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Galmiphi Klorhana Elsys Mydira is a 208 year old female forest gnome cleric.
She has a bald head and brown eyes.
She has smooth, dirty, gray skin.
She stands 84cm (2'9") tall and has a lean build.
She has an oval, typical face.

She has a tattoo of a fish on her left leg, a tribal tattoo on her lip and a
beautiful tattoo of the lyrics of a song quote about death on her left arm.

Personality Traits
She openly worships Garl Glittergold, God of gnomes, protection, humour, trickery,
gem cutting. (Neutral Good)
She is very benevolent.
She is very optimistic. She has a solution for everything. She has story about her
god for every occasion. She secretly wants to become the ruler of the city. She
likes finding direct solutions to problems.

Ability Scores
Strength - 5 [-3]
Dexterity - 10 [0]
Constitution - 7 [-2]
Intellect - 14 [+2]
Wisdom - 16 [+3]
Charisma - 10 [0]

Sexual Orientation - Straight
Relationship Status - Married

Alignment Tendencies
Good: 4 Lawful: 2
Neutral: 3 Neutral: 3
Evil: 0 Chaotic: 0

Plot Hook
She is openly a vampire.

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