making the pools shallower. To be
became exceptionally large, and no metamorphic suc- successful, therefore, restoration or creation of ephem-
cess has yet occurred in either pond (Banks et al. 1993). eral ponds requires careful planning and execution, in-
In contrast, neutralization of pools with quicklime at an- cluding measurement of water-table fluctuations over
other heathland site prior to a reintroduction during the several seasons.
mid 1980s was successful, and a natterjack population to-
tally dependent on these pools has become established
there; lime addition has also created conditions that sup-
port natterjack development through to metamorphosis Returning natterjack populations to areas where they re-
in several previously acidic ponds in a third area. cently have become extinct has proved increasingly suc-
A common management approach at many sites has cessful over the past 25 years. Out of 20 attempts at rein-
been to create totally new ponds (Table 2). This was of- troduction, only 6 have definitely failed according to the
ten necessary to rescue populations because historical criteria we defined (Table 3), and 5 of these were the
breeding sites were damaged or destroyed, but another first efforts of the early 1970s. All three reintroductions
frequent objective was to increase adult population to dune sites have succeeded within the limits of judge-
sizes. The intention in these cases also was to stabilize ment possible at the present time, although only one is

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Volume 11, No. 6, December 1997
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Denton et al. Natterjack Toad in Britain 1335

Table 3. Reintroductions of natterjack toads in Britain since 1970.* population growth at this site and at the first dune rein-
troduction site, as judged by spawn string counts, are
No. on No. on Total
Assessment dunes heaths no. shown in Fig. 2. The remaining 6 sites, including one
longstanding success, (.10 years) have concrete-lined
Total attempted 3 17 20
Intitial success 3 (100) 11 (66) 14 (70)
ponds. Supportive management for reintroductions has
Intermediate success 2 (100) 5 (45) 7 (54) included scrub clearance at 2 of the 3 dune and 7 of the
Complete success 1 (100) 5 (45) 6 (50) current 11 heath sites and the establishment of grazing
Definite failures 0 6 6 (30) at 1 dune and 2 heath sites.
* Parentheses indicate percentage of success of those reintroductions
underway long enough for proper comparison.
more than 5 years old, and it (initiated in 1982) has es- Conservation measures for natterjack toads in Britain
tablished one of the largest natterjack populations on have improved in effectiveness over the past 25 years as
the east coast of England. The 6 unsuccessful efforts, all critical habitat features have been identified and the
on heathland, failed by the first criterion, and no suc- much broader issues associated with habitat manage-
cessful metamorphosis was recorded at any of them for ment were successfully addressed. It is in the arena of
reasons subsequently related to poor water quality in early successional habitat conservation that work on B.
the ponds. Of the remaining 11 attempts on heathland, 5 calamita has proved particularly relevant. It is well
have been completely successful and 6 are too recent known that open habitats are often maintained by graz-
(,3 years old) for anything other than a preliminary as- ing regimes (Dix 1959; McCune & Cottam 1985); many
sessment, although all produced toadlets in their first such ecosystems in temperate zones arose following an-
year and have thus satisfied the first criterion. thropogenic forest clearances and have been maintained
New ponds were created at all three of the dune sites by regular disturbance ever since, although some were
simply by excavating below the water table, whereas on developed naturally by large herds of wild herbivores
heathland the situation was more complex. All the fail- (Van Wieren 1995) or wind erosion on exposed coastal
ures utilized natural water tables, whereas only 4 of the sites. Even on these, however, grazing by domestic ani-
11 more successful ventures relied on this source. Three mals has played a part and has become more important
of these 4 are 7 or more years old and have generated in recent decades following declines in wild herbivores
self-perpetuating natterjack populations, although one and the introduction to many sites of alien tree and
site requires occasional addition of quicklime to main- scrub species (such as Rhododendron ponticum and
tain circumneutral pHs in the two breeding ponds. One Hippophae rhamnoides). The coincidence of these
of the other 7 sites, the first successful natterjack trans- plant introductions with the mass extermination of rab-
location (started in 1980), has created another very large bits, the main natural herbivore of these habitats, during
population in eastern England that relies entirely on a the mid-twentieth century by myxomatosis infection led
single pool with a butyl plastic liner. The patterns of to widespread overstabilization of dune systems in Britain
(Fuller & Boorman 1977). In addition, livestock farming
on such marginal land became increasingly uneconomi-
cal and mostly ceased by the early years of the twentieth
century. Conservation of heaths and dunes therefore re-
quires the clearance of a large backlog of scrub and tree
invasion, followed by reinstatement of management prac-
tices necessary to maintain early successional habitats,
most especially low-density livestock grazing. Fire, al-
though used elsewhere and occasionally used on heath-
land to restore early successional stages, has deleterious
long-term effects on vegetation structure and is generally
less appropriate than the use of livestock (Bullock &
Webb 1995). Although grazing is unlikely to be economi-
cal from the point of view of commercial agriculture, it
seems likely to be the cheapest as well as the most effec-
tive way of maintaining such habitats for conservation
purposes. After the initial costs involved in perimeter
fence installation and livestock purchase are met, mainte-
Figure 2. Population size development of natterjack nance management by grazing should at least break even
toads at reintroduction sites. and may even be marginally profitable (Kottmann et al.

