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All facts that are relevant maybe be admissible but a fact maybe be admissible but not

relevant" and Try to highlight the distinctions between admissibility and relevancy in the
Indian law of evidence.

Relevance evidence is the evidence which is the facts which seems to be practically relevant
to the case or makes a reality obligated to be legitimate. The relevant proof is commonly
admissible to the court and irrelevant proof is never acceptable. There can be relevant facts in
connection with the facts of the case but it is not necessary that all the relevant facts are
admissible or admitted in the court. It is found on the basis of the rationality and human
experiences and mainly emphasise on what facts are necessary to prove before the court of
law and what is not.

On the other hand, admissibility is the function of the court where the court may dismiss a
certain fact, or may be bound under law to accept certain relevant facts. Rule of admissibility,
the court may concede certain facts from the pool of relevant facts and now and again court is
limited by the law to concede such facts to deliver justice. It is based on law rather than
human experiences. And it mainly focuses on what facts admissible and what are not, it’s
mainly an effect.

Ram Bihari v State of Bihar

This is the case in which, the Supreme Court observed that the relevance of facts and
admissibility of the same are synonyms to each other but their legal implications in practical
nature are different from each other, and also elaborated on the point that the admissible facts
may not be relevant.

Hence, the relevancy of facts is a test for admissibility. The topic of admissibility is one of
the laws which is controlled by the Court of law. Evidence is regarded as the most important
while deciding cases over many years; therefore, the power vested on the managing official
in choosing whether a proof is acceptable or not is massive and must be limited through rules.
Every single bit of proof which is related to the case must be admissible whether it is found
through unlawful hunt or some other methods. There are many people among us who elude
the eyes of law forever because of inadmissible evidence.

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