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Mo-Si-B Alloys:
blue shading on the lower-left region of
Figure 1 depicts the incremental gain in
service temperatures from such design
refinements. The orange and purple
shaded regions of the figure depict the ad-
vantages to the engine from efficient de-

Developing a sign and the use of advanced materials in

the turbine.
Today’s engines expose superalloys to
temperatures approaching 1150⬚C, while

Revolutionary the turbines themselves are able to operate

at considerably higher temperatures by dis-
tributing cooling air through the advanced
single-crystal airfoils and by using thermal-

Turbine-Engine barrier coatings. However, closer inspec-

tion of the data shown for the PW2037
through PW4084 engines reveals a new

and disturbing trend. While the rotor inlet
temperatures rose with each of these en-
gines in turn, the deviation from ideal per-
formance increased, principally as the
'HQQLV0 'LPLGXNDQG-RKQ+ 3HUHSH]NR result of necessarily increased cooling air
flow. With modern superalloys, the maxi-
mum service temperature of the metal
components has all but stagnated; thus,
$EVWUDFW continued advancement requires new ma-
the need for a high melting point and con-
trol over microstructure, the first suggests
a need to form Al2O3-based or SiO2-based
Keywords: aerospace, high-temperature materials, intermetallic alloys, materials
scales during high-temperature exposure.
development, oxidation, phase equilibria, powder metallurgy, structural materials,
The extreme application environments
turbine engines. above 1000°C render most other oxide
scales either too permeable or too volatile
to offer protection for long periods of time.
,QWURGXFWLRQ Two metal systems that may lead to a good
The invention and discovery of new measure of both material and engine per- compromise of these and other factors are
high-temperature structural metals is one formance is the amount of horsepower Nb- and Mo-based alloys. Both the metals
of the truly hard problems in materials produced as a function of the turbine rotor as pure elements and their previously de-
science and engineering. There is no par- inlet temperature, the T4 temperature of
veloped alloys have poor environmental
allel in nature to the remarkable synthetic an engine. This relationship is known for resistance that is intrinsic to their oxida-
achievements in this field, and the potential an ideal gas-turbine engine and is shown tion mechanisms (which are very different
impact of these materials on the economy, in the figure as an analytical expression for the two systems). However, silicide-
our lifestyle, and our future is enormous. and by the green line. Blue bullets in Fig- containing alloys investigated during the
More than 50 years ago, the paradigm for ure 1 represent several Pratt and Whitney last ten years show promise for both Mo
these materials was established within Ni engines that were developed from the 1940s and Nb alloys. The remainder of this ar-
alloys or superalloys,1 and, as the articles through the early 1990s. In each case, the ticle focuses on selected attributes of the
in this issue of MRS Bulletin suggest, there actual engine performance falls short of Mo-Si-B system; see the next article in this
are many reasons for attempting to estab- the ideal line because of inefficiencies in issue, by Bewlay et al., for a discussion of
lish a new paradigm that may not only the engine. Over the years, structural and Nb-based alloys.
sustain many more years of development aerothermal design advances minimized Molybdenum-based alloys such as TZM
and growth of gas turbines, but also spur leakage in the pressurized systems, opti- (Mo-0.5Ti-0.08Zr-0.03C; all compositions
new technologies enabling hypersonic mized aerothermal flows of the engine, expressed in weight percent), and others
flight and ready access to space. and took advantage of highly refined cool- without Si or B additions, are established
A look at the historical data regarding ing and coating schemes to prevent mate- high-temperature materials for inert envi-
the use of Ni alloy technologies in gas- rials from melting in the high-pressure ronments because of their excellent strength
turbine engines reveals the magnitude of turbine (see the fine cooling-hole configu- at elevated temperatures. However, the
this endeavor. As shown in Figure 1, one ration on the airfoil inset in Figure 1). The oxide MoO3 formed over the base metal is




