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 Do you notice any changes in the way you’re writing your posts as we near the end of the


Yes, after reviewing my discussion post, I am more confident and knowledgeable regarding
criminology. I did notice my work progress. I motivated myself regarding different ideas and
opinions. I also think now my posts have better structure and understanding through the term.

 Do any posts that you’ve re-read stand out to you as something that you would now approach
from a different angle? Would you change any of your responses? If so, what led you to shift
your positions?

I still hold the same positions, but it's nice to go back. I really enjoyed doing discussion posts
and learning from others by receiving comments. They are always helpful to my personal. I
believe that even though my responses were not as knowledgeable and informative, I tried to
do a good job of answering the questions to the best of my ability.

 Overall, what single weekly topic stood out to you the most throughout the term?

Even though there were a lot of important and interesting topics throughout the term, what I
liked most was the travel log because it is well said, "Travel expands the mind and fills the
gap". This also allowed me to see my patterns and what I do with my time every day. Also
because I had never thought about when I am most vulnerable or even that I subconsciously
avoid certain areas in my town and why.

 What post are you most proud of?

To me, hotspots are a very interesting subject. My interest was piqued by the Week 7
conversation that included the Dr Brenner video. Along with my idea of crime just being
motivated and infrequent, I felt that law enforcement could be the only ones to make a
change. This video expanded my knowledge of how location data may be used to combat
crime from many different fronts. For criminal activities, this is crucial knowledge. In my
article, I applied Dr Brenner's method to analyse local hotspots and the options for dealing
with them. As I reside at 9804 SE Caruthers St in my community, different measures have
been taken to protect the public and reduce the crime rate. Thefts have decreased
dramatically after authorities implemented new laws and precautions, which I attribute to the
success of these measures.

Hi Paige,

Yes, in start we are focusing on the things we don’t know but gradually as the things we
learned we start implementing them, I also fell the change. I also think week 7 discussion
post was very interesting. Dr brenner video drew my attention., This video made it clearer to
me how using location and other data might assist fight crime from a variety of viewpoints. I
felt that law enforcement could be the only ones to make a change. This video expanded my
knowledge of how location data may be used to combat crime from many different fronts.
For criminal activities, this is crucial knowledge.

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