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Jacob; A Prophetic Legacy



Qur’an 45:16:

And truly we gave the children of Israel the scripture and the command and the

prophet-hood, and provided them with the delicious sustenance and preferred

them above all mankind!

1. Muhammad is not from the children of Israel;

2. The verse says clearly that Allah gave the commands and the prophet-hood to

the children of Israel! You need to remember that the children of Israel means

the children of Jacob as in Genesis 32:28 (KJV):

And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince

hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

3. Muslims might say that Allah is only speaking about Israel, and that is why he

did not give more details. If you read that chapter, you will see that Muhammad's

god jumped into this for no reason! If Allah knew that it was not only Jacob’s

(Israel’s) children that had prophet-hood, what's the point of saying something

not true? Especially, since the Muslims believe in many prophets who are not

even Arab, like Alexander the Great or the prophets Idress, Saleh or Shuyeb, and

add to them, Muhammad. This means he did not really make the prophet-hood
through them;

4. This has not only been proven to be a contradiction, but it also shows that

Muhammad cannot be a prophet, because he is not from Israel. He is actually

their worst enemy;

5. To make our point more clear, we should go to Qur’an 29:27:

And to [Abraham] We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and made Exclusively among

his Offspring the Prophet-hood and Revelation...

6. Now Muslims can play with the translation as much as they like, but in the

end, it's so clear where the prophet-hood has to be from; the offspring of Isaac

and Jacob;

7. One more chapter to make things clearer is Qur’an 37:112-113:

112 To Abraham, We gave him the good news of Isaac, who will be a prophet,

one of the law-abiding,

113We blessed him and Isaac, and from among his Offspring are, and their

descendants are, he who is incorruptible good and bad to their own souls.

8. If Ishmael is older and a prophet, why did Allah forget his name? This verse

would be more accurate with Islam's belief if Allah had put the name of Ishmael

there. A very simple question, why isn't it?

• Ismael is the oldest;

• Ishmael is a prophet in Islam;

• Muslims claim that Muhammad is of Ishmael's offspring. I don’t agree with

this claim at all, but will go with the Muslims and say, if Ishmael is important,
why does Allah, verse after verse, keep forgetting his existence? But later, he

made a verse saying, “Oh, Ishmael is a prophet too!”

• For me, Muhammad cannot be from Ishmael. Sadly, even some Christians

think he is from Ishmael, which is a big mistake. They just repeat and say in

churches what someone else has told them. There is a very simple explanation;

(a) Arabs existed before Ishmael, so how can he be their father? (b) Abraham is

Aramaic. Hagar was Egyptian. The son is an Arab?

(c) Even the Muslims books (Book of Al-Sirah Al-Nabwiah by Ibn Hisham, Vol.

1, p. 5) say that Ishmael married one of their daughters from the tribe of Jarhom

(Her name was Ra'lah, daughter of 'Amro Al-Johrimy according to Muslims).

The Jarhom tribe became Christians about 400 years before Islam (Book of Al-

Agani 13:109). Muhammad’s is not from that tribe, which means he can not be

from Ishmael;

(d) Many might say, well doesn't the Bible say God will make his offspring as

numerous as the stars in heaven or the sand on the sea shore? Genesis 22:17


That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as

the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy

seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

(e) But they forgot that the real Arabs today (not those who speak Arabic) are

not even 40 million in number. Are the Indonesians Arab? Are the Pakistanis?

Or numerous other peoples we could name? So, this is very wrong information
being propagated in our churches. By doing this we are helping the Muslims to

spread a lie. On top of that, ask yourself why Muhammad wanted to be claimed

as the offspring of Ishmael! It's simply because he wanted to have legal relation

and lineage to the father of prophets, so he could have a legitimate claim;

(f) Muhammad said in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 596:

Reported of Ibn 'Umar: “The Prophet said, 'The honorable man is the son of the

honorable man, the honorable, mirroring the honorable Joseph, the son of Jacob,

the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham.'”

(g) Did you notice here that Muhammad dropped the name of Ishmael? The fact

is this hadith opens doors for more questions!

“The honorable is the son of the honorable!” As you see, Muhammad

sometimes, or most of the time, does not think carefully about his own words.

Let's look again at Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 596:

Reported of Ibn 'Umar: “The Prophet said, The honorable man is the son of the

honorable man, the honorable, mirroring the honorable Joseph, the son of Jacob,

the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham.”

1. According to Muhammad, to be honorable, you have to be the son of an

honorable person! But Muhammad forgot that his father and his mother were

both infidels, and Allah said infidels were dirty; 2. Remember the word

“honorable” has only a religious meaning; 3. Also, Muhammad did not add the

name of Ishmael to that hadith as an honorable son. Look at Qur’an 9:28:

“O you who believe, the polytheist is for sure filthy [they are] filth, on narrative
of their inner wickedness so do not let them come near the Sacred Mosque after

this year...!”

