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Unit 3 – TAKEAWAY sheets – Activity 6-7

Answer the following questions as you READ through the activities in the content

Be able to define the following: (use

▪ Abolitionist ▪ Confederacy ▪ Mason-Dixon Line

▪ Antebellum ▪ Copperhead ▪ Militia
▪ Assassination ▪ Dixie ▪ Musket
▪ Bayonet ▪ Eastern theater ▪ Reconstruction
▪ Blockade ▪ Emancipation Proclamation ▪ Scalawag
▪ Brogan ▪ Greenback ▪ Secede
▪ Carpetbagger ▪ Hardtack ▪ Union
▪ Casualty ▪ Haversack ▪ Western Theatre
▪ Commutation ▪ Kepi ▪ Yankee

Activity 6: Technology and the American Civil War

▪ The first commercial form of photography was the ________________________
daguerreotype photo.
▪ The founder of photograph was Louis
Jacques Daguerre
▪ __________________________ was the renowned as the Civil War's premier photographer

▪ Civil War photography made historians understand the importance of photographs of the
war as tools for __________________________.
come of age


Concepts to be aware of:
▪ The Photography of Matthew Brady ▪ The Rifled Musket
▪ Ironclads: Monitor and Merrimac ▪ 'The Dictator'

▪ T/F - Advances in technology changes the nature of war.

The Rifled Musket

500 yards
▪ The Civil War rifle had an effective range of over ___________________ when firing.
fire the
▪ This allowed the infantryman to _________________ opposing forces from much further away.

▪ Using the rifled musket also allowed the infantryman to attack cavalry soldiers
_________________ soldiers (on
horseback) from a much greater distance, which reduced the cavalry's _____________________
and made a cavalry charge more costly to the attacker. s

▪ T/F - After the Civil War cavalries were regularly used in warfare.
▪ The change in infantry firepower shifted the tactical strength of armies from ________________
to _______________________

▪ T/F – Using the rifled musket allowed infantry to execute an offensive plan with ease.

▪ The best way to avoid massive frontal assaults was to attack an enemy's ________________.
This was a common tactic employed during the American Civil War.
field trenches and hastily constructed hills
▪ _____________________, commonly used in World War I, was first employed in the American
Civil War.

The Electric Telegraph

▪ The electric telegraph significantly changed the ability of officers to

control and __________________________
command their forces.
human couriers
▪ Before the Civil War, the Army used ________________________ to relay
messages back and forth.

▪ T/F - Officers in the Civil War could transmit messages instantly over a
thousand miles.

▪ The Union Army constructed, repaired, and protected telegraph lines across the country.
▪ More than ____________ miles of telegraph lines transmitted tens of thousands of military

▪ The telegraph allowed Civil War governments to "affect the conduct of campaigns through near-
real time communications with commanders inPresident
the field."
Abraham Lincoln for example sent 10 to 12 telegrams each day to his generals. The telegraph permitted the
President to order his Union Armies' strategic positioning, the swift provision of reinforcements, and significantly
speeding up pursuit tactics, allowing Lincoln to truly act as Commander-in-Chief of the Union armed forces.
▪ What did the telegraph permitted the President to do? (3)

▪ T/F – The Electric Telegraph allowed Abraham Lincoln to truly act as Commander-in-Chief of the
Union armed forces.

The Railroad men

▪ the railroad significantly altered how ________________ and
material were transported to the battlefield.

▪ T/F The use of the railroad allowed for increased amounts and faster travel of men and

▪ T/F - The railway allowed for larger armies.


The Ironclad Warships

▪ Describe the Ironclads warship

▪ T/F - Ironclads purposely collided with other ships to win a battle.

▪ T/F – The majority of the decks of the ironclads were above the waterline so it could float easier.
Battle of Hampton Roads
▪ The first engagement of two ironclad warships was the ___________________________________
▪ The ironclads were powered by __________________

▪ T/F - The Battle of Hampton Roads made every wooden battle ship obsolete.

Long Range Canons: The Dictator

Union's Dictator
▪ The longest range canon used in the Civil War was the _____________________.

▪ T/F - The Dictator was created by the confederates.

