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River Flooding

A river flood occurs when a river overspills its banks; that is, when its flow can no
longer be contained within its channel.

Causes of Floods
 Massive Rainfall. Drainage systems and the effective infrastructure design aid during
heavy rains. ...
 Overflowing of the Rivers. ...
 Collapsed Dams. ...
 Snowmelt. ...
 Deforestation. ...
 Climate change. ...
 Emission of Greenhouse Gases. ...
 Other Factors

What are five factors that influence flooding?

 Heavy rainfall.
 Long periods of rain.
 Snowmelt.
 Steep slopes.
 impermeable rock (doesn't allow water through)
 Very wet, saturated soils.
 Compacted or dry soil.
Flood characteristics
It can be characterized by depth of inundation, volume of inundation, velocity of
flow and rate of rise of water. The more the depth of water, more will be its
volume, velocity and its damaging capacity. A high rate of rise for water also means
less preparation time for people in the area.
What is steam hydrograph?
A hydrograph is a graph showing the rate of flow (discharge) versus time past a
specific point in a river, channel, or conduit carrying flow. The rate of flow is
typically expressed in cubic meters or cubic feet per second (cms or cfs).

Flood frequency curves

The flood frequency curve is used to relate flood discharge values to return
periods to provide an estimate of the intensity of a flood event. The discharges
are plotted against return periods using either a linear or a logarithmic scale.
Flood hazards
There are varied effects of floods. The primary effects of flooding include physical
damage to buildings and weakening of structures. There are instances of loss of
human lives and livestock, and the outbreak of disease epidemics.
Disaster management plan for flood
Identify potential home hazards and know how to secure or protect them
before the flood strikes. Be prepared to turn off electrical power when there is
standing water, fallen power lines etc. Turn off gas and water supplies before you
evacuate. Secure structurally unstable building materials.

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