4. This is what the Qur’an said about Muhammad praying to his family who

were infidels. Qur’an 9:113:

It is not accepted for the Prophet, and those who believe, to pray for the

forgiveness for infidels even though they are relative with, after it hath become

obvious that they are people of hell-fire.

5. This verse shows us many things. Muhammad's family is in the hell fire,

because they are not honorable;

6. Muhammad cannot be an honorable man, because he is not the son of an

honorable man according to his own word. The Qur’an, or Allah, said that

whoever was like his parents, were filthy and dirty! We see this in Sahih

Muslim, Book 001, Hadith 0398:

‫مي"ال‬$‫ "نا‬- ‫ب باب‬$‫ي‬$‫أ "نا‬$‫ن‬, ‫م‬$‫م ن‬$‫تا‬$ ‫ع‬$‫ل‬$‫كال ى‬%‫ف "رف‬$‫ه‬%‫و‬$ ‫نال ي"ف‬,‫و "را‬$‫ ل‬$ ‫ت‬$‫ن‬$‫ال‬%‫ه‬
‫ت"ك ملسم‬$‫با‬%

‫و‬$‫ ل‬$ ‫ت‬$‫فن‬$‫ع‬%‫ه‬% ‫ق‬$‫ر‬$‫با‬$‫ة‬% ‫مال‬%‫ق‬$‫ر‬,‫ني"ب‬$ ‫ حیحص‬H ‫ش‬$ ‫ف‬$‫عا‬$‫ة‬

‫أ‬$‫ش ي"ب‬$ ‫بي‬$‫ة‬$ ‫ح‬$‫د‬,‫ث‬$‫ن‬$‫ع ا‬$‫ف‬,‫نا‬% ‫ح‬$‫د‬,‫ث‬$‫ن‬$‫ح ا‬$‫م‬,‫دا‬% ‫نب‬% ‫س‬$ ‫ل‬$‫م‬$‫ة‬$ ‫ع‬$‫ث ن‬$‫ع ;ت"با‬$‫ن‬
203 ‫ب‬%‫ب و‬$‫نب "رك‬%

$ ‫لال‬,‫أ "ه‬$‫ني‬$ ‫أ‬$‫ق ي"ب‬$‫ال‬$ ‫نال ي"ف‬,‫ف "را‬$‫ل‬$‫م‬,‫ق ا‬$‫ف‬,‫د ى‬$‫ع‬$‫ها‬% ‫ف‬$‫ق‬$‫ال‬$ ‫ن"إ‬, ‫أ‬$‫ح ي"ب‬$‫د‬,‫ث‬$‫ن‬$‫أ ا‬
‫ي‬$‫ر ا‬$‫س‬% ‫لو‬$

‫ق‬$‫ ال‬$ B ‫و‬$‫أ‬$‫ب‬$‫كا‬$ ‫نال ي"ف‬,‫أ "را‬$‫ن‬$‫أ ;س‬$‫ن‬, ‫ر‬$‫ج‬%‫ل‬

'Anas stated. “Truly, an individual said: 'Ambassador of Allah, where is my

father?' The prophet said: 'Your father is in the hell fire.' When he turned away,
The Prophet of Allah called him and said: 'Truly, my father and your father are

in the Hell Fire.'”

Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Hadith 2129:

Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Messenger did say: “I asked Allah's

permission to allow me to beg for the forgiveness of my mother, but He refused

to grant it to me. I sought permission from Him to visit her grave, and He

granted that to me.”

• Muhammad asked Allah to forgive his mother for not being a

believer in Allah. Did you notice that he never asked for forgiveness for his

father? He never met his real dad, and the fact is he didn't really know who he

was. How could he ask for forgiveness for him? Now some will say, “Well,

Muhammad's father was Abduallah.” As we have discussed elsewhere in this

book, the truth is, no one knows who his father was, for Muhammad was born

four years after the death of his supposed father Abduallah). How could he be

his father?

• The discrimination and prejudice of Islam is, if you are not of them, you are

considered dirty and filthy! It is taken to the point that non-Muslims can't enter

many cities in Saudi Arabia, and if you do, even by mistake, you should be

killed. Imagine if there was a sign saying, “Muslims are not allowed to enter

New York, for they are not clean!” Everyone would say how ugly the Christians

are! I don’t see anyone making the same accusation against Muslims for this

same action!

In John 3:16 (KJV), the Bible says:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever

believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

In Christ's words, we see how he opens his arms, not only for those who

accepted him, but for the world. Matthew 5:44 (KJV) says:

But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to

them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute


Compare this to the “honorable” being accused by Muslims of stealing red

underwear! Muhammad never accepted the Qur’an's rules on himself, not even

his own hadith (order or speech).

Muhammad is An Arab—Was Ishmael Arab Too?