▪ The dictator was intended for demolishingfortification walls as it was far to bulky for field work.

▪ T/F - The dictator was a perfect destroyer and often used for field work.

▪ It was moved by being mounted on a ________________

railroad car
218 pound shell about two and one-half
▪ It could hurl a _____ pound shell about _____________________
miles. miles.
Siege of Petersburg
▪ The Dictator played a pivotal role at the _____________________
industrial might
▪ The Dictator came to symbolize the massive _______________________of modern warfare

Key Points:
▪ Civil War _____________________ realistically portrayed the life of soldiers and the
destructiveness of battle.

▪ T/F - Photography was a symbol of the rapid technological progress.

▪ be sure you know the following terms:

▪ The Photography of Matthew Brady ▪ The Rifled Musket
▪ Ironclads: Monitor and Merrimac ▪ 'The Dictator'

Activity 7: Reconstruction Plan - Culminating Project

As you read through this Activity, be able to define the following terms:
▪ Reconstruction ▪ Scalawags ▪ Amnesty
▪ Carpetbaggers ▪ Black codes
▪ Who won the civil war? _____________________
General Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant
▪ Which leaders were involved? ___________________________ ___________________________
12 april 1861
▪ When did the Civil War begin? _____________________
Fort Sumter in South Carolina's Charleston
▪ Where did the Civil War begin? _____________________________________________
The Battle of Gettysburg
▪ What was the 1st/main battle of the Civil War? __________________________________________
9 april 1865
▪ When did the Civil War end? On _____________________

Reading: Reconstructing the South - Malice or Charity?

▪ T/F - Dozens of cities in the South were entirely destroyed.

▪ The Union destroyed areas of the South using various methods. These included (5):
uprooting crops, burning farmhouses and entire cities, as well as killing livestock and dismantling railway tracks.
▪ This strategy employed was considered ‘_____________________”.

Economic Reconstruction
▪ T/F - The South's economy accelerated after the Civil War.

▪ Some northerners were despised and referred to as _____________________ who came to the
South looking to create business in the South and take advantage of the collapsed economy

▪ White southerners who profited from assisting carpetbaggers were named _________________

▪ T/F – All southerners were considered scalawags.

▪ T/F - The labour system of plantation agriculture and its dependency upon slavery was over
after the Civil War.

▪ T/F - Railways were needed to be rebuild the South and to facilitate economic trade.

Emancipation of Slaves
4 million
▪ _____________________ freed slaves who were homeless and without money,

▪ T/F – Following the Civil War, the freed slaves lived equally with their white counterparts.
black codes
▪ The “_____________________" legalized unjust and unequal treatment of African Americans

▪ T/F - In some states if a black man could not find work he could be arrested for vagrancy.

▪ T/F - All southern states gave African Americans the right to vote.

▪ Many black citizens increasingly demonstrated an unwillingness to remain in the South and
migrated to large _____________________ of the North

▪ T/F – Urban areas of the North faced similar problems of the arrival of a large numbers of black
migrants and unemployment as the South did.

▪ What was done to assist in the provision of education and jobs in the South? (2)
Organizations such as the Freedmen's Bureau and church missionary groups sent hundreds of teachers to the South to educate black children and adults, as well as assis
with labour contracts and job hunting. Moreover African American colleges such as Howard and Fisk Universities were founded to teach labour skills.

Reintroducing Confederate States Back into the Union

▪ T/F – Both the Southern and Northern states were eager to form a true United States of
America. F
▪ President _____________________ had a goal of restoring the Union as soon as possible
o He proposed that only _____ 10 percent of a state's population had to pledge an oath
of allegiance as a condition for re-entry into the Union.
o T/F – Lincoln believed that the South should be under military rule.

Lincoln's Assassination John Wilkes Booth

▪ On April
14, 1865 Confederate sympathizer, __________________________,
assassinated President Lincoln while he attended a play at _____________________
Ford's Theater in
Washington D.C.
Lincoln was humane and kind and believed in compassionate treatment of a
▪ Why did Southerns like Lincoln? (2) defeated enemy. It was Lincoln who stood between the southerners and a much
more vengeful and merciless treatment by hard lined northerners.

