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Healthier Life Challenge

We’re going to try to make healthier choices, adopting new habits to our life during 1 week (7
days). Try to complete the challenge and see how it feels. Maybe you will keep some of these
habits after the challenge.

1. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Based on your personal tness record results, select the tness routine
that you nd more interesting for you. Follow it at least 3 times.

2. NUTRITION: Adopt two new habits to help you have a healthier diet. You can also choose to
eliminate bad habits.

Some examples:

- Eat a fruit everyday

- Eat 2 pieces of fruit everyday

- Drink water instead of coca-cola

- Don’t eat processed industrial baked goods

- Change wheat bread for whole grain bread.

- Don’t consume toxic substances: smoking, alcohol, etc.

- Spend 3 weeks with zero added sugars

- Eat an orange instead of having bottled orange juice

3. REST: Adopt two new habits to help you having a good quality resting time. You can also
choose to eliminate bad habits.

Some examples:

- No screens 1 hour before bed.

- Reading in bed before sleeping for 20 minutes

- Use a meditation app (headspace, petit bambou, meditation…) to do a guided relaxation

routine right before sleeping.

- Time my siestas for no longer than 20 minutes.

- Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep everyday.

- No snoozing the alarm

Find the habits that best suits you and that will challenge you.

4. MAKE A CALENDAR to set up the new habits you will try to keep during the whole week.

5. FOLLOW YOUR PROGRESS using a habit tracker app (Daily Planner, Strides, Everyday Habit
tracker, Habit, Done, etc) or do it in paper. Apps will remind you to complete your daily habits and
help you to stay motivated.

6. WRITE A REPORT after your challenge is nished, following the template posted in the aula
virtual called “Healthier life challenge_FINAL REPORT.


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