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Learning from Failure

❏ Be ready to listen.
❏ Write your answers in the second column.
❏ Remember to use proper grammar and edit your work!

Question Answer

1. Before we watch the video, write I am usually angry and disappointed with myself. But, I also realize
down how you feel when you don’t that we learn from failure and not from success. If we come across
pass a test or a course or if you adversities, we can overcome it by learning from it. I try to think this
don’t make a team or get a job you way now instead of catastrophizing and cannibalizing every little
applied for. thing I did wrong. Failure isn’t a bad thing, it’s room for change.

2. Provide examples of people who ● J.K Rowling: Rowling was a broke, depressed, divorced
seem like “overnight” successes single mother simultaneously writing a novel while studying
but first had to deal with failure. for school. She is now one of the richest women in the
world, she didn’t write all of the Harry potter novels and
made her way to success overnight.
● Micheal Jordan: He wasn’t able to make his high school
basketball team and confessed that he missed thousands of
shots and lost hundreds of games. He has made mistakes
all of his life. He never shot every shot and won every
game, he worked for it.
● Bill Gates: He is one of the Richest people in the world, but
he didn’t magically become lucky and build a massive
fortune: he worked hard for it - and experienced failure
along the way. His first project failed and didn’t make any
money. It wasn’t successful, but it did provide a learning
experience that Gates and his partner used for their next
venture -- Microsoft. What if Gates packed it in and called
it a day after he failed? If that happened, I can promise
you that his net worth and our technology landscape
wouldn’t be what it is today.

3. How can you learn from failure? ● Lets say that you take a test on adding fractions and you
Example 1 got the entire test wrong because you make one little
mistake. You have now learnt a huge, huge lesson: maybe
you totally forgot that you need a common denominator to
add fractions, no you know you will not make that mistake
again because you remembered it.

4. How can you learn from failure? ● The creator of this presentation, Vanessa Vakharia, failed
Example 2 and failed math in highschool. She thought that she would
never be good at math and got a 56% on her grade 11 math
course, she failed not one, but 2 times. She is now a
dedicated teacher, published author and a leading expert in
the field of youth engagement. She is the founder and CEO
of her company ‘Math Guru’ and is a frequent speaker at
math conferences. She loves mistakes and failure, for her it
is always a new opportunity and stepping stone towards

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