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The dark mysterious man

I Woke up in the middle of the night from a strange noise I heard upstairs. My body told me
to go check it out, I went looking for the origin of the abnormal noise. My heart was going
insane, and I was so scared but still so curious. When I walked into the living room, I found a
broken window I was sure someone had got in through the window, looking out the window I
saw a mysterious man, the man had an all-black outfit with a balaclava on. It only took a few
seconds before he realized that someone had spotted him, and he fled.

I just stood there watching when I heard someone come up behind me "Fred what are you
doing?" I was delighted there was no assassin behind me it was my cousin wondering what
the noise was. I was still astounded by the broken window, but I told her that a bird had
crashed into the window and broken it. When I woke up the next day something was off, but I
couldn't tell what, so I tried calling my cousin's name but got no response. I got on my
apparel and went to the window, but it was restored and good as new. I first thought it was all
a dream but when I glimpsed out the window, I saw the imprints in the snow. When I was
working that evening, I was serving a customer that looked precisely like the individual from
last night, I saw he had a nametag with the name "Agent 43 HC".

After I was done serving the man, I left work instantly and went to do some research. I
searched up Agent 43 HC, and all I found was this article about a secret organization this
organization had the name "Hilfiger's Castle". There was not a lot of information, but I found
out that the agents used to help people and sell drugs. I had neither. This was still shocking,
and I couldn't comprehend why they did it. I had no idea what happened, but I would get a
big hint in not a lot of time.

That same night I took some sleep medicine since I was not able to sleep. My dream as a kid
was always to be a fisher but it was kind of hard where I was from. I needed some rest since I
was applying for my dream job. After I woke up, I felt fresh and ready to go, so I went to the
job interview. On the bus, I saw the mysterious man sitting beside an old lady. My body
wanted to go up to him to confront him, but my brain stopped me. He gave the old lady a big
amount of cash, I got my confidence up and went up to him.

My confidence was extremely high, and I asked why he had broken my window with a
threatening voice. He seemed scared and said the following "Sorry man, I had broken it on
accident when I was testing out my air pistol". I just stood there with my eyes wide open. He
followed up with "I also paid somebody to fix it the same night, so I was hoping that you
wouldn't get mad." After a few seconds I said it was fine and asked him what he does for a
living, I was still trying to understand what was happening. He answered, "I am a personal
assistant, and I help old people with problems they can't tell the feds". He quickly fled as I
was trying to ask him a follow-up question. He went on the train, and I have not seen him
since that.

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