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How the foresee of your career has changed?

Covid pandemic has affected deeply our way of thinking in every field. Nowadays the way we forecast
things has changed. Surely enough the world is becoming more and more digitalized, leading us to consider
different patterns, searching for a new, lateral way of thinking that our modern society has never
developed before. In my opinion, society will embrace a decentralized type of work. Workplaces won’t be
the same as before, the ability to be more flexible regarding the work mechanisms will be brought on for
the generations to come.

Sad to believe, we

What lesson have you learned during the pandemic?

One of the greatest lessons that we’ve learned as a society is that we’re humanly fragile and we have some
limits. We often take for granted the love of our loved ones, but this period had us alerted about the
vulnerable side of ourselves. That said, we should appreciate more the time that we’re given on this planet,
sharing the kindness and be mindful about our planet.

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