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JAVA Course Content

1. Introduction to Java
Overview of Java programming language
Basic syntax and data types
Writing and running simple Java programs
2. Object-Oriented Programming
Principles of Object-Oriented Programming
Classes, objects, and methods
Inheritance and polymorphism
3. Control Structures and Loops
Conditional statements (if/else)
Loops (while, do-while, for)
Switch statements
4. Arrays and Collections
Arrays and their use in Java
Array Lists and other collection types
5. Exception Handling
Introduction to exceptions
Handling exceptions in Java
6. Input/Output and File Handling
Reading and writing to files
Working with streams
7. GUI Programming with Swing
Basic GUI programming concepts
Building GUI applications using Swing
8. Networking and Multithreading
Socket programming in Java
Multithreading in Java
9. Database Programming with JDBC
Introduction to databases and SQL
Working with databases in Java using JDBC
10. Java Web Development
Introduction to web development using Java
Servlets and JSPs
Introduction to Spring framework

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