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1336 Natterjack Toad in Britain Denton et al.

1985). Comparable situations elsewhere in the world are known precisely, reintroductions were often made to a
attracting similar solutions (e.g., wetland management for general area from which natterjacks were recorded,
bog turtles [Clemmys muhlenbergii; Tryon & Herman rather than, for example, to a specific pond or marsh.
1990]), but there is still considerable scope for experi- Success rates of amphibian reintroductions have been in
mentation with grazing regimes. It will certainly be im- contention (Dodd & Seigel 1991; Burke 1991), but in
portant to establish the most appropriate times of year to general they have been higher for common rather than
use livestock and to avoid overgrazing and the range of rare species. Early efforts with B. calamita were justi-
different problems (including vegetation damage and im- fied primarily as rescue operations and used animals
poverishment of reptile fauna) that can result from it from sites in the process of destruction; they failed be-
( Jones 1981; Fleischerer 1994; Noss 1994). cause aquatic and terrestrial habitat requirements were
At the species level, short-term measures for B. calam- not well understood. Since 1980, however, reintroduc-
ita have mainly involved pond creation or restoration. tions have mostly been successful by the criteria out-
Mostly, ponds have been put in place following destruc- lined in the section on rationale and methods; during
tion of or serious damage to the original breeding sites, the recent recovery program confidence was high
including the lowering of the water table by land drain- enough to initiate 8 new sites. At all of the 15 reintro-
age, overgrowth with scrub or rank vegetation, and an- duction sites initiated since 1980, ancillary management
thropogenic acidification. These were therefore essen- operations have also been carried out to restore or im-
tial rescue measures and have largely succeeded in their prove terrestrial or aquatic habitats, including scrub
aim of maintaining viable natterjack populations, at least clearance (8 sites), pond creation (all 15 sites), and the
for a few years. A secondary objective was to increase introduction of grazing regimes (3 sites). The intention
toad numbers at many sites, taking account of the need was to improve the quality of the entire ecosystem, and
to maintain assumed minimum viable population sizes thus benefit a wide range of species, as part of the nat-
(of about 100 adults) and adequate metapopulation terjack reintroduction program.
structures in the face of long-term threats from environ- It will of course be necessary to develop and execute
mental, demographic, or genetic stochasticity (Nunney conservation plans for B. calamita beyond phase 1 and
& Campbell 1993; Harrison & Hastings 1996). Evidence into phase 2 of the formal recovery program. Such de-
shows that natterjack population size is limited by pond velopments are currently well advanced, and a full-time
availability and that increasing pond numbers can have supervisory officer has been employed to oversee an ex-
positive effects on population size within a decade (Banks pansion of management methods, especially the restora-
et al. 1993; Beebee et al. 1996). But at more than half the tion of livestock grazing regimes. Partnerships between
sites where pools have been created for this purpose many different people and organizations have been and
there is as yet no evidence of a significant change in toad will continue to be essential for success. These include
population size. As discussed earlier, reasons for these statutory bodies, voluntary organizations, and private in-
failures include inappropriate installations and insufficient dividuals. Other recovery programs world-wide have
terrestrial habitat management. demonstrated the value of intensive treatment for a rela-
We believe that two particularly important points tively short time that leads to longer-term strategies, in-
have emerged from this recovery program: (1) it is es- cluding ones for endangered amphibians (Alytes mu-
sential to take into consideration all aspects of a species’ letensis; Bloxham & Tonge 1995).
ecological requirements and to ensure that management
is in place to address them and (2) the conservation of
threatened species requires a holistic approach at the Acknowledgments
habitat scale. Thus, while certain small-scale habitat ma-
nipulations, such as the creation of breeding pools for B. More than 50 people assisted with natterjack toad con-
calamita, may be justified for the conservation of spe- servation and the national recovery program and con-
cific species, they are unlikely by themselves to be suffi- tinue to do so. Special thanks are due to J. Buckley and
cient to ensure the long-term survival of populations. W. Boyd for data collection on translocation sites, and
Our approach has been to integrate specific habitat man- English Nature, the Countryside Council for Wales, the
agement needs to allow the persistence of this species WorldWide Fund for Nature, the Ministry of Defence,
within the objectives of managing for early successional Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council, and the Herpeto-
communities. logical Conservation Trust for financial support.
Reintroduction is a stringent test of autecological knowl-
edge, and success rates with B. calamita have improved
commensurate with ecological study. Reintroductions Literature Cited
have therefore constituted valuable bioassays of the con- Arano, B., G. Llorente, M. Garcia-Paris, and P. Herrero. 1995. Species
servation management methods described earlier. Be- translocation menaces Iberian water frogs. Conservation Biology 9:
cause historical localities for amphibians are often not 196–198.

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