Many, even in our churches, teach that Ismael is an Arab and often Christians

repeat this myth without investigating the information. I will show you that even

Muslims themselves do not make such a claim in their books (Sahih Al-Bukhari,

Book 55, Hadith 583):

“She (Ishmael’s mother) lived in that way until some community from the tribe

of Jurhum or a family from Jurhum crossed by her and her child, as they (the

Jurhum people) were coming through the road of Kada'. They landed in the

further down part of Mecca where they saw a bird that had the habit of flying

around water and not going away. They said, 'This bird must be flying in a loop
over water, even though we experience that there is no water in this valley.' They

sent one or two messengers, which discovered the source of water, and returned

to notify them of the water. So, they moved towards the water." The Prophet

added, "Ishmael's mother was seated near the water. They asked her, 'Do you

allow us to [put our] tents here? She responded as Yes, but you will have no right

to own the water.' They accepted to that." The Prophet in addition said, mother

of Ishmael was delighted with the situation as she used to love to take pleasure

in the company of the people. Therefore, they settled over there, and later they

sent for their families who came and settled with them so that some families

became permanent residents nearby. The child (Ishmael) grew up between them

and learned Arabic from them (Jurhum people), and they liked him as he grew

up, and when he reached the age of maturity they made him marry a woman

from among them.

1. “The child (Ishmael) grew up between them and learnt Arabic from them

(Jurhum people)”;

2. He is Arab but he does not know Arabic! 3. He married a woman of them, so

does this make his kids Arab like the mother?

4. The answer is no, in Arab tradition you belong to the father not to the mother.

And remember the ones reporting the story are the Arabs;

5. This is means that Abraham and Ismael’s mother both do not speak Arabic.

This is why he learned it from Jurhum tribe as we read in the Book of Al-Fateh,

Vol. 6, p. 403, by Al-Hafez Ibn 'Hajer, printed in Beirut Lebanon, 1991:

He said, “He learned Arabic from them (Jurhum)

this is inform us that Ishmael mother and father both do not know Arabic”

• Then how old was Ismael when he started speaking Arabic? We find the

answer in many Islamic books

We will find out from Ali (Muhammad’s cousin) in his own words. Book of

Sahih Al-Jame', Vol. 1, p. 435, Hadith 2581:

He said, “The first who spoke perfect Arabic is Ishmael and he spoke it at the

age of fourteen years.” And the Imam Albani said it’s a correct hadith.

Based on this, Muslims agree that Ishmael is not of Arabic ancestry; his parents,

both mother and father, are not Arabs; they both do not speak Arabic; he learned

Arabic from the Arabs; and he spoke it at the age of fourteen—so how does that

make him Arab!

The important question we need to ask is does a person’s ethnic group change by

learning a language? Of course that is ridiculous. Some might say that Allah

made Ishmael as the first man who was Arabic. But this is false as we proved

from their own books, which say that he learned Arabic from the Jurhum tribe.

But for the sake of argument, even if Allah taught him Arabic, that still does not

make him an Arab.


Al-'Khasa'es Al-Kubra, author Al-Seu'ti, Beirut Lebanon, 1985, Vol. 1, p. 66:

The prophet said: “Allah created his creation and chose from them sons of

Adam, and from sons of Adam, he chooses the Arab, and from the Arab, he
chose Mudar (tribe), and from Mudar, he chose sons of Hasim (clan), and from

Hashim, he chose me, finest of the best.”

Here we see clear proof in Muhammad’s own words about how Allah divided

between mankind, separating them by ethnic groups and tribes, not by

languages. You will notice the frequent use in Arabic of the word “Ibn,” which

means “son of.” In the last hadith, Allah chose by “the son of,” not by the

language; which is by the blood line rather than by the language they speak. This

proves that being an Arab is not the one who speaks Arabic only, but the one

who is from an Arab father. In all the names, only the father will be used to

prove who you are. Not your mother as long your father is known.

Therefore, Ishmael cannot be called Arab because he at some point spoke

Arabic, neither in the Arab tradition nor in Islamic law as Muhammad stated in

the reference we presented above.

But Muhammad badly needed to link himself to Ishmael in order to make

himself one of seeds of Abraham, thus enabling him to be accepted as a prophet.

ñ One more point; Ismael’s twelve sons were named Aramaic names. But he is


Genesis 25 (KJV):

12 Now these are the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar the

Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, bare unto Abraham:

13And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to

their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel,
and Mibsam,

14And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa,

15Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah:

ñ Where did Ishmael and his sons live? Genesis 25:16-18 (KJV):

16 These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their towns, and

by their castles; twelve princes according to their nations.

17And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, an hundred and thirty and seven

years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered unto his people.

18And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt, as thou goest

toward Assyria: and he died in the presence of all his brethren.

If you would like to see for yourself where Shur is located, visit this site and

you will see it’s on the other side of the red sea and has nothing to do with



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