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The story is set in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and revolves around the lives of two rival gangs, the rich

and privileged and the poor and marginalized greasers. The conflict between the two groups is
fueled by class differences and social inequality.The socs, short for "socials," are the wealthy,
well-dressed, and well-educated teenagers who live on the west side of town.On

[johnny after killing bob sheldon}

the other hand, the greasers are poor, uneducated, and live on the east side of town.Both of
these two groups have been in a part of a long hated war between each other.the conflict
reprised when bob Sheldon a “Soc” was killed by Johnny Cade a “Greaser”after Johnny was
assaulted by bob and his my opinion I don’t think that soc’s conflict should have even
happened in the first place bob and his friends were 16 when he was drunk .Where did you
get alcohol at 16? This must have been embarrassing for their parents.Imagine you raised your
son to be perfect and then you son gets killed being drunk.I believe that the greasers were in
the right. Johnny was surrounded by a group of drunk 16-year-olds who were all trying to harm
Johnny. If I was surrounded by drunk 16-year-olds I would be scared for my life. Johnny Cade
was in the right when he killed Bob Sheldon and there is nothing that can change my mind.”Five
Socs were coming straight for us and from the way thet were staggering i figured they were
reeling pickles”
[ponyboy getting asaulted ny drunk 16 year olds]

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