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When I was in high school, I used to think the Internet was a scary place that nobody understood, filled

dangerous viruses and other creeps who didn't know me. I never knew that I actually was crazy, because I used
the Internet leading an awesome life of everything a good student should be: writing papers, taking tests, reading
books, improving my skills and getting awards for writing literature. Also, I went to see a lot of plays, concerts
and other things that I already had fun with. It wasn't always easy, of course. I used to spend a lot of lost time on
the Internet, but I felt that its effects was positive, so I spent those hours anyway. Years passed. I became a
student, and I still used my documents on the Internet, so in all things. I got very good at writing documents on
the Internet and I learned to write, I guess. Also, I went to see even more plays, concerts and things that didn't
cost much (interesting event), but who could actually afford that kind of a birthdays? Finally, years passed
even more. I graduated and left school. I didn't do that because of the Internet, because Internet was a good tool
while being a student. I have a serious preoccupation with writing and I really wanted to leave my day job to
become a writer. Internet helped me to write literary works. I've gained a lot of skills and I've even got an award
from a magazine for one of my stories. Still, I went to see the world, with nothing but my resources. I was an
expert in writing at this time and I got the job of writing documentation for a software company. It was a great
job - I tried my best to write documentation for a three years (the software was due for three years, I thought).
The documentation project was beautiful, and I written many specifications, design documents, planners, etc.
Everything was great, also the people I worked with were genial. I loved the job, but then something horrible
happened. I started to download torrents. For some reasons, I downloaded from one site, and then from another.
Soon after that I understood that I needed to download more and more stuff to make a faster torrent, so I
downloaded with increased frequency, although I never actually downloaded a large amount. That wasn't bad, as
my job didn't really ask me to download huge amounts. I also never really needed to download a huge amount,
as I wrote many specifications and wrote posts that could be improved by consuming hundreds of gigabytes.
Everything seemed normal.

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