▪ T/F - Lincoln's death also increased the distrust between the North and the South.
▪ President Lincoln's Vice President was _____________________
▪ Granting a full pardon to Southerners as called _____________________
In addition to the problems associated with granting freedom to four million
African Americans there were additional social issues to contend with. Not
only were many southerners financially bankrupt but Confederate currency
soon became worthless, adding to the problems of bankruptcy, and thus
Coping with Additional Social Issues unemployment and homelessness (not only for African Americans but
whites as well). The large numbers of casualties that the Confederacy had
▪ social issues of southerners included (5) ….experienced during the war further compounded this problem by
exponentially increasing the number of orphans and widows throughout the


Vocabulary. Use the words below to complete each sentence.

A. Due process D. Equal protection
B. Emancipation Proclamation E. Reconstruction
C. Secession

Letter Sentence
In the ____________________, Lincoln announced that all slaves in the South were free.
The period of rebuilding after the Civil War is called ___________________________.
The ___________________ crisis occurred when eleven southern states declared their
independence from the United States.
The 14th Amendment says that the government must treat all people the same way. This
idea is called ________________________________.
Fair treatment by the government, or ___________________, comes in two types:
substantive (what the law says) and procedural (how the law is enforced).

Name that Amendment! Select the correct Reconstruction amendment for each item.
Situation 13th 14th 15th
Former slaves and men of all races can vote.
If you are born in the USA you are an American citizen
Slavery is illegal in the USA
Former slaves are protected by law and considered citizens.
Due process and equal protection are guaranteed to all.

Confederacy or Union? Which side of the war would each person below be part of?

The North The South

Person / Term (United States of (The Confederate States
America) of America)
President Abraham Lincoln
Soldier Nickname: Billy Yank (Yankee)
President Jefferson Davis
National Capital: Richmond, VA
Soldier Nickname: Johnny Reb (Rebel)
National Capital: Washington, DC


November 1860 Lincoln is elected sixteenth US President

January 1861 Seven Southern states Secede

February 1861 The Confederate States of America is formed and Jefferson Davis is elected
April 1861 Confederate victory at Fort Sumter
April 1861 Four more states join the Confederate States of America
July 1861 Confederate victory at the Battle of Bull Run
April 1862 Union victory at The Battle of Shiloh
June-July 1862 Confederate victories at the Seven Days Battles
September 1862 Union victory at the Battle of Antietam
January 1863 Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation
May-July 1863 Union victory at the Battle of Vicksburg
November 1863 Lincoln gives the Gettysburg Address
July 1864 Atlanta falls, Union Victory
Nov. -Dec. 1864 Union General Sherman leads his March to the Sea and takes over Atlanta
November 1864 Abraham Lincoln is re-elected
April 1865 Confederate General Lee surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse
April 1865 President Lincoln is assassinated


Union Leaders:
• Abraham Lincoln – President of the United States during the Civil War
• George B. McClellan – Union General
• William T. Sherman – Union General
• Ulysses S Grant – Union General (and President of the United States after the war)

Confederate Leaders:
• Jefferson Davis – President of the Confederate States of America
• Robert E. Lee – Confederate General
• Stonewall Jackson – Confederate General
• J.E.B. Stuart – Cavalry Commander

Abolitionist Leaders
• Frederick Douglas – Abolitionist
• John Brown – Abolitionist
• Harriet Tubman – Aboltionists and spy for the Union (Click here to read about more women who
worked as Civil War spies)


1. What was the main capital of the Confederate States of America?

2. Which battle was fought during the Tennessee Campaign of the Civil War?

3. What was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War?

4. In what battle did General Thomas J. Jackson receive the nickname "Stonewall?"

5. What is the Underground Railroad?

6. At the beginning of the Civil War, slaves were concentrated in which area of America?

7. Which war resulted in the greatest number of American deaths?

8. What Supreme Court decision aroused the wrath of abolitionists?

9. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?

Civil War Review activity

U3A7 - Unit 3 Culminating – see assignment on D2L – if it isn’t there yet, it will be!!

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