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Writting 2

Taking a trip to a new place can be a very nice experience and at

the same time somewhat dangerous because when you find
yourself in an unknown place, many accidents or situations can
happen, which can be very problematic if you are not used to it and
although going on a trip and learning new things can be very
attractive, you should always be cautious and alert to avoid scams
or waste money.
One of my favorite trips was when I visited the city of Cuzco and I
was able to see the different tourist sites and tour the entire city and
one of my favorite parts of the trip was being able to see the ruins of
Machu Picchu where you could see spectacular views and breathe
fresh air or playing with the llamas that were walking freely around
the place, I still remember that the guides recommended us not to
touch them too much so they wouldn't spit and another tourist didn't
pay attention and ended up being attacked by a llama.
However, not everything was perfect on the trip, there were some
problems such as the price of food and accommodation since, being
a tourist area, there were many scams carried out by local people
who took advantage of the fact that many foreign tourists did not
know the price of normal things for these reasons is that you should
not stay in the most touristic areas, instead try to be in the most
common areas where the local people are in these areas is where
you find things at a much lower price.
It can be concluded that before making a trip you should always
know or study the areas and some tricks to lower costs and not be
deceived and thus be able to enjoy the trip in a better way and be
able to live new experiences at ease.

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