Project Management Notes

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Eye for things that might disrupt a project:

The Scope might change

A new stakeholder/oppinion that could come to the table
Keep tabs on what might go wrong in a project (forsight)

Clear Calm Communicator

Direct Transparent. Don't hide information. Or worry what might happen if you share
sensitive information with the team
Get project done on time and in budget.
Flexible comunicator: people comunicate differently

Be yourself.
It builds trust for people and create a "real" bedrock to be adaptable from.
Difficult convosations will be much easier.

How does it feel to be the team-members.
Better networks of comunication and honesty.

Be adaptable and flexible

Templates and tool aren't the only way to manage projects, because people are
When projects get difficult you have to be flexible and adjust to change.
Come up with new scopes, estimates, and new paths to completion.
Always on the lookout for change and ready to adapt quickly.

Be Curious
Industries change all the time. One isn't the subject matter expet.
Better off talking with the experts about new methods or tools they use.

Invested in the work

Don't be a box checker. Sit down with team. Contribute to brainstorming. Learn and
pay attention to project.
Be part of presentations and ideas.


Chaos Junkies
Thrives on problems. If you don't have the "right" answer, you know when to bring
the right people in.
Get in touch with subject experts and get back to clients or queerents.
Know when to break or adapt process and methodologies to better fit a project.

Multilingual communicatiors
Speak many "languages" within the buisness and project. Marketing, it, financing,
Having a little knowledge in many subjects allows for clearer comunication with
those elements.
It can build trust: you value their areas. Take teams and stakeholders into
Can speak to them on a level that'll help one move a project along, or at least
understand challenges and better
paths to move a project to its deadline.
Good communications is routine communications. Regular status checkings, stand up
meetings, 1 on 1, TEAMS.
Make sure things are documented and shared with the team.

Loveable Hardasses
Friend and Taskmaster. You are looking out for the projects goals, as well as the
wellbeing of the team.
Be an active member of the team. Show an interest in all areas, and how it
contributes. Contribute ideas yourself.
You aren't responsible for manageing people personal callendars or setting up
meetings for people.

Consummate learns and Teachers

Always curious about whats happening in industries and company. Keep learning. Work
with client or stakeholder
so that they understand how your team opperates, the level of effort that goes into
building or designing something.
Clients aren't trained to be clients, so they need someone to help them through it.
The more you can teach them
the more they can go into their organisation and pass on the knowledge.

Laser-focused on goals
There will be times when things become complicated (people usually).
Any time a new issue, question, or scope creep comes into play keep your goals in
mind. Make sure you're always
questioning the changes, will they meet the goals.

So many problems can come up it is important to talk straight and have that
reputation. When you see a problem
address it immediately, it might require a difficult conversation, or have a chat
with someone right away and
pull them into a conference room, and you can't be scared of that. When your honest
you keep projects moving
more effectively and in the right direction at all time.
Conduct retrospective meetings. When it wraps up speak honestly about what worked
and what didn't.

Take into considersation, the team, project, tools, to completion.

Processes // Mehodlogies
Waterfall - Agile - Hybrid

Lot of handoffs/signoffs less colab
Used in product dev & construction settings
One task that gets completed & handed down, like a waterfall. Each task dependant
of predisessor completing
Require alot of stakeholding feedback.
Used less and less in other settings.
Use line by line or Gantt Charts to navigate project.
Best part is its easy to gut check and get feedback and see how its coming along.

Internal teams. Self organise. Teams work in sprints, organised around roles.
Sprints/Batch (working times) are planed to make project or features then demo
their work.
Uses Bung boards to see what is backlog, in progress, or done, and move tasks
between these "swim lanes".
Breaks down when team can't complete a project on their own, or a stakeholder wants
to get oppinion on how a project
is forming.
Works when the team(s) can operate independantly and make discisions on their own.
What would be a team/tasks prefered method?
Sections can be waterfall and parts can be Agile, or agile until they need feedback
/ signoff then pivot.
What does you client prefer, what are they used to? When will their feedback or
imput come?
To avoid bottlenecks, create points where something tangable has to be complete, to
avoid scope creep and pile up.

1. Research
Sit in on stakeholder interviews and intent of project people. Account for time off
client ideas/desires.
Ways clients may or may not interact. Stakeholder interviews. Competative Anayiss.
Huristic Analysis. Kickoff Meeting
Creative Brief. Client Review of Brief. Strategy Brief. Client Apporval.

2. Sketch
Think about the project, sketch out a rough idea. Don't dictate process, negotiate
and present ideas to be adapted.

3. Plan
Make deadline and timeline.
After plan is done go to team and explain the thoughs and assumptions made in
creating the plan.

4. Communicate
With client. When and how things are happening. Go through detail, but come back
with status reports after key points.
How you intend for others to be involve

5. Update
Make updates, communicate with team and clients.

Breakdown project into groups and make total list of tasks of project.
Assign people to projects. Accountablity and turnaround assumptions.
Set expectations and scope. Keep all details transparent with notes and
clarifications, as well as risks and changes.
Scedual duration of tasks / Sprints.
Make Milestones and dependencies clear (Waterfall).

Check in with teams to see how far along a given task is.

Make sure everyone knows

Project Goals.
Creative Brief
Roles & Deliverables (what each is and who is responsible) A RACI matrix is a
useful tool. Who is responsible, who
is consulted and who is informed.

How will the team communicate

Establish what tools, and how and when the team checks in.
Regular status reports (weekly)
High Level Overview (last, this, next week)
To-Do's: decisions, sceduals, clients, tasks. Due dates.
Budget and Timeline Update (% complete using Timeline)
List of Risks: any and all issues that will come up.

Tactic daily 10-15min status meeting on what each member did yesterday, today, and
anything that is in the way.

One on One with people just to see how its going

Chaos/When things go wrong

Scope Creep
Do you have a requirements document? Project goals, does the change meet the goal.
Understand level of cost & effort.
Discuss additional scope for time and budget with client.

Working with team members

What happens when a team member becomes disinsentified and drags on the project.
Prepare for range of emotions that
can happen in a meeting, make it informal. Be direct and honest--stay neural and
w/o judgement. Then listen. Walk
away with a resolution, this might not happen right away, and needs to be checked
up upon.

Gathering Feedback
Make sure feedback is actionable. If their is indisission from your client. Set
expectations on how you collect
feedback: in writing in one tone of voice, go through feedback and make it
actionable. Make itteration plan clear.
How often is feedback happening, how many itterations are budgeted: make this clear
to clients.
Be a part of presentation. Set expectations and tone. Take note of peoples
bodylanguage in meetings so you can follow
up on people. Take notes to follow up immediently on client feedback.
Present directional questions on feedback:does this meet you goals? Does it
represent you brand?
Make things positive for designers and clients.
Make dates very clear.

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