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Fay Cloudfang is a 18 year old female human fighter.

She has long, curled, brown hair and blue eyes.
She has rough white skin.
She stands 140cm (4'7") tall and has an obese build.
She has an oblong, very sightly face.

She is deaf from the right ear.

Personality Traits
She quietly worships Oghma, God of knowledge, invention, inspiration, bards. (True
She changes subject very often.
She judges people by their actions, not their words. She loves training people. She
frequently misquotes proverbs.

Ability Scores
Strength - 15 [+2]
Dexterity - 8 [-1]
Constitution - 13 [+1]
Intellect - 6 [-2]
Wisdom - 11 [0]
Charisma - 11 [0]

Sexual Orientation - Straight
Relationship Status - Single

Alignment Tendencies
Good: 2 Lawful: 2
Neutral: 6 Neutral: 4
Evil: 1 Chaotic: 0

Plot Hook
She is currently being chased by a band of bandits she just stole from and asks the
PCs for protection.

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