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Hi guys, I have a very important final

exam on Monday. To take a good
exam, I did some an investigation, I
study and read my notes, but tell me
about your study habits so I can pass
my exam.

Hello! I hate exams because some are very SANDRA

difficult and others are very easy. What I do
before taking my exam is to watch videos on
the subject, that helps me retains the
information. 30K

We always get nervous in exams, I
recommend that when you are tired, take a
break and drink something, that will help
you a lot. 17K

What I recommend
is that you find an

appropriate place to study, a quiet place where

you can concentrate, I did that in my final exam
and it went very well. 11K

A friend talkme that before

taking an exam you PAULA
have to self-assess yourself,

write the possible
questions or the most difficult ones on a piece
of paper and give yourself time to answer
them, that will help you a lot. 9K

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