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Choose the correct answer from the options below

1. Insects are ________ creatures on the farm. (A) small (B) large (C) big

2. The insects that live in hives are called ________ (A) butterflies (B) hen (C) bees

3. Useful insects help farmers in making their crops healthy. (A) True (B) false (C) all of the above

4. Butterflies have large wings with ________ colours (A) ugly (B) bad (C) beautiful

5. ________ kills insects harmful to us. (A) dog (B) hen (C) termites

6. Honey is sweet. (A) True (B) false (C) I don't know

7. ________ carry diseases such as malaria, yellow fever. (A) cockroaches (B) mosquitoes (C)

8. ________ bore holes into grain crops. (A) houseflies (B) caterpillars (C) weevils

9. Grasshopper, housefly, tsetse fly, beetles are ________ insects. (A) useful (B) harmful (C) A and

10. All insects are harmful. (A) false (B) true (C) I don't know

11. ________ perch on all exposed food and transmit disease. (A) termites (B) houseflies (C)

12. ________ feed on grass and other leafy vegetables. (A) goat (B) hen (C) grasshopper

13. Clearing of ________ surroundings. (A) bushy (B) cup (C) bag

14. Yam tubers are stored in ________ (A) store (B) barns (C) bag

15. Prevent ________ water around the house. (A) flowing (B) stagnant (C) pot

16. The ________ is a farmer's friend. (A) elephant (B) earthworm (C) hen

17. Earthworms can be found in places like ________ (A) bedroom (B) decaying tree stump or under
a falling tree (C) sitting room

18. Farmers' enemies destroy the farmers ________ (A) clothes (B) crops (C) pencil

19. ________ are group of small animals with long sharp front teeth. (A) rodents (B) bobooks (C)

20. ________ feed on grains like maize, guinea corn, rice and millet. (A) bird (B) earthworm (C)

1. List the two different colours of earthworms

2. State 3 useful farm insects.

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