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What is geography?

Welcome to world geography class at Waldo middle school. My name is Mr,

Blommendeahl and I will be your teacher for this online series of lessons on the nature of


Our first lesson is quite simple. It is “what is geography?” We refer to that as an essential
question. And if we are taking Cornell style focus notes, that is a question we will write
across the Top of our notes, so that everything in our notes will help to answer that
question. I will now give you a moment to accomplish that.


So, obviously, the first thing we need to do is actually define the term geography itself.
So, our first, what I will call left side question if we're using Cornell style focus notes, is
how do we define geography? What does it mean? I think the first thing I'm gonna ask
you to do is take a moment in your table groups to intentionally have a conversation
about that and answer the question of what you think geography is. I will go about
answering it here.


Geography quite simply is the study of places and the relationships between people
and their environment. So you'll notice there's two aspects to it there. First is places
themselves. Second is people and how they relate to those places and we're gonna get
more specific about that as we continue. Geographers quite simply are people who
study geography. A simple definition, the more complex definition is say that
geographers are people who explode the physical properties of the earth surface and
the human society spread across it. Again, please notice, it's the study of places and

people. Quite simply, that's a big, long definition, but really what it says geographers
study places, and people and how places and people affect each other.


Physical geography is the study of the earth and its features. So when we're talking
about physical geography, we're actually talking about the land itself. Although we can
also be studying oceans and bodies of water. But when we're talking physical geography,
we're not talking about people, we're simply talking about the land, the water, the nature
of the earth's surface.


Whereas when we talk about cultural geography, we're really talking about people. The
big long wordy definition for cultural geography is the study of the human population
of the earth and how human culture interacts with the natural environment. It
studies the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. So cultural
geography is really about us and how we relate to the land and the physical geography
around us, how it affects us and how we affect it. That's what we call a 2 way
relationship. Another fancy word for it is a symbiotic relationship.


So when we study geography,what we are really doing is seeking to understand where

things are found, why they are there and how they develop and change over time up
to including the way humans. A fact the physical geography. And with that, I'm going to
pause for a moment, allow you to finish these notes, possibly write a brief summary and
then move on to the next slide.


So let's focus on physical geography first. What does the study of physical geography
consist of? That would become another question on the left side of your paper. And we
will go ahead and get into the details of that right now.


First thing you need to know is what physical geographers do. Physical geographers are
people who study specifically physical geography. First thing physical geographers do is
they study landforms. What is the land like? What is the shape and contour of the land?
Again, fancy words there, but really it just comes down to what is the land like.
Landforms are any form that the actual land can take.

(landforms: the shape and contours of the land.)


Physical features is different than landforms because it can include any feature,
including land and water of the earth's surface. So if you wanted to differentiate or know
the difference between landforms and physical features, landforms only have to do with
the land. Physical features can include land and water.

(phycical features: any feature, including land and water, of the Earth’s surface.)


Climate is a major topic in the news in science and in our world today. Climate is what
the weather is like over a long period of time. So you often hear the words of weather
and climate. Some people think they are the same thing, they are not. Weather is what it's
like right here and right now today. Climate is what the weather is like over a long period
of time in a specific location.

(Climate: what the weather is like over a long period of time.)


The oceans and bodies of water and how they affect the land and climate, that's
another thing that physical geography study. Oceans have a lot to do with our weather if
the oceans are warm. There's a lot of evaporation that can occur and storms become
stronger and more intense with the oceans warming that is very consequential to the
overall climate of our planet.

(The oceans and bodies of water and how they affect the land and climate)


And finally vegetation, quiet life. How does the climate affect vegetation? All of these
things are interrelated. And there's plant life not just on land, but also in the ocean. So
that is something to consider as well.

(the vegetation,or plant life, of the land and oceans.)


Once again, since I've got to the end of slide, I'm gonna give you some time to finish off
your notes and do some quick review.


So this right here is simply a slide which shows all kinds of physical features. Features
seems to have gotten outside of the block box there, but there's the word you can see it.
We're not going to redo the slide.


So just take a look at this for a moment. This is one of those things where I will just
probably click pause in class and invite you to take a gander. You are gonna be taking a
quiz on a lot of these terms fairly soon in class because it's something we do towards the
beginning of the semester. But right now go ahead and click, pause, take a gander and
look at some of the words we use to describe physical features.



Final slide for today is a little bit simpler. It's another left side question and it is simply
going to answer the question“How do we define cultural geography?” Cultural
geography, we've talked about physical geography. The other aspect of geography we
want to discuss is cultural geography.

Cultural geography quite simply is the study of the human population of the earth
and how human culture interacts with the natural environment. So how do we affect
the earth? How does the earth affect us? That is a very highly consequential and
important thing. One of the things we will be examining this semester.

Culture is a word that gets bandied about quite a bit. Culture simply means the shared
attitudes, values, goals and practices of a particular group of people. So culture can
include things like food, music, religion, the role of men and women in society. Whether
that society is based on a capitalist economic system or a socialist economic system or
something in between. It can include a lot more than that, but that's what comes to mind
right off the top of my head culture is how do the people live in a specific area and
culture is in different countries and in different regions of the world.


Hey, I just said that examples of culture of food, music, religion, beliefs, and education.
So I repeated myself out there, but that's okay.


Cultural geography explores how the people are affected by the land and climate, as
well as how people affect the land and climate.


And ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this takes us to the end of lesson one. What is
geography? In the next lesson we will discuss the five themes of geography and what it is
that geographers can do if you happen to want to pursue geography as a career.


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