Compositions and Alloy Phases
The phase equilibria of refractory-metal
silicides have been well studied for spe-
cific phases such as the disilicides, where
high-temperature stability is vital for oxida-
tion behavior and where low-temperature
characteristics are critical for microelec-
tronic applications (i.e., the Me3Si A15
phases for superconductivity and the
Me5Si3 structures for coatings, where Me is
a refractory metal). There is much less
known about refractory-metal borides.
While the binary refractory-metal boride
and silicide phases have high melting
temperature, elastic modulus, and hard-
ness, they also exhibit no ductility and very
low fracture toughness. Nonetheless, the
need for high-temperature structural al-
loys motivated attempts to include silicide
and borosilicide phases within alloys hav-
ing a refractory metal base. Studies of the
Mo-B-Si and Nb-B-Si systems indicated that
ternary intermetallic phases do form in
Figure 1. Core power versus turbine inlet temperature for selected gas turbine engines. The equilibrium with the refractory metal.
data for specific engines span about 70 years and are compared to the ideal or theoretical Investigations of Mo-Si-B alloys estab-
limit. The data suggest that while horsepower has increased, much of this has come from lished the Mo-rich portion of the phase di-
advanced cooling schemes (blue shaded area) and that overall turbine efficiency has
drifted down from the ideal line. Higher-temperature materials are needed to shift perform-
agram isotherm at 1600°C shown in
ance back toward the ideal limits, but those materials must be manufactured using proc- Figure 2b. Emphasis here is placed on the
esses amenable to the production of complex airfoil components such as the one shown in phase equilibria in the region bounded by
the inset (height: approx. 12 cm.). Specific power is expressed relative to mass of air flow the Mo-MoB-Mo5Si3 phases. The Mo(ss)
(neglecting fuel). 72, 73, and 74 are the fan inlet, compressor exit, and combustor exit phase has a negligible B solubility, but ap-
temperatures, respectively. 5is the ideal gas constant, and ␥ is the ratio of heat capacities, preciable Si solubility to about 3 at.% Si.
&S &Y (usually about 1.4). For a given compressor exit temperature there is a corresponding The Mo3Si phase having the A15 structure
turbine rotor inlet temperature for combustion of the fuel under stoichiometric conditions. has a limited compositional homogeneity
The numbers at the upper right of the ideal curve indicate possible compressor exit region for Si ranging from about 24 at.% to
temperatures, and the lines mark the corresponding turbine inlet temperatures for achieving
stoichiometric conditions.
25 at.% but, similarly, a negligible B solu-
bility. Much the same is true for Mo5Si3 (T1
phase), where the compositional boundary
a solid having a high vapor pressure even composites reinforced with tungsten wires extends only to ⬃37 at.% Si on the Mo-rich
below 760⬚C. Above this temperature, the and observed that while the ends of the W side. The binary boride phases also have
oxide exists in the gaseous state and is wires oxidized away over a short distance, negligible solubility for either B or Si, and
therefore nonprotective. Alternatively, in- the subsequent oxidation of the W was in- the homogeneity range of the ternary
termetallic alloys based on the compound hibited by the formation of a glassy scale Mo5SiB2 T2 phase is likewise modest. The
MoSi2 are long known to provide outstand- that plugged the cavity left by the evapo- compositional variation in the T2 phase
ing oxidation resistance at extremely high rating W. The observation suggested that with respect to the B:Si ratio in the off-
temperatures as a result of SiO2 formation. alloys of Mo prepared with silica formers stoichiometric region is mainly toward
However, extensive study of these alloys (compounds that form silica scales upon B-rich values, which is indicated by B:Si
shows there is no feasible path that can high-temperature exposure in air) and B ratio values greater than 2.0. This is con-
provide both an oxidation-resistant MoSi2 as a fluxing agent could form a protective sistent with an analysis of the stability of
alloy combined with the creep and frac- SiO2-based scale. Berczik found that sili- the T2 phase that points to the relative ease
ture resistance required for structural de- cate scales containing boron, SiO2(B), in B to Si antisite substitution, but not vice
sign.2 Thus, there has been diminishing could be formed on alloys containing versa.5 The variation in the Mo content is
engineering interest in MoSi2 alloys for the Mo-2.2Si-1.0B (wt%). In 1997, Berczik4 was limited. From the standpoints of phase
last several years. But studies of the oxida- granted a patent for a family of alloys equilibria, the ␣-Mo(Si,B) ⫹ Mo3Si ⫹ (T2)
tion behavior of alloys within the Mo-Si-B based on the Mo-Si-B system in the range Mo5SiB2 region of the Mo-Si-B system is
system are encouraging. This system could of 1.6–15.2 at.% Si and 0.0-39.4 at.% B. nearly ideal in that it consists of simple
yield alloys with an SiO2-based oxidation- Under oxidizing conditions, the intermetal- mixtures of nearly line phases or com-
protection mechanism that is distinctly lic phases present—Mo3Si and Mo5SiB2 pounds (only slight solubility range) with
different from that of the traditional Mo- (T2)—provided the necessary Si and B to stability to 1600°C or higher. A representa-
based alloys, in combination with ade- form a coating of SiO2(B) glass. The phase tive microstructure for a three-phase Mo-
quate fracture resistance. stability, processing paths, alloy proper- 14.2Si-9.6B (at.%) as-cast sample is shown
During the early 1990s, Maloney et al.3 ties, and challenges of this family of alloys in Figure 2a. The structures of the relevant
conducted investigations of MoSi2-based are described here. phases are presented in Figure 3, and the



B atoms. The structure arrangement of

these layers in T2 may be viewed as a means
to achieve efficient atomic packing be-
tween metal atoms such as Mo and metal-
loid constituents (Si and B in this case).7
Limitations exist for enriching the T2 phase
with Si, which may be related to the limited
available volume of the B sublattice, sug-
gesting a strong influence of atomic size
on the phase stability. For example, the
substitution of Mo by Nb expands the cell
volume, which results in the extension of
the T2 phase field to Si-rich compositions.
These basic phase relations identified in
Figure 2b are maintained at 1800°C with
the modification of an enhanced solubility
of Mo in the T2 phase that can be used to
Figure 2. (a) Backscattered electron image of as-cast Mo-14.2Si-9.6B (at%) alloy. develop a precipitation reaction to yield
(b) Isothermal section of Mo-Si-B system at 1600°C showing the T2 phase in equilibrium fine Mo precipitates in T2.8 The solubility
with Mo (bcc), Mo3Si (A15), and Mo5Si3 (T1) phase. change with increasing temperature also
indicates that constitutional defects are
crystal structure descriptions are summa- Figure 3c. Recently, Ito et al. successfully present in the T2 phase that can influence
rized in Table I. Naturally, many more prepared single crystals of this phase the high-temperature diffusion behavior.
attributes beyond having stable microstruc- and examined selected high-temperature Selected studies explored quaternary and
tures and reduced oxidation-rate behavior properties.6 The unit cell contains 32 atoms, higher-order alloying additions using
are necessary for these materials to be- with 20 Mo, 4 Si, and 8 B atoms situated in many of the transition-metal elements. A
come viable structural alloys. layered arrangements. Three types of summary of some of the findings is pre-
The Mo5SiB2 phase has the D8l structure, layers were identified: layer A, having only sented in Figure 4. The figure indicates
which has a body-centered tetragonal unit Mo atoms; layer B, having only Si atoms; some high-level pathways for developing
cell (space group I4/mcm), as shown in and layer C, having a mixture of Mo and engineering alloys based on our knowl-
edge of chemistry and phase stability alone.
One may choose to develop materials
within the two ternary-phase regions
shown, and within each of these, one may
select alloying elements that dissolve
within those ternary base phases, or that
introduce new phases that exist in higher-
order phase spaces. These result in the
combinations of phases or structure types
shown in the last block for the element se-
lections indicated.
Since the Mo neighbors of a Mo site in
the T2 structure are in a bcc arrangement,
it is understandable that the transition
metals exhibit similar solution behavior in
Mo and the T2 phase. However, each of
these alloys requires further exploration of
the processing–structure–property rela-
tionships and will require much greater
time to develop. Still, only a very few of
these multicomponent alloys demon-
strated an improvement in the critical oxi-
dation properties.

Kinetics of Microstructure Evolution

Unlike most structural alloys, the Mo-
Si-B alloys offer very little opportunity for
exploiting naturally occurring solid-state
phase transformations to develop desirable
properties. Figure 4 indicates that with
selected alloying, it is possible to alter the
relative phase stability to induce transfor-
mations between the intermetallic phases
Figure 3. Crystal structures of the phases present in typical Mo-Si-B alloys: (a) bcc (Mo);
[i.e., T1, T2, and D88 (a Mo5Si3 structure,
(b) A15 (Mo3Si); (c) T2 (Mo5SiB2); (d) T1 (Mo5Si3). hP16, not found in the ternary system but



with synthesis of prealloyed powders by

7DEOH , &U\VWDO6WUXFWXUH,QIRUPDWLRQIRU3KDVHVLQWKH0R6L%6\VWHP rotary gas atomization, but now ingot
processes are being investigated. Quanti-
ties of less than a few kilograms are rou-
6SDFH Strukturbericht 3HDUVRQ 3DUDPHWHUV tinely prepared by vacuum arc melting.
3KDVH 3URWRW\SH *URXS 'HVLJQDWLRQ 6\PERO QP Larger quantities up to about 30 kg have
0R EFF : Im3m $ F,  been prepared by consumable arc melting
0R6L &U6L Pm3n $ F3  and plasma arc melting with reasonable
0R6L% 7 &U% I/mcm 'O W, a ⫽  success. However, the as-solidified (or
c ⫽ 
solidified and heat-treated) ingots prepared
by those methods were prone to solidifi-
0R6L 7 :6L I/mcm 'P W, a ⫽ 
cation segregation5 and were not amenable
c ⫽  to initial efforts at hot-working.
Slightly greater success has been
stabilized by additions of Hf, Zr, or Ti)], processing to impart characteristic struc- achieved by following a variety of powder-
but the utility of the transformation is an ture length scales and to influence the con- metallurgy methods that include both
unexplored area. While the slight change stitutive response of the ␣-Mo(Si, B) phase. prealloyed powder preparation via the
in compositional homogeneity range with plasma arc rotating-electrode process and
temperature is highly desirable for high- Attempted and Planned Processes elemental powder routes that parallel the
temperature stability, it virtually eliminates Historically, Mo-based alloys are pre- standard processes for Mo-alloy produc-
opportunities for varying the microstruc- pared by synthetic reduction of Mo oxides tion. These routes require significant fur-
ture through heat treatment. Moreover, the in a hydrogen atmosphere followed by cold ther advances to achieve pilot-production
sluggish diffusion rates (D ⬍ 10–16 m2/s at pressing and sintering of the resulting pow- quantities in the 50 kg to 500 kg range.
1600°C),7,8 while attractive for thermal sta- ders. These compacts are subsequently Parallel to any such efforts there should be
bility and creep resistance, present a chal- thermomechanically processed to complete more extensive efforts to develop thermo-
lenge to microstructure modification. In consolidation and impart a significant mechanical process schedules that en-
this sense, the materials are akin to ceram- stored dislocation substructure that favor- hance ductility of the Mo(Si, B) phase and
ics and composites in that the initial syn- ably influences deformation properties. are consistent with the complete manufac-
thesis methods largely dictate the final Recrystallization of the wrought structure turing schedules necessary for aeroengine
microstructure. These synthesis methods typically leads to a reduced strain to failure. airfoil and heat-exchanger components.
are not well understood or even widely Unfortunately, such established proc- Such efforts are in their infancy. Only after
explored; however, they do present op- esses do not easily transfer to the Mo-Si-B such processes are established can the rep-
portunities for the use of thermomechanical alloy system. Exploratory research began resentative defect populations be under-
stood and component design and life
management systems be established.

Physical Properties
Because of the quite large centrifugal
forces generated in service, material den-
sity is always important for rotating tur-
bine engine structures. The Mo-Si-B alloys
of interest exhibit a density of ⬃9.5 Mg/m3,
which is about 5–7% higher than that for
the single-crystal Ni alloys now commonly
used. However, the first uses of these ma-
terials will likely be limited to static struc-
tures until sufficient experience is gained
for approaching more challenging rotat-
ing components.
The thermal conductivity of Mo-Si-B
alloys is two to four times greater
(49.9–112 W m–1 K–1, between 25°C and
1370°C) than that of many superalloys
within the temperature range of interest.
Further, the mean thermal expansion coef-
ficient is about 2.5 times lower (5.8–6.7 ⫻
10-6 m/m K) throughout the expected range
Figure 4. Schematic of alloy development paths for higher-order Mo-Si-B-X alloys. The of use temperatures. These are significant
figure suggests some high-level pathways for developing engineering alloys based upon
our knowledge of chemistry and phase stability alone. One may chose to develop materials
and favorable attributes for thermal man-
within the two ternary-phase regions shown, and within each of these, one may chose agement in heat engines. The thermal ex-
alloying elements that dissolve within those ternary base phases or that introduce new pansion behavior and high conductivity
phases that exist in higher-order phase spaces. These result in the combinations of phases open new opportunities for controlling
or structure types shown in the last block for the element selections indicated. thermal stresses and reducing cooling air,



as well as offering a potentially better ther- narrow two-phase ␣-Mo(Si, B) ⫹ Mo5SiB2 At progressively higher temperatures, the
momechanical compatibility with ceramic region or contain no ␣-Mo(Si, B) phase scale forms more quickly but also loses B
materials that will require attachments to and therefore have less opportunity for through evaporation more quickly, thus
metal components. Clearly, there is a need developing both fracture and oxidation protecting the base metal after a shorter
for new design practices suggested by resistance. transient. The lower oxygen permeability
these physical properties alone. Since these exploratory studies, there that results from a lower B content within
have been at least three mechanistic studies the scale further enhances the protection.
Environmental Properties of the oxidation behavior of alloys in the Most interestingly, Berczik et al.18 recently
To evaluate the suitability of alloys for ␣-Mo(Si, B) ⫹ Mo3Si ⫹ Mo5SiB2 region.15–17 determined that selected higher-order al-
high-temperature exposure in oxidizing Results show that the oxidation resistance loying additions have an important favor-
environments, two quantitative metrics of for these alloys derives from a delicate bal- able effect on the rapid transient during
oxidation damage are used: weight change ance established during transient oxidation which SiO2(B) forms at high temperatures.
per unit area and time; and recession rate, behavior. The alloys form a B-containing These additions can result in a metal-loss
or rate of thickness loss from a flat specimen SiO2(B) scale over a range of temperatures rate of approximately 1 ␮m/h at 1370°C—
per unit time. The ␣-Mo(Si, B) ⫹ Mo3Si ⫹ and Mo:B:Si ratios. However, the rate of an interesting finding to explore.
(T2)Mo5SiB2 alloys exhibit an interesting scale formation, its permeability to oxygen Below temperatures of ⬃500°C, the oxida-
oxidation response as determined by these and oxidized species, and the loss of B from tion rates for these alloys are so slow that
two measures. Beyond an initial transient the scale over time are all critical factors that they are of little consequence to engineering
time period, they exhibit parabolic-rate establish the metal loss during early tran- structures. However, between ⬃500°C and
kinetics for selected temperatures (in the sients and the protective nature of the scales 650°C, a MoO3(Si, B) scale forms that is
weight-change experiment). The kinetic formed. These findings are summarized in non-protective. Between 650°C and 750°C,
rate attained at temperatures above Figure 5. At temperatures above ⬃650°C, there is a transient wherein MoO3(Si, B)
⬃1000°C is sufficiently slow that the mate- the oxidation rates of alloys having low Si begins to evaporate, and SiO2(B) does not
rials are attractive for engineering design. and B contents are controlled by evapora- yet form. This is the regime of rapid oxi-
However, unlike most high-temperature tion of MoO3, and SiO2(B) does not form dation that is most critical for engineering
materials, this alloy class exhibits chal- as a continuous scale. However, for the Si use of these alloys. The future utility of
lenges with oxidation control at lower tem- and B levels of interest, several different these materials is critically tied to either
peratures where the oxidation rates can be limiting behaviors may occur depending creative engineering design practices that
linear. upon the temperature. At temperatures minimize exposure times and the effects of
The early engineering evaluations of above ⬃750°C, the mechanistic process is rapid oxidation in this narrow tempera-
oxidation properties gave mixed results tied to B, Mo, and MoO3 loss through the ture regime, or future inventions and dis-
for these alloys. Berczik4 measured reces- SiO2(B) scale that forms continuously over coveries that may permit control of this
sion rates of ⬃3048 ␮m/100 h for a the surface. Rates of metal loss are faster behavior through alloying or surface engi-
Mo-10.8Si-24.9B (at.%) alloy, which is near at low temperatures because the rate of neering. Clearly, further developments are
the stoichiometric Mo5SiB2 composition SiO2(B) formation is low, and its perme- warranted, and a variety of other environ-
at 1093°C. Examining three-phase ␣- ability is high because of a high B content. mental properties, such as sulfidation,
Mo(Si, B) ⫹ Mo3Si ⫹ (T2)Mo5SiB2 alloys,
Schneibel et al.9 reported poor oxidation
behavior for alloys for which the material
was completely consumed after 24 h
exposure in air at 1200⬚C or 1300⬚C. How-
ever, three alloys [Mo-10Si-18B, Mo-14Si-
10B, and Mo-17Si-4B (at.%)] survived and
exhibited only modest weight losses.
Microstructural evaluation of these alloys
showed that the oxidation resistance might
be sensitively tied to the exact phases
present (the details remain unresolved).
Fortunately, Berczik10 also examined
higher-order and multiphase alloys and
found that the best oxidation resistance at
1093⬚C and 1370⬚C occurred for the Mo-
10Ti-6.3Si-8.1B (at.%) composition. He
later found11 that the alloy Mo-0.14Hf-
6.1Si-7.9B (at.%) showed a recession rate
of 450 ␮m/100 h at 1093⬚C, and that alloys
containing 3 wt% Si and 3 wt% Hf exhibit
recession rates of only 75 mm/100 h, which
stimulated much of the current interest in
this alloy system. Several other studies12–14
Figure 5. Oxidation mechanism map in temperature–composition space for selected Mo
examined Mo-Si-B alloys having composi- and Mo-Si-B alloys. For Mo-Si-B alloys, solid MoO3 scales form at low temperatures. At
tions that reside outside of the three-phase slightly higher temperatures, MoO3 is a gaseous phase and evaporates, but temperatures
␣-Mo(Si, B) ⫹ Mo5SiB2 ⫹ Mo3Si region, are too low for SiO2(B) scale formation. Thus, oxidation rates are high. At temperatures
but these are of lesser interest as structural above 750°C, a SiO2(B) glass scale forms that offers varying levels of oxidation protection
materials since they exist within either a as boron increasingly evaporates from the scale at progressively higher temperatures.



behavior in moist-air environments, and values for alternating stress versus cycles must focus upon three pervasive aspects
the effects of high-velocity gas streams, still to failure (SN curves) for a Mo-6Si-8B of structural materials technologies: per-
require evaluation and understanding. alloy and found the fatigue strength to be formance, affordability, and reliability.
about 45% greater than that for the TMZ For Mo-Si-B alloys, the challenges to
Mechanical Behavior Mo-based alloy. materials performance are tied foremost
It is premature to comment on the me- Mendiratta et al.21 studied Mo-12Si-12B to the processing of the alloys into compo-
chanical properties of Mo-Si-B alloys in and Mo-11Si-11B compositions, making nents. These alloys appear most likely to
any depth. While it is commonly expressed simple estimates of creep rates for mate- succeed by achieving dispersed intermetal-
within the materials science community rials prepared by arc melting and heat lic phases of a controlled maximum size
that material structure controls properties, treatment. At 1200⬚C/100 MPa, the com- with low interconnectivity, and by doing
structural materials metallurgists know pressive creep rate was 1 ⫻ 10⫺9/s; at so for complex engineered structures such
well that this is only true when defects 1300°C/100 MPa, it was about 1 ⫻ 10⫺8/s. as the airfoil shown in Figure 1. There may
are treated integrally as a constituent of These are outstanding results that illus- also be a requirement for particular defor-
structure, and Mo-Si-B alloys are no ex- trate the potential advantage of these al- mation processes to impart greater ductil-
ception. As already mentioned, these are loys over superalloys and niobium-based ity to the ␣-Mo(Si, B) phase. The challenge
low-ductility alloys for which the known systems. is similar to that faced by the discontinu-
mechanical properties are heavily influ- While published data are sparse, perhaps ously reinforced metal composites commu-
enced by the underdeveloped processes a few conclusions can be drawn about the nity, but with more severe restrictions on
used for alloy exploration. Current alloys mechanical behavior of these materials. viable process routes for extreme proc-
usually possess microstructures consist- First, irrespective of the process path, the essing temperatures. Clearly, inventions
ing of 10–50 ␮m diameter grains of bcc brittle-to-ductile transition temperature is are needed; thus, the time to readiness is
␣-Mo(Si, B) surrounded by, or co- likely to be high (above ⬃800°C), simply as unbounded.
continuous with, a nearly continuous a result of the refractory-metal base and the Provided that processes favorably evolve,
necklace of the Mo5SiB2 and Mo3Si phases brittle intermetallic phases present. Further, the mechanical properties are likely to be
3–10 ␮m in size. Thus, yield strengths the only conclusion that can yet be drawn useful in structural design only with a
cannot be measured in tension below tem- about processing–structure–property re- modified design practice that moves be-
peratures of ⬃1100°C, since processing lationships is that no systematically sup- yond the damage-tolerance approaches
flaws lead to early onset of fracture for ported conclusions can be drawn and that dominate the present-day aerospace
most alloys. Compression tests indicate much more work is needed. Finally, the community. These approaches, which try
that the yield strength varies approximately very few studies of crack-growth resis- to forecast the useful life of the component
linearly from ⬃1500 MPa at room tempera- tance for Mo-based alloys indicate high based on the growth of a minimal flaw in
ture to ⬃400 MPa at 1370°C, which gives a values of Paris law slopes, thus indicating the most severely loaded volume of the
density-normalized strength of 43–158 MPa/ challenges for today’s damage-tolerance- component, are relatively stagnant and in-
Mg/m3 over the temperature range. Low- based design practices. Alternative ap- capable of treating materials that do not
temperature fracture strengths are com- proaches that design for crack initiation have useful crack-growth lives in the Paris
monly measured at ⬃600 MPa; however, and propagation in the near-threshold law regime. Unfortunately, virtually all
these are likely to vary considerably as regime are needed. Developing this design new high-temperature structural alloys,
processes mature. Further processing de- system may pose the greatest challenge including composites, intermetallics, re-
velopments are required to determine to the introduction of these materials, fractory alloys, and ceramic composites,
what strength and tensile-ductility values irrespective of creep behavior and other fail to meet that criterion. Further, many of
can be achieved for selected alloy and properties. these (including the Mo-Si-B alloys) may
component configurations. require methods that place primary re-
There have been several studies of frac- &KDOOHQJHVIRU0DWHULDOV liance on coating systems and surface
ture toughness, impact resistance, and 'HYHORSPHQW treatments, not simply for life extension as
most recently, fatigue strength for simple In this centennial year of flight, it is ap- in current practice, but also for meeting
ternary Mo-Si-B alloys. Perhaps most no- propriate to ask: What technological ad- basic mission requirements. There could
table among these is the study by Choe vances are seen for the future of aviation? be ample opportunities to test such revo-
et al.,19 which indicates fracture-toughness While complete answers are beyond the lutionary technologies within uninhabited
values in the range of 4–7 MPa m1/2 at scope of this focused view of Mo-Si-B al- air vehicles; however, such opportunities
room temperature and of 7–12 MPa m1/2 loys, one answer alluded to here is “too have yet to emerge. Nonetheless, these ad-
at 1300°C. In the past, comparably low few,” if design is constrained by today’s vancements will take time, since the
fracture-toughness values for other mate- materials and processes. Development en- development of new design systems for
rials proved to be an obstacle to the suc- gineering of high-temperature structural components that risk human life in service
cessful design of turbine-rotor hardware. materials has somehow lost the fashion- is necessarily and justifiably a protracted
This study also reports rather high values able position in the scientific community process.
of fatigue-crack-growth thresholds, rang- that it held a decade or more ago. Thus, Materials affordability is determined by
ing from 4 MPa m1/2 to ⬃8 MPa m1/2 the prospects for further advance will in too many issues to treat here, but a few
at room and elevated temperature, respec- large part be determined by how the gov- may be mentioned. For Mo-Si-B alloys,
tively, for an R 苷 0.1, 25 Hz testing condi- ernment and aerospace companies ad- first-order affordability will be dictated by
tion. (R is the ratio of maximum to dress the financial and technological how closely the required processes match
minimum cyclic stress in a fatigue test). challenges facing the aerospace sector. current production processes and equip-
Crack-growth-rate slopes in the Paris law There should be no doubt that a sustained ment for refractory alloys. Further, the
regime are in the 40–60 range between advance in aeropropulsion capability will volume of production and its expected
room temperature and 1300°C. One unpub- not occur without a materials-centric tech- change with time must also match the
lished study by Kumar et al.20 determined nology readiness effort. Any such effort infrastructure evolution in the metals sup-



ply industry. Next, the alloys will un- balance of properties. While developing termetallics 7 (1999) p. 153.
doubtedly require a high level of quality appropriate processes for these alloys 13. M. Akinc, M.K. Meyer, M.J. Kramer, A.J.
control to succeed, since they are funda- dominates current activity in the area, a Thom, J.J. Huebsch, and B. Cook, Mater. Sci.
mentally rate-sensitive, low-ductility ma- complete demonstration of not only mate- Eng., A A261 (1999) p. 16.
14.V. Supatarawanich, D.R. Johnson, and C.T.
terials. However, maintaining the desired rials performance (properties) but also af- Liu, Mater. Sci. Eng., A A344 (2003) p. 328.
quality must not add significant cost to the fordability and reliability is required for 15. M.G. Mendiratta, T.A. Parthasarathy, and
product. Finally, there will be some inertia their further advance. These alloys are D.M. Dimiduk, Intermetallics 10 (2002) p. 225.
resisting the introduction of Mo-Si-B alloys, among the broad spectrum of advanced 16. T.A. Parthasarathy, M.G. Mendiratta, and
which is associated with the experience materials that appear to require a new D.M. Dimiduk, Acta Mater. 50 (2002) p. 1857.
with and confidence in established Ni foundation for design that focuses on 17. J.S. Park, R. Sakidja, and J.H. Perepezko,
alloys. Ni alloy airfoils are approximately the specialized requirements for crack- Scripta Mater. 46 (2002) p. 765.
a $3 billion per year (or more) industry intolerant materials. 18. D.M. Berczik (unpublished).
that will not easily be displaced or even 19. H. Choe, J.H. Schneibel, and R.O. Ritchie,
$FNQRZOHGJPHQWV Metall. Mater. Trans. A 34A (2003) p. 225.
complemented, regardless of the potential 20. K.S. Kumar, Brown University (private
performance benefits offered by the new We gratefully acknowledge several
alloys. useful and insightful discussions with 21. M.G. Mendiratta, P.R. Subramanian, T.A.
The reality of the aerospace sector, de- Drs. M.G. Mendiratta, P.L. Martin, T.A. Parthasarathy, and D.M. Dimiduk (unpub-
fense included, is that the structural alloy Parthasarathy, R. Dutton, and R. Sakidja lished).
technologies employed often place high regarding progress and prospects for 22. P. Villars and L.D. Calvert, Pearson’s Hand-
levels of financial capital and human life these new high-temperature materials. book of Crystallographic Data for Intermetallic
at risk. Thus, all structural alloy technolo- Special thanks are due to D.M. Berczik for Phases (ASM International, Materials Park, OH,
gies evolve within regimented processes sharing his extensive experience and un- 1985). ■
that restrict risk and quantify component published results. This work is sponsored
reliability. The methods for doing this are by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
intimately tied to the material choices, but (AFOSR Task #2306-AL and contract
all of the ultrahigh-temperature materials F33615-01-C-521 for D.M. Dimiduk and
treated in this issue bring the need for a grant F49620-03-1-0033 for J.H. Perepezko),
new set of lifetime and reliability assess- which is gratefully acknowledged.
ment technologies. What may be less ob-
vious is that they also bring a common 5HIHUHQFHV
need for growth in the design and reliabil- 1. C.T. Sims, N.S. Stoloff, and W.C. Hagel, eds.,
Superalloys II (John Wiley & Sons, New York,
ity practices, away from the historically 1987).
proven low-risk methods for ductile mate- 2. J.J. Petrovic and A.K. Vasudevan, Mater. Sci.
rials. Ductile materials sustain useful lives Eng., A A261 (1999) p.1.
within a crack-growth regime that is de- 3. M. Maloney and D.M. Berczik (unpublished).
termined by inspection. However, the 4. D.M. Berczik, U.S. Patent No. 5,595,616 (Jan-
new materials require unproven (perhaps uary 21, 1997).
even currently unknown) practices for es- 5. J.H. Perepezko, R. Sakidja, S. Kim, Z. Dong,
sentially brittle materials and demand and J.S. Park, in Structural Intermetallics 2001,
that components be designed within the edited by K.J. Hemker, D.M. Dimiduk, H.
Clemens, R. Darolia, H. Inui, J.M. Larsen, V.K.
probabilities of crack initiation and crack- Sikka, M. Thomas, and J.D. Whittenberger (The
growth-rate thresholds. These, in turn, are Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warren-
dictated by the statistical aspects of the mi- dale, PA, 2001) p. 505.
crostructure and by processing nuances. 6. K. Ito, K. Ihara, M. Fujikura, and M. Yam-
Considerable time may be necessary to es- aguchi, in Structural Intermetallics 2001, edited
tablish and prove the required new meth- by K.J. Hemker, D.M. Dimiduk, H. Clemens, R.
ods. Interestingly, perhaps one of the best Darolia, H. Inui, J.M. Larsen, V.K. Sikka, M.
measures of the community’s success in Thomas, and J.D. Whittenberger (The Minerals,
this regard is the evolutionary advance of Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA,
2001) p. 441.
␥ -titanium aluminide alloys and the chal- 7. R. Sakidja, S. Kim, J.S. Park, and J.H.
lenges they have faced in a similar vein. Perepezko, Defect Properties and Related Phenom-
ena in Intermetallic Alloys, edited by E.P. George,
6XPPDU\ H. Inui, M.J. Mills, and G. Eggeler (Mater. Res.
Ultrahigh-temperature materials offer Soc. Symp. Proc. 753, Warrendale, PA, 2003)
pervasive enabling capabilities to the aero- p. BB2.3.1.
space and power-generation sectors of the 8. R. Sakidja, H. Sieber, and J.H. Perepezko,
For more information, see
economy. Pursuit of them is worthwhile, Philos. Mag. Lett. 79 (6) (1999) p. 351.
but replacing Ni-based alloys is a difficult 9. J.H. Schneibel, C.T. Liu, D.S. Easton, and
problem for both technical and financial C.A. Carmichael, Mater. Sci. Eng., A A261 (1999)
p. 78.
MRS Materials Connections
reasons. The oxidation resistance of se- w w w. m r s . o r g / g a t e w a y /
10. D.M. Berczik, U.S. Patent No. 5,693,156
lected Mo-Si-B alloys is truly remarkable,
(December 2, 1997). Your source for Materials Research-Related Information!
given the nature of conventional Mo alloys 11. D.M. Berczik, in Proc. of the U.S.–Japan
in general, but there are still challenging Research news, materials data sources,
Workshop on Very High Temperature Structural materials Web site database,
issues associated with their processing, Materials, Turtle Bay, HI, December 9–11, 1998 meetings calendar, and more.
low-temperature (⬃700⬚C) oxidation be- (private communication).
Check it out today!
havior, and the need to obtain a useful 12. M.K. Meyer, A.J. Thom, and M. Akinc